Mark's principle of eliminating this attenuation is to use a special effect produced by the convergence of three high-speed particle flows with different vibration frequencies.

The particle beam projected in this form can completely destroy the chemical bonds in any molecule, and the destroyed molecules will release energy waves. The affected molecules will continue this effect, similar to a chain nuclear reaction, and will eventually This chain reaction reaches the target that needs to be struck at the speed of light.

In order to ensure that this reaction can be terminated in time and will not spread infinitely to the chain and eventually form an energy tide that is enough to destroy the earth, Mark specially selected the decay element particle 09. After the particle decays, the amplitude and frequency of this reaction will change, thus interrupting the reaction. process.

After completing the attack system part of the space-based weapon, Mark began to continue tinkering with the anti-matter energy furnace, hoping to use it as the energy core of the entire space-based weapon.

Compared with the Ark Reactor, the antimatter energy furnace has the advantage of releasing greater energy, and the instantaneous power can reach forty-six times that of the Ark Reactor.

The shortcomings are also obvious. Due to the uncontrollable energy burst, it cannot provide stable output voltage and current.

This characteristic is suitable for particle accelerators that require instantaneous high voltage and high current to eject particles.

The research and development of the antimatter energy furnace did not bring any challenges to Mark. This is actually the same as converting the nuclear energy of the atomic bomb explosion into the nuclear energy of the nuclear power plant. As long as the originally uncontrollable matter and antimatter are annihilated and certain restrictions are added, the energy of its annihilation can be fully utilized.

For this purpose, Mark set up a reaction model through complicated mathematical calculations, and built a complete mechanical structure of the reactor through this mathematical model.

Finally, after completing the structural design of the entire space-based weapon satellite and placing the attack module and energy core into it, the complete design drawing of the high-energy particle beam space-based weapon is completed.

After all the theoretical research was completed, Mark directly threw the design drawings into Dabai's hands and asked him to order materials and accessories through the company, and then use the smart production room in the basement to produce the entire weapon.

At the same time, Mark also used Tony's connections to contact NASA and successfully obtained permission to launch a private micro.

So, on the morning of July 19, 2011, under Mark's watchful eye, four space-based weapons satellites disguised as company business satellites went straight into the sky under the antimatter power engines configured by Mark, and after several changes, After the orbit, all successfully entered the preset orbit and started normal work.

But this was not the most exciting thing for Mark today. When Mark completed all theoretical calculations and verifications in the virtual laboratory and passed the feasibility test through the computer model, he knew that the result of this matter was successful. There won't be any other options.

The event that made Mark even more emotional today came from a phone call from Nick Fury, whom he had not contacted for a long time.

"Mark, we need to confirm something with you now. Whether the nutrient hibernation chamber you traded to us can be directly used by a living person who has been sleeping in a frozen state for seventy years."

Nick Fury's tone was serious and nervous. It was obvious that he was encountering a very important matter at the moment, and the answer given by Mark would affect the direction of this matter.

And Mark already knew who the living person he was talking about who had been frozen for seventy years was. Who else could it be besides Captain America?

Counting the days, Mark couldn't remember the specific time when Captain America 710 woke up in the previous movie, but based on the fact that the Battle of New York took place in 2012, Captain America should have been discovered from the North Pole very recently.

"No, low temperature will cause the nutrient solution to penetrate into the cells and form crystals in them, causing huge irreversible damage to the cells. My suggestion is to wait for it to thaw and its body temperature to return to above 10 degrees Celsius before putting it into nutritional dormancy. The body is repaired in the cabin, so as to achieve the best repair effect."

"Understood, but if possible, I hope you can come to the headquarters immediately, so that we can feel more at ease."

"I'm in Houston, give me two hours."

"No problem, I'm waiting for you here with a surprise." Fury said mysteriously.

"..." On the other end of the phone, Mark smiled slightly and did not reply, [If you knew what the four big guys I just launched into the sky were, I think you would be more surprised than me——].

Chapter 111

Washington, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Mark, who arrived in a hurry, was carefully examining an old popsicle in front of him.

"How is it? Can we ensure that he recovers without fail?" Fury stood behind Mark and asked in a low voice.

"I'm not a clairvoyant, nor am I an old Chinese medicine practitioner. I really thought that when I looked like this for a few minutes, I was just looking, hearing, hearing, asking, and understanding!" Mark rolled his eyes and said angrily, "But I didn't expect that Captain America's butt is really perky. It’s worthy of being a meme! What about the examination report made by your previous military version of the health assistant? What does it say?”

Next to Fury, a medical doctor from SHIELD handed the report to Mark and said: "The report shows that Steve's metabolism is extremely slow, very similar to the hibernating state of some animals in nature.

