He needs to make some detailed plans for this revenge operation. While accomplishing his goal, he must also avoid new victims in the process.

"Master, I have mapped for you the thermal events with temperatures exceeding 3,000 degrees Celsius in the past year, and excluded the locations where Mandarin had launched attacks in SHIELD, CIA, and FBI data, and finally locked in Rose Hill, Tennessee.

The thermal event that occurred there predated any known Mandarin attack, but its thermal profile was similar to all known explosions, with instantaneous maximum temperatures reaching 3,000 degrees Celsius. "

"Very well, I need you to control a bionic robot body, go there to find Ms. Davis, the mother of the soldier who died in this incident, and get a key confidential paper document in her hand. Can you do it? ?"

"Promise to complete the mission, Master.

Also, after you asked me to conduct intrusion analysis on A.I.M's satellite receiving equipment, I successfully located the address of the source of the video shot by Mandarin, which is in Miami, Florida. "

"Well done, after getting the documents I need, go to this address to lurk, and then control all the people on site on the day I met Killian, and most importantly - control Mandarin , he is an important pawn in our final revenge plan.

Also, you said before that you hacked into the confidential databases of S.H.I.E.L.D., the CIA, and the FBI. Did you find any useful information about this series of terrorist bombings? "

"The only clues that the police and the military have about Mandarin's Ten Rings Gang come from the video images played by the other party after they hacked into the television broadcasting system.

As for the rest, there are no valuable clues. The targets of the bombings were irregular, and no pointing evidence was ever left at the scene.

However, the government seems to be taking action on this. The terrorist attacks planned by Mandarin and brazenly publicized on television have aroused public dissatisfaction.

In order to calm the people's emotions and resolve this incident as soon as possible, the government and the military launched an Iron Patriot plan, preparing to bring Colonel James Rhodes and the war machine to the forefront, build momentum to regain the trust of the people, and give them They feel safe. "

"Unexpectedly, because of my appearance, Iron Patriot actually appeared a month earlier than before. It seems that the changes caused by the wind fanned by my butterfly are getting bigger and bigger.

However, which company is responsible for the design and renovation of the new color scheme this time, the taste is too poor. The red, white and blue color scheme is so tacky and mismatched, it’s a shame that Uncle Rod can accept it and wear it all day long..."

"Master, the company that designed the modification is A.I.M." Dabai explained to Mark.

"No wonder according to the original development, Killian and his men were able to control Uncle Rhodes' armor so easily and complete the hijacking of the president.

0··········Please give me flowers0···

Why! It is said that every experience leads to wisdom. During the first transformation, I had already suffered losses from Hammer Industries. At that time, it was thanks to you, Damax, that you helped him regain control of the suit.

Not long after, I forgot the lesson I had learned before and found another company to do things. It was really..."

Mark couldn't even complain about their stupid behavior. They were so stupid. For such an important matter as suit modification, you should find people with high skills, good credit, and trustworthiness.

Who else could be more suitable than him and Tony? Both of them are mechanical geniuses and superheroes. As a result, the military actually found a biotechnology company, A.I.M., to cooperate. It was really a weird operation that was incomprehensible.

"Okay, that's the end of the plan for now. I have to go back to Stark Manor to meet with my father. There are some things that I need his help with. Ask Sideswipe to get out of the garage and get ready. It's too cold today and I don't want to use superconducting magnetic levitation. Skateboarding.

Also, be careful about what I tell you. "

"Okay master, don't worry."

Downstairs of the Mark Scientific Research Center, reporters on the scene became excited when they saw Mark's car, the Crossgun, driving out to the gate.

They all paid attention to the fact that employees responsible for charity projects of Mark Company became victims of terrorist attacks, so they flocked here in order to get first-hand news and gain hot spots and attention.

"We await the arrival of Mark Stark in hopes that he will respond to the terrorist attack that occurred this morning."

A female reporter at the scene was making a live broadcast connection in front of the cameraman's lens. Suddenly, the people around her started to commotion. For a moment, everyone rushed to the company gate of the Mark Scientific Research Center, shouting "Mark" at the same time. name. three.

Chapter 153

"Mr. Mark! Mr. Mark!"

The reporters rushed to Mark who had just walked out of the door, separating him from his car, Sidearm.

