Martial Arts Master

Chapter 29 Blizzard Twenty-Four Strikes

"Song Da!"

The shout was like a wave, whistling, almost toppled the roof of the martial arts gymnasium. Walking at the back, Lou Cheng vaguely saw the figures of Chen Changhua, Li Mao, Guo Qing and others pause. Lin Que, who spoke coldly and calmly, also slowed down his pace.

How can this situation not make people excited?

The referee was already standing in the center of the ring. He was a broad-faced man in his forties. According to the regulations of the "Martial Arts Federation", in regular matches, referees and supervisors should be at least two ranks higher than the contestants, so as to prevent accidental death and serious injury to the greatest extent. However, when the third-rank masters of the Outer Gang Realm confront each other, the role of referees and supervisors is weakened to almost nothing, and there is no requirement for rank. Means of pressing the bottom of the box.

This professional seventh-rank gentleman looked at the Songda Martial Arts Club and the Guannan College Martial Arts Club who were seated, raised his breath, and shouted in a straight voice:

"The first match between Songcheng University Martial Arts Club and Guannan College Martial Arts Club."

"Lin Que vs. Guyue!"

He didn't have Liang Yifan's ability, so he could only rely on the loudspeaker to make the sound resound throughout the audience, drowning out the waves of shouts.

With a coaxing sound, if there is a sonic boom in the venue, the atmosphere will be pushed to the highest level.

Was it a duel between the generals from the beginning?

Guyue shook his body, threw off the clothes that were draped outside, stood up in the sky blue martial arts uniform, stepped forward with long legs, and came to the stone steps of the ring in front of him.

"Gu Yue, come on!" The cheering group from Guannan College shouted loudly.

And their voices were suppressed in an instant, and every place in the martial arts venue seemed to be ignited by a raging fire:

"Lin Que, come on!"

"Lin Que, come on!"

When Guyue stepped onto the ring, he saw a black-and-white figure approaching from the opposite side. Lin Que touched the school badge pattern of "Looking at all the mountains and small" on his chest, his expression fluctuated slightly, and he calmed down immediately, and cupped his hands indifferently.

"I don't understand why you are such an idiot, and you chose Songda University. Don't you know that the martial arts club here is already synonymous with garbage dumps? If you came to our Guannan back then, you would have hoped to hit the national finals this year!" According to the usual practice, the referee announced that there would be three minutes of dialogue time before the start of the game. It could be to catch up with the old days, or to stab people with words. Gu Yue did not waste it in the battle of the soul.

Of course, there is this rule before the start of the first game, and there is no time to recover physical strength in the second and third games.

Lin Que looked at him expressionlessly, without saying a word.

"Why don't you speak, for fear of revealing your inner anger or regret?" Guyue stabbed Lin Que sentence by sentence with rubbish words, hoping to peel off the annoying "mask of calm" before the official start of the fight.


Three minutes were about to pass, but Lin Que couldn't see the slightest change on his face. This made Gu Yue feel a little frustrated, and blurted out: "Do you have autism? Or were you born deaf and dumb?"

He didn't expect an answer at first, but Lin Que suddenly spoke, his tone was cold, without any disturbance:

"There's nothing to say to the weak."

Have nothing to say to the weak? weak? After a while, Gu Yue was so angry that his eyes were blood red.

At this time, the referee stretched out his hand and pressed down:

"Game start!"

Guyue leaned forward sideways, aggressively, about to pull Lin Que into the melee range with a tough posture.

Lin Que took a step, dodged to the side, twisted his waist and swung his fists, piercing his ears with both peaks, with a momentum like golden drums beating, he went straight to Guyue's left and right temples.

Guyue was not in a hurry, his feet were rooted, his body was slightly heavy, he put his hands together to block the attack, and then he turned his palms to try to lock Lin Que with his grasping hands.

It was another walking step, Lin Que changed his position, avoided the capture, twisted his body, and kicked his opponent's lower leg low to the bone. As soon as he was blocked, he changed his position again, in the most standard and most obvious pose. fighting stance.

"Youdou...according to the collected information, his stamina is obviously not as good as mine, and youdou consumes more stamina than me to stand firm. This is his short-sighted strength? Is there any trap?" Guyue thought In a blink of an eye, his hands were like two iron plates, and with the occasional kicking skills of his feet, he kept it tight.

Lin Que took a step to the left, and Gu Yue changed his standing posture and center of gravity accordingly. At this moment, he saw Lin Que straighten his back and his spine bounce, wriggling like a boa constrictor, abruptly retracted his center of gravity, and returned to the original position , and slashed at the opening on his side with a palm.

this! Guyue was a little flustered for a moment, but his thoughts were not complicated, and his decision was decisive. His back sank, his legs bent, and he narrowly avoided the palm. He adjusted his center of gravity, raised his hands, and supported Lin Que. subsequent attacks.


Seeing no chance, Lin Que moved away again and continued to swim, making a surprise attack or two from time to time.

"It's really dangerous just now. Lin Que's control and adjustment of the center of gravity is close to the realm of alchemy. No wonder he chose Youdou because he wanted to give me a ruthless blow." Guyue held on firmly while thinking to himself, "Only Qian Being a thief every day is not the same as guarding against a thief for a thousand days, I have to create an opportunity to pull him close, I can't let him change calmly like this, maybe there will be more moths next time!"

While thinking about it, Guyue pretended to be impetuous. When Lin Que made another surprise attack, he tried to catch up and counterattack, and lost his footwork a little.

Snapped! Lin Que didn't waste this opportunity, he walked forward and came to the front, and Gu Yue was "unprepared" with a slash with his palm knife, and hit him hard at the junction of his right shoulder and right arm.