There was no frostbite in the tissue, and the body's muscles and nerves had not atrophied. However, his heart rate was very weak. If he thawed rashly, it might lead to serious complications such as cardiac arrest or arterial rupture. "

Indeed, in the face of such a unique case that has been frozen for seventy years and has never been seen before or since, one cannot be too cautious.

It is a medical miracle that there was no damage to the body tissue after being frozen for such a long time under the ice with a temperature below minus 40 degrees Celsius. Although the captain's vital signs still seemed to be very stable, this was not the case in the world. Like a delicate but fragile gem, once lightly touched, it may break this delicate balance and lead to the death of the captain.

In this regard, Mark can only propose a conservative solution. If the captain Steve Rogers, who could have woken up safely, ascends to heaven due to his own reasons, Mark will feel guilty for this for the rest of his life.

"Let's do this. First, make a hole in the vein of the arm and inject glucose solution into it. Now the captain's body functions that have been dormant for a long time will be awakened. After a slow low-temperature thaw, he can be safely sent into the nutritional dormant chamber for physical recovery. Fixed.

However, the composition of the nutrient solution needs to be slightly adjusted so that it can respond to produce more energy supply and nutrient supply. For this body that has not eaten for seventy years, it needs a lot of supplements. "

Fury looked at the medical doctor next to him, who nodded, expressing his agreement with Mark's plan.

"Well, let's implement the plan you mentioned Mark." Seeing that the two authorities in front of him had already agreed to the plan, Fury also nodded and approved. He also believed that with Mark's ability, nothing would go wrong. .

Things went as smoothly as Fury expected. After undergoing physical repair in the nutritional hibernation chamber, Steve Rogers' physical condition has returned to a healthy level, and various physical indicators have reached normal standards.

In addition to the weak brain wave amplitude caused by the long period of deep sleep and the fact that the biological clock has not yet been adjusted, it has not yet fully recovered. It can be said that this time the unfreezing plan has been completely successful. The only thing left is to rely on the good medicine of time. , helped Steve gradually recover.

Looking at Captain America, who had fully recovered and was sleeping peacefully on the medical bed, Mark felt a little emotional, "The character who only existed in my imagination not only appeared in front of me, but was also resurrected by my own hands. , the surprise of fate is really wonderful.

So should I call him Grandpa Steve or Brother Steve now? "

When Fury heard Mark's words, he didn't expect that he was lamenting his past life. He just thought that Mark thought of Steve as a fictional character that only existed in comic novels. He showed two rows of big white teeth and explained to Mark: "His Tiv was not a fictional character created by the government at the time to boost morale, nor was he a fantasy person created by various writers.

At that time, Steve was a man of great merit and a legendary hero who had indeed made great contributions to victory in the war.

Moreover, he and your grandfather Howard are close friends, and they went to the battlefield together at that time. But looking at his appearance now, although it may mess up the backup, it is more appropriate for you to call him uncle. "

"` ‖Alas - you don't understand. What I said is not the same thing as what you said. But judging from how you arranged this room, are you going to tell him the truth directly?"

Looking at this room full of colors and objects from the last century, it really makes people feel like they have traveled back in time and returned to the past.

"He needs a process. If I tell him all the truth at once, I'm worried that he won't be able to accept it. After all, he owes a person a promise of dancing together for seventy years."

"But I think your method may not work. No matter how good the acting skills are, the agent who plays the nurse will never be able to express the atmosphere of that era (Zhao Dehao) if he has not lived in that era.

What's more, Captain America is a veteran. He has also been injected with the super soldier serum. Both in terms of insight and perception, he is better than ordinary agents. If you arrange this for less than ten minutes, you will definitely be defeated by him. To see through. "

"Then what do you think we should do? From your tone, I should already have a good idea."

Mark smiled mysteriously, "Have you forgotten what is the most profitable product for me? Since he wants to dance, let him dance and let him spend his whole life in the virtual world. When he comes back, When we return to reality, isn’t it easy to accept the truth?”

"Is it really possible?" Fury frowned, a little worried.

"At least it's more reliable, isn't it?".

Chapter 112

"How are the preparations going?"

"Everything is ready."

Standing in front of the workbench, Mark used a short time to build a platform through the virtual world and built a scene from the 1940s and 1950s. He also created a large number of intelligent NPCs through the character information and personality descriptions provided by S.H.I.E.L.D. .

Mark also specially loaded the AI ​​system for characters closely related to the American team, and provided hardware support through Baymax's emotion sensing engine in the background.

In the simulation experiment, even Fury could not detect any flaws, and it could be said to be flawless.

Now Mark is doing the final debugging. Once this step is completed, he can try to connect Steve's thought waves to the virtual reality host and use NERvGear to stimulate his cerebral cortex and make his thinking active again.