"Mr. Mark, Mandarin has once admitted to the public that he was involved in the explosion. Is there any information you can disclose to us about this?"

The blonde reporter who was doing a live broadcast just now squeezed through the crowd, raised the recording device and asked.

"That arrogant man who likes to show off has already said what needs to be revealed. Don't you think his big mouth has said enough?"

Although Mark answered the question raised by "Qi San Qi" in a calm tone, everyone who heard his words knew that Mark was furious and very angry at this time.

"So when are you going to get rid of this guy and avenge your employees? Tell me something -" A self-media reporter jumped out of the crowd and was holding a mobile phone to broadcast live.

As a new superhero, people certainly want to see Mark punish villains and eliminate evil. Who doesn’t like a script in which a hero defeats a villain?

But raising this question at this juncture, this person has obviously hit Mark's gun. Of course he wants revenge, and he must revenge vividly and thoroughly.

"I have a little holiday greeting for Mandarin, listen up - Mandarin, you may not have planned to provoke me, and you may not even know that you have provoked me until now.

But I don’t care if you did it intentionally or unintentionally, I have to solemnly remind you here that you are in big trouble. You wait to die, man, I'll kill you with my own hands.

This does not involve politics. I want to take revenge on you to vent my personal anger and revenge. After all, I am an avenger, right?

Maybe you think you are hiding very secretly, you think you are hiding and I am hiding, and you are the hunter aiming at me with a shotgun. However, I will tell you who is the hunter and who is the prey. You cannot escape my pursuit and control——"

After saying these words, Mark forced his way through the crowd, boarded the cannon and walked away, leaving only a group of reporters at the scene who cheered excitedly for the news he announced.

Back at Stark Manor, Mark went directly downstairs to the laboratory in the underground garage.

At this time, Tony is experimenting with his latest development of the Mark series of suits, Mark No. 42 - "Prodigal Son".

Previously, in order to make the suit more convenient to wear and remove, Tony had improved the suit into a design that could automatically attach to the whole body under stationary or moving conditions.

However, in order to accumulate technology and confirm the direction and route for the future nano-suit, Tony made many changes and attempts on the newly designed suit.

For example, on the Mark 33-"Silver Centurion", Tony tried for the first time to cover the surface of the suit with an energy barrier instead of relying on floating cannons to provide protection.

This is because in Tony's analysis and demonstration, although the connections between the nanoparticles that make up the nanosuit are strong enough, they cannot provide extra protection and cushioning for the wearer. By adding an additional energy barrier, it can provide A function similar to the cushioning air cushion on sneakers, improving the strength of the suit.

In addition, on the same suit, Tony also used the magnetic axis servo technology that Mark applied to Magneto and the micro-robot for the first time. 0......Using magnetic axis servo technology as a connection on the suit parts and fasteners, replacing the previous buckles, screws and nuts.

The advantage of using this technology is that it provides greater flexibility and freedom, which is very important for the free combination of nanoparticles.

As for the Mark 42 that will be tested today, more ideas and creativity have been tested on this basis.

The first is to add a thought wave receiving control device. The parts of each part of the suit can receive the thought waves released by Tony and execute the instructions, realizing the remote control function.

This is somewhat similar to a floating cannon, turning each part of the suit into an attack unit that can fight alone.

The function of mind control is also one of the basic functions for the control of nano-suits.

The second point of the experimental design carried out on the Mark 42 is the split attachment and automatic assembly of each main part of the suit.

Although the technology to realize the nano-suit has not yet been completed, by dividing the original overall suit into 0.3 parts, some simulations of the attachment of the nano-suit can be achieved.

The separate parts also use the magnetic axis servo system invented by Mark, which eliminates many screws originally used to connect the joints.

Although it is an experimental model, Mark is not optimistic about the performance of this "Prodigal Son" suit.

Not to mention how flawed this suit was in the original plot, just because it used a magnetic axis servo system to connect important joints, Mark already secretly mourned for Tony.

If it didn't fall apart when hit, Mark would be willing to stand on his head and wash his hair on the spot! .

Chapter 154

"Hey, Mark! When did you come here?" Tony, who was concentrating on the preparations, looked up and spotted Mark standing at the door.