"Okay!" A burst of shouts erupted from the audience.

Amidst the sound waves, Guyue showed a ferocious smile. His left hand seemed to have been prepared for a long time. He rolled up and grabbed Lin Que's arm. With his feet stretched out, he was about to stick to Lin Que's body, giving him a deadly lean!

But at this moment, a sharp wind suddenly sounded in his ears, and countless scenes of crazy winter blizzards suddenly appeared in his mind, and there was a bit of tingling illusion on his face.

Lin Que didn't dodge or dodge, his eyes were calm and crazy at the same time, the other hand was clenched into a fist, and he came over with a roar, the momentum was overwhelming, extremely brutal, and the speed was beyond imagination!

Not daring to be negligent, Gu Yue made a little trade-offs, gave up the support of the mountain, shook his right hand, and fought with his left hand, and chose to stand firm again.

With one punch, another kick, and heavy elbows and knee bumps, Gu Yue felt as if he was on a vast ice field, facing the overwhelming snowstorm, he had no room to breathe.

At the seat of the Martial Arts Club of Songcheng University, Lou Cheng stood up unconsciously. This was the first eight blows of Blizzard's twenty-four blows!

In his eyes, Lin Que fought faster and faster, not only tending to drain every bit of his strength, but also constantly adjusting his center of gravity and muscles, borrowing a little strength from Guyue's parry, it was like the two sides There is a spring in between, and every retreat will be exchanged for a faster approach, thus continuously pushing up the madness and ferocity of Blizzard Strike.

The more Gu Yue fought, the more frightened he became. He felt like a pedestrian *naked* exposed in a blizzard. If he didn't struggle, he would surely die. If he struggled, his precious energy would be wasted, he would become weaker and colder, and his heart would be cold!

"This is the true meaning of Blizzard's twenty-four blows, not sticking to one move or one style..." Lou Cheng was dazzled by the sight, and all the bits and pieces of the past month's practice came to mind, constantly dismantling and combining , with itchy hands, wanting to try.

Blizzard's twenty-four hits were divided into three groups, each group of eight hits, what Lin Que showed was the essence of the first group "Blizzard".

Clap clap! bang bang bang! The sound of fists, feet and bodies colliding continued, making the shouts of the entire martial arts venue gradually become quieter.


A figure backed up again and again, was kicked in the chest again, and rolled off the ring.

After a brief silence, the sound broke out again:

"Lin Que!"

The winner, Lin Que!

Guyue turned over and stood up, panting heavily, unable to believe that he was defeated like this, there was almost no chance of fighting back, and the pain in his chest was unbearable.

He squinted his eyes, looked at Lin Que who was no longer breathing evenly on the stage, snorted, returned to his seat, and said bitterly to Fei Sanli, "Don't give him time to recover, he won't last long!"

Fei Sanli touched his bald head, smiled, trotted towards the stone steps, and climbed onto the ring.

There was no need for the referee to announce, he stepped on the footwork and directly rushed towards Lin Que.

Lin Que didn't choose to dodge, he sideways dodged, shortened the distance, and started a hand-to-hand fight.

Fei Sanli never backed down, and various moves emerged one after another.

His two fingers brushed against Lin Que's eyelids, Lin Que's fist scratched his abdomen, his right hand grabbed a handful of Lin Que's hair, and Lin Que's knife slashed his arm... This fight He really did everything he could to make the referee next to him, who was ready to go, secretly nervous, for fear that something bad would cause accidental disability.

During official martial arts competitions, both contestants accepted the life-and-death contract by default, but afterwards they would investigate whether the referee intentionally caused casualties, and chose to ignore it when it was time to make a move.

After two or three minutes, the two figures separated abruptly. Lin Que squinted, his nostrils were bleeding, and his body was trembling. Fei Sanli's nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He kept shaking his legs, as if he wanted to rub the bruise on the spot.

The referee took a look and raised his right hand:

"The winner, Fei Sanli!"

The outcome was clear, and he prevented the two sides from continuing to fight desperately.

Earth-shattering boos broke out, despising Fei Sanli's hooligan style of play.

Lin Que breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and stepped down without any delay, in order to shorten Fei Sanli's recovery time.

Chen Changhua stood up suddenly, shaking the muscles of his arms, stepped up the stone steps with a few brisk steps, and brushed past Lin Que.

Lou Cheng also went up to meet Lin Que, and supported Lin Que, only to feel that he was scattered in one breath, his body suddenly became weak, and he almost fell down.

"Thank you..." Lin Que whispered.

"Should be." Lou Cheng looked at him and said sincerely, "Your Blizzard's twenty-four blows are really good."

It's just that the consumption of physical strength in this way is really terrifying. After one round, even Lin Que can't support it... Uh, this style of play fits perfectly with my characteristics!

I never worried about the lack of physical strength!

It seems that the master chose this martial art for no reason...

Chen Changhua stepped onto the ring, and in front of him was Fei Sanli, who was breathing heavily and looked miserable.

The scene changed sharply, and he seemed to have returned to the scene when he represented the Martial Arts Club of Songcheng University for the first time. After a long time, he still vividly remembers it.

I have also been exasperated...

I was also full of blood...

I've been here too!

At this moment, wave after wave of cheers sounded in his ears:

"Chen Changhua, come on!"

"Chen Changhua, come on!"

Come on, Chen Changhua... Chen Changhua froze for a moment, almost suspecting that he was still in a dream.

His eyes were slightly red, he stared at Fei Sanli, started snake steps, and rushed over.

Grab the tail of youth, I can burn again!

I am the president of Matsuda Martial Arts Club!

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