Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 38 The storm is coming

"Mr. Lincoln, you have lost a lot of weight." James said slightly exaggeratedly while holding the president's son whom he had saved.

"Weili, don't pester Mr. Howlett, come down quickly." Mrs. Mary called her son's nickname with a smile in her eyes, and on the other side she grabbed the youngest child, Thomas Lincoln, who was throwing himself at James.

He looked at the two children laughing and playing around Mrs. Lincoln, and the loving eyes on Mary's face, and he secretly made up his mind.

"Quick! James, Miss O'Hara, try this dessert. Last time James came here because - haha, I must try it this time." President Lincoln almost mentioned what happened when James came to the White House for the first time. Strange story, think about it and it’s better not to mention it.

After dinner, O'Hara and Lady Mary went to play with the two young gentlemen at the request of them. James and Lincoln looked at each other with a sly smile and took out their respective cigar boxes.

"Taste this from me, Cabanas."

James picked up one and handed it to Lincoln. The president put away his plain wooden cigar box and took it with some surprise.

"There aren't many of them. Now we give priority to supplying them to several European royal families. Relations between the United States and Europe have become very tense in recent years, and there are very few available." Lincoln put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, and the wrinkles on his face were all gone. Showing satisfaction, he cut the cigarette skillfully.

"The Governor-General of Canada will give me some every year, but I think the taste is still not that good. I am going to send people to Cuba to find a good place, carefully make some good things, and not sell them to the outside world."

James said while lighting his cigar. He now has extremely high requirements for the quality of cigars. This thing is different from cigarettes that pass through the lungs. The main thing is to open your mouth to taste and smell the aroma. And his special olfactory ability has led to excessive standards for cigar tasting, and inferior cigars cannot be put into his mouth at all.

Mr. President took two puffs, blew out a smoke ring with great interest, and said with some sigh: "You capitalists will enjoy it. If you really make good cigars, remember to give me two boxes to try. "

"Don't worry, I'll cover all the money you smoke every year from now on." James smiled, and the earlier thought came to his mind again.

"Hahaha, a little is enough. Mary will talk about me if I smoke too much." Lincoln laughed and talked about the interesting things about himself and Mary. He and James were very relaxed together, not only because of all the things they had faced together, but also because of all the things they had faced together. It's because of James's free and easy character.

He paused for a moment and then said: "In about a year, the South will officially surrender. Now there are only some die-hards and formal resistance left. What do you think of the post-war development?"

"Capital industry has developed rapidly, and national strength has increased rapidly. In a few decades, it will become a world-class level." James said without hesitation, without pausing, and continued: "In the next few decades, who will be the president? Everything is the same, everything will go on in line with the general trend, but after that, we will have to face the contradictions and great changes sweeping the world."

After hearing what James said, Lincoln couldn't help but be stunned. After a while, he slowly said: "Your direct and profound speculation, if it were a wise white-haired professor from Oxford College, I would still be able to accept it. But at such a young age, you boldly make such firm predictions about the development of the world in the next half century or so. It’s really scary.”

James shook his head, breathed out something unclear, looked at Lincoln and said, "It's probably not difficult to think about these things. They are nothing more than the inevitable law of productivity improvement. It's up to you, Abraham, what do you think after the civil war is over?"

"What I can do is to bridge this country. There are too many problems in such a country, which is a patchwork of colonization, immigration, and human trafficking."

"You should first think about your own safety after the war. Abraham, if you just stop here, you will become one of the greatest presidents in the history of this country, but if you really try to do that... you have to know yourself Whatever you will face in your lifetime, even in a long period of praise and criticism, you will not have a good result."

James said to Lincoln sincerely that every era has its own problems, and what President Lincoln is trying to do will be hostile to the mainstream will of the entire world.

Lincoln shook his head and said relaxedly: "You told me that history will eventually bear witness."

"Okay then, I'll try to take care of you." James said jokingly.

The residents of Jacksonville suspected that God had completely abandoned them. Not to mention the dozens of people who had gone missing in the town during this period, they also heard from everyone that a "monster" like an iron tower had arrived two days ago.

The police chief led his people along the so-called monster's route and came to the "haunted house" that no one in the town dared to approach. Sheriff Red Stern, who was initially skeptical, worried that he might not have enough men and guns when he saw the situation in front of him.

This so-called haunted house seems to have been bombarded by shells. There are traces of violent damage around the door of the house. The door panel is on the ground. From the outside, the house looks like peering into a deep cave.

There are many holes around the house that seem to have been broken from the inside. The wooden planks and tiles on the roof are messy and protruding. The whole house is somewhat sunken. It may be that the foundation of the house has collapsed.

The most terrifying thing was the faint whistling sound coming from the deepest part of the house.

It was a low roar similar to that coming from the chest of a large carnivore. No one could tell what kind of beast it was, but it must be very huge. Because this low whistle carries a vibration with a certain frequency, it makes the whole building seem to be shaking gently, and it continues all the time.

For three whole days, Sheriff Stern had not had a good night's sleep since he found this place. The vibrating roar in the haunted house did not stop during these three days. He had some firm guesses that this unknown beast might be here. It was sleeping, so the sound should be its snoring, and there was a faint strange sound like grinding teeth, which made him more sure of his judgment.

For the safety of all the people in the town, he could only arrange for people to guard here in turns. As for the monster giant man like an iron tower at the beginning, he had long forgotten it.

Suddenly, the air became extremely quiet, making the two police officers who were accustomed to the sound somewhat unresponsive. They suddenly turned their heads to look at the mansion, and saw a vague shadow walking out in the darkness.

That's actually a person? A man so tall that his head hit the door frame, with short brown-black hair, a messy beard, a broad face, thick eyebrows, and deep-set eye sockets. His body was too broad, his arms were extremely thick and long, and his fingers were a bit strange, as if they were covered with something sharp.

The two were stunned for a moment. Where is the beast? They did not directly connect the giant man in front of them with the monster in the room. After all, although the man in front of them was too exaggerated in appearance, he was still a human being. The low thunderous roar that had been heard in the past few days could not be... It's from people.

The giant man's stride was very long, and the two of them were stunned for a moment before the man had already walked in front of them. The two police officers raised their heads in discomfort and looked at the man in front of them with a grin and opened his mouth, revealing extra thick and long canine teeth.

A strange thought came to their minds for no apparent reason: He seemed hungry.

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