"I have something to come to you about, but since you want to experiment with the new suit, it's just a good time to stop by and observe. I'll talk about it later." Mark explained to Tony.

"Yes, you should see the latest invention made by the great Tony Stark! You will be surprised by it.

Okay, Jarvis - implant the thought wave amplification chip in the back of my neck. "

"As you wish, sir. I have also prepared a detailed safety manual for you to ignore." While teasing Tony, Jarvis had controlled a robotic arm and implanted a chip the size of a rice grain into Tony's body. On the back of the neck.

Of course, it is impossible to leave such a job to Xiaobian, unless Tony is crazy.

At this time, Tony had not suffered any psychological shadow from the Battle of New York, and had completely removed the remaining shrapnel from his chest. It was obvious that Tony's mental state was healthier than ever.

"Okay, the experiment has officially begun. Mark, you'd better stand farther away to avoid getting hurt.

Xiaoben started the camera and started recording, adding time and date watermarks.

The test of the Mark 42 automatic propulsion attachment suit begins and the program is started. Jarvis, let’s have some music—”

Chirp ~ chirp ~ chirp! Dang~dang~dang!

To the exciting soundtrack of "Yun Gong Xun Yin", Tony twisted his body and at the same time thought - he stretched out his left hand.

Sensing the call of Tony's thought wave, the automatic propulsion system of the arm armor and gauntlet on the left hand was activated, accurately flew towards Tony's right hand, and then attached to it.

Next, I experimented with the automatic attachment of the right hand gauntlet. The effect was very good, and the recognition was accurate and successful the first time.

Two consecutive successes greatly increased Tony's confidence, "Okay, since this should be no problem, let's all join together!"

As soon as Tony thought, the leg armor of his right leg flew over immediately after being summoned and completed the automatic attachment. But then the mask on his head hit Tony's head directly because of the speed.

Tony quickly shrank his head when he saw this scene, and then blocked this "unexpected surprise" with his attached left arm armor.

"Maybe it's a bit fast. Slow down. Can't you slow down a little?" Tony, who was aware of the danger, did not dare to continue to seek death and quickly shouted to stop.

However, it seemed that it was too late to stop at this time. It was probably because the system debugging was not done well. At this time, the remaining parts of the suit were still executing the last command issued by Tony, but turned a deaf ear to the order just issued.

The various parts still flew towards Tony one after another at a relatively fast speed, and then completed their attachment. It's just that every attachment is accompanied by a heavy inertial impact, constantly impacting Tony's body.

When the armor parts under the crotch were attached, even Mark on one side couldn't help but shrink his shoulders and tighten his legs, as if he could imagine Tony's soreness at this moment.

At this time, after experiencing the fast-forward attachment of the suit, finally only the head mask that failed to attach was left, "Come on, I'm not afraid of you -"

Facing the mask parts that had been deformed in the flight path, Tony saw the right moment and rolled over. While the mask was perfectly attached, his body landed steadily in the classic Iron Man costume thirteen posture, "I am the best!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, the real last buttock part that had been missed before hit Tony directly from behind.

Tony, who was not prepared at all, was directly carried forward and landed on the ground in a somersault, and ended in a flying goose style with his butt backwards, which looked particularly unique.

0··········Please give me flowers0···

"Sir, watching you work really makes me happy as always." Jarvis's teasing voice sounded, causing a vein to appear on Tony's forehead lying on the ground.

At the same time, Mark, who had been standing by as an audience member, suppressed his laughter and squatted by the wall to laugh.

"Well, today's experiment ends here. It seems that I still need to improve the command system." Tony was a little angry and took off the helmet parts of this life, and then slammed it on the test bench.

....... 0

"I think you need to improve not only the command system, but also the propulsion system of the suit components. I think you should use a more stable pulse thruster instead of the current ion flow thruster.

The connection structure should also be replaced with my new improved three-magnetic axis servo system instead of the current two-magnetic axis system. "

"I know, I know, annoying!"

Tony, who was embarrassed by Mark's remarks, quickly changed the subject after a few responses and said: "I don't have anything to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall. Tell me what you want to do when you come to see me today? But once you start researching, you will If you are so forgetful, why would you be willing to come over suddenly? "

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