"The debugging is complete and the equipment can be connected." After Mark checked the last parameter, he followed the staff on the other side and said.

At this time, Steve, who was successfully thawed, has been put on the NERvGear and placed in a nutritional dormant chamber, waiting for the repair of the body and the activation of the brain.

After Mark announced that preparations were complete, the staff next to the nutritional hibernation chamber pressed the button to start the entire set of equipment. At the same time, Steve's body data and brain activity data began to be generated and transmitted to the screen in front of Mark. .

"The body function has begun to increase, and the metabolic rate is steadily increasing. When the body function returns to 48% of the default value, NERvGear's thought wave interference can be turned on to stimulate Steve's brain activity."

Mark observed the data, made various adjustments on the console, and issued instructions to tell the rest of the staff the tasks that needed to be completed and the correct timing.

When the numbers displayed on the screen reached the standard, Mark gave an order: "Okay, now turn on NERvGear and raise the thought wave interference frequency modulation to the maximum value."

"Yes!" After receiving the instruction, the staff completed their work in an orderly manner. Facing various emergencies and major tasks all year round in SHIELD, they also tempered their psychological quality to be very strong. Although their operations are related to the legendary hero The character Steve's life and death were at stake, but he was still able to maintain his working status without panicking.

With the activation of thought wave interference, the data showed that Steve's brain activity level was also soaring. "Switch the screen and open the God's perspective of the virtual world. The captain's activity level should be close to reaching the limit."


Virtual world, 1949, New York.

Opening his eyes again, what Steve saw was not a battlefield filled with smoke, nor a crowded military camp. Surrounded by walls painted with light yellow paint, on the left is an open window with white gauze floating on it. A ray of sunshine shines through the glass on his face.

He reached out and touched the bed under him. It was very soft. There was a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. Combined with the needle connected to the sling bottle on the back of his right hand, Steve quickly made a judgment in his mind: "I'm not dead." !? He was rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment——"

Then he immediately remembered Marco's name that haunted him, the woman he had agreed to dance with, "Carter..."

He was a little confused now. Steve was not sure how late he was in the coma, but what he was sure of was that he wanted to see Carter immediately, whether it was to keep an appointment or to apologize.

But at this moment, "very coincidentally" Peggy Carter held a bouquet of flowers and pushed the door open and entered the room, "Steve, you wake up!"

Seeing Steve sitting on the bed and waking up, Carter seemed very excited, and the bouquet in her hand fell directly to the ground out of shock. But she ignored it, stepped over directly, and hugged Steve tightly.

"I was so worried that you would never wake up like this. I thought our dance would never come true again (ajad)." With a cry of joy, Carter said in Steve's ear.

"It seems I'm still late..." Seeing the traces of time on Carter's face and the longing for him in her words, Steve knew that he must have been lying on the hospital bed for a long time, "Where are you now?" one Year?"

"It's 1949 now, and the Second World War is all over, because Stark helped us complete a big thing. Not long ago, the last member of the Axis Powers also announced unconditional surrender, and our Allies won the victory! "Carter held Steve's face, looked into his eyes, and happily announced this happy news to him.

"This is really good news - but, where am I?" Steve's expression suddenly became serious, and the look he looked at Carter became sharp, no longer as gentle as before.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Rogers?" Carter said with an aggrieved look.

“You have created everything perfectly, the light yellow walls that make people relax, the sunlight and bay windows that give people a hint of safety, and even the way you imitate the appearance and the way you speak is perfect.

But you missed one thing, and that was your eyes. They were not Carter's eyes. Although you tried your best to hide them, your eyes were full of false love.

Tell me, who are you and where am I now? "

This time he asked, but Steve no longer just threatened with his eyes. He grabbed [Carter] in front of him, then pulled off the needle stuck in his right hand and aimed it at [Carter]'s right eye. "Tell me the answer!"

"But the answer may be cruel -" Regarding Steve's threat, [Carter] showed no fear on her face, and even her eyes were still full of the false love he said.

"Tell me, I feel like I've been dreaming for too long and I need to be real now."

"This is the reality you want." After saying that, in front of Steve, [Carter], who had only become somewhat mature, began to quickly become older, her hair gradually became sparse and gray, and her skin became dry, wrinkled, and straight. The soldier's posture also became rickety.

Looking at this scene, Steve was speechless, and a stream of heat slid down from the corner of his eyes.


Outside, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

"Everyone, be prepared, the captain is about to break through the limitations of virtual stealth and wake up!"


This audit is really speechless. I was stuck on 107 for two days, and the day after tomorrow it didn’t show any violation. Today I was stuck on another chapter, and it also didn’t show any violation. I could only watch the background data drop. I had no choice but to feel tired... ….

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