Marvel Reverses Wolverine

Chapter 32 Heart like a drum

James looked at the green and black arm that penetrated his chest, and a mouthful of blood came up in his throat and sprayed on Adam. At this time, he smelled Adam's unique stench and felt nauseous.

"It tastes so good! It's better than ever!" Adam said intoxicatedly as he sipped the fingers he pulled out of James' chest.

At the same time, he suddenly looked at James in astonishment. He made a hole as big as a punch in the opponent's chest, and it began to slowly heal visibly to the naked eye.

Adam said with extreme resentment: "You are indeed the same as me. A being like you would give up the opportunity to become a god with me. How stupid!"

Victor on the other side was both relieved and surprised, his eyes were very complicated. Of course he knew in his heart that James must be different from ordinary humans. No matter where he got those magical training skills, if he was just an ordinary human, no matter It is possible to achieve such exaggerated strength, speed and physical toughness.

He had never seen James injured before. Even when faced with a large number of vampires, James was able to remain unscathed.

But seeing that his healing speed was significantly faster than his own, Victor couldn't help but think about the connection between the two again...

In just over ten seconds, James recovered everything as before. He also felt a little emotional. Whether it was this life or a previous life, this was the most serious injury he had ever suffered. Wolverine's self-healing power is indeed strong.

And Adam's strength after revealing his true form also made him deeply afraid. At that moment of attack, James really didn't follow up. If he wanted to defeat Adam, it seemed that he could only try the boxing skills brought by the transformation. That kind of power...

Adam's scarlet tongue licked the blood on his arm for the last time, as if he didn't intend to give James a chance to breathe again. He waved his bat wings and swooped down again. Other vampires also continued to attack Victor, looking at the terrifying form and power of the ancestor, Attacking harder and harder.

Compared with Victor's current advantageous state, James was completely beaten by Adam. Adam no longer needed to rely on speed to attack with thrusts. Even if they were fighting together, they still had the complete upper hand. At this moment, he was attacking from all sides. All physical abilities greatly exceed James's.

Bang bang! Poof! boom!

James struggled to resist Adam's direct attack. Although the force of his counterattacks from time to time could still cause damage to Adam, it was much lighter than before.

After Adam transformed into a prototype, his physical strength increased significantly. When faced with James' strange attack, his bones and tendons would no longer be broken. With the vampire's self-healing speed, it was no longer affected.

And James' body was torn apart crazily by Adam. His chest, abdomen, shoulders and back were constantly punctured, and his face was scratched and torn many times. The ability to heal quickly made this battle extremely long-lasting and "boring." ".


James took advantage of Adam's claws getting stuck in his shoulder bones, squatted down, picked up Adam's armpits, and threw him into the carriage like a piggyback throw. The roof of the train was completely knocked open. This battle had already destroyed the train. This train was completely destroyed.

Whoosh! Adam fluttered his wings and flew into the air, flapping his bat wings and looking at James arrogantly.

"Howlett, you have no chance. No matter how quickly you heal, it can't change the gap between us. You are now a target that can withstand beatings! I will tear you apart and bite off your head. Look. Let’s see if you can grow another one!”


Boom! Boom!

Bursts of dull noises came faintly, the rhythm became faster and faster, and the sounds became clearer.

James ignored Adam. He stood on a rare intact car roof, with stern eyes and clenched fists. The thumping sound, like a drum, came from his chest, which was the beating of his heart. sound.

After the boxing technique has been transformed, the human body will enter a new state. The so-called strength will circulate in the body, and the activation of dark strength will be easier. Not only can a "fist" be punched anywhere on the body, it can reach a It has the effect that no flies can lie close to the body, and the physical energy will be greatly increased, which is qualitatively different from ordinary people.

After James' kung fu practice reached the realm of transformation, his energy and blood were so abundant that he couldn't believe it. He had never used all his strength before.

The air seemed to be distorted by the high temperature, and James' figure became a little swaying in the moonlight, as if swinging in the hot flames. Transparent air waves invisible to the naked eye were constantly generated all over his body, spraying out from every inch of his skin and every pore. The exaggerated beating speed and frequency of the heart impacted the majestic energy and blood to the limbs and bones, and the half-length black hair began to float vaguely.

Adam also had an instinctive sense of danger regarding James' state at this moment. He did not wait any longer and attacked with all his strength without any remaining energy.


James made his hand like a palm knife, turned slightly sideways, drew Adam's bat wing, and neatly cut off the fleshy wing.

"Ah!" Adam howled in pain, thick black blood spurted out from the severed wound, and the broken half of the wing fell to the ground and quickly turned into corrupt tissue.

"Damn it!"

Adam started a crazy attack. James's state seemed to have improved his physical ability to a certain extent. He was faster and stronger, but it did not reach or even surpass Adam's level, but there was a needle-like glow everywhere around him. Radiating power, and its intensity is far greater than before.

His attacks could still cause damage to James, but every time he made contact, his claws would be as painful as stretching into flames. The power that enveloped James' body penetrated into every piece of Adam's skin, and even the current prototype found it unbearable.

And the damage caused by every counterattack by James is explosive.

Adam's body was gradually destroyed by various blows such as drill punch, collapse fist, pendulum and whip kick. He could still heal quickly, but he could not regenerate organs, tissues and limbs quickly, and suffered large-scale penetrating wounds. and damage to internal organs is particularly difficult to heal.


James used a flaw to eat Adam alive, but then punched him on the shoulder. The entire rotator cuff was exploded by the punch, and Adam's left arm was severed. He took this opportunity to kick and swing his elbow, piercing Adam's chest. , the kick broke his right knee, and his calf was twisted and separated from his body.

Adam was finally afraid. Since his birth, he had never been so afraid except when facing his father. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he might die in the hands of Howlett.

On the other side, Victor also gradually killed the rest of the vampires. When the two remaining ones saw the miserable state of Adam's body, they howled and ran away quickly.

Victor's body was stained with red and black blood, walking proudly like a red tiger. He had mastered a new power, which seemed to be the ability that James had earlier.

Adam paid the price of a large piece of flesh and blood on his waist, tried his best to fight off James, and won a moment of respite. His arms, legs, and damaged tissues in various parts of his body are still growing slowly, and it may take several days to recover completely, which means that he has lost complete mobility at this moment.

Victor's eyes narrowed as he walked over.

James decided to put an end to Adam, completely destroying his head and body. He used the simplest method to completely smash him, and Vadoma, who had been hiding in the woods, suddenly jumped out crazily.


Vadoma screamed miserably. She rushed towards James and rushed over like a suicide. James easily exploded her brain, but Vadoma's headless body still hugged him tightly.

There was just a moment of stagnation. Adam put one hand on the ground, used one leg to pounce on Victor.

His body was affected by some strange will, and his movements stopped for a moment.


Victor's shoulder was bitten hard by Adam. The pain he had never experienced before was unbearable for even the fierce saber-toothed tiger. The moment Adam's fangs bit into his body, it seemed as if a poison was injected into him, which filled the whole body. Nerve pain is more severe than any serious injury.

James shook his shoulders and exploded the female vampire's arms. With this supplement, Adam's severed bat wings healed quickly.

"I can give you power!"

Adam said harshly in Victor's ear. He flapped his wings quickly, dragging his broken and damaged body, and quickly flapped his wings away under the reflection of the moon.

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