Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 719 The brother who likes to brag

"Fu Lang, go and save him quickly." Lang Xuici had a good sense of Shuang'er at first, so he reminded her.

"My sister-in-law is alive, so I will save her life."

Murong Fu smiled faintly and asked the coachman to take Lang Xuici to the most luxurious restaurant in Shengjing City.

As soon as he finished speaking, he deliberately left a "whoosh" sound.

Disappeared into the carriage.

The coachman was immediately frightened by Murong Fu's hand. He didn't even dare to look back and asked cautiously:

"Madam, your husband-in-law is not a legendary god, is he?"

"Haha, not bad!" Lang Xuici touched Tian Ruolan beside him and smiled gracefully.

"Wei Xiaobao, you don't have to run away. Today, my wife will take us with us to catch you." Thin Touduo yelled with full force in his fat body.

Fat Toutuo on the side raised his two bamboo pole-like legs and chased forward crazily.

If Wei Xiaobao hadn't learned a body skill from his grandfather, Eunuch Wei.

I'm afraid, someone has long since caught up with me.

"Xiaobao, I'm afraid, we are about to be caught up." Shuang'er leaned on Wei Xiaobao's chest and suggested, "Why don't we split up and run away."

Wei Xiaobao looked down at Shuang'er in his arms and scolded:

"Don't think that you don't know what you want to do."

"You said you were running away separately, but actually you wanted to stop them on your own for me."

When Shuang'er was called out, Shuang'er showed a shy look and said aggrievedly: "That's better than both of us being caught by them."

Wei Xiaobao said confidently: "Hmph, I just don't believe it. I, the great Wei Xiaobao, can't fight against these evil people from Snake Island. Someone will definitely save us soon."

"Hmm... the little baby is the best." Shuang'er praised.

But when the two of them were talking, the road in front of them was already blocked by a group of enemies, led by Hong Antong, the leader of the [Shenlong Cult], and his extremely beautiful wife Su Quan.

"Haha, Mr. Wei, the deputy chief of the Imperial Guard, where are you going to go in such a hurry?" Su Quan asked with a smile.

Wei Xiaobao was stunned, his eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Su Quan's beautiful appearance, and he muttered casually:

"Good wife, if we give her to our benefactor, will he be very happy?"

Shuang'er heard the words and agreed: "Hmm... Master Murong will definitely like it very much."

"I heard from his servants that Mr. Murong likes women who are... mature!"

Wei Xiaobao stood there holding Shuang'er in his arms.

Looking at Su Quan and others walking towards him, they still kept talking:

"Haha, honey, you are really good at talking."

Su Quan was a little annoyed by what others said, and said warmly:

"Master Wei, you are so brave."

"How dare you make fun of my wife at this time."

"Aren't you afraid that I will dig out your tongue?"

Wei Xiaobao bravely said: "Haha, my master is Chen Jinnan, the chief helmsman of the [Tiandihui]."

"My great-grandfather is Wei Tuo, the best master in the field!"

"To be honest, I really don't believe you dare to kill me."

Su Quan looked at her with admiration, and was really frightened by the two people Wei Xiaobao replaced. She smiled charmingly:

"Master Wei, you are right. Killing you is indeed troublesome."

"But don't forget, the most powerful thing about our [Shenlong Cult] is snake venom."

"It only takes one drop to make the beauty around you unable to live or die."

Wei Xiaobao was startled, pointed at Su Quan and said, "How dare you threaten me!"

Su Quan said proudly: "Haha, it's not a threat, but you can take it as a warning."

Wei Xiaobao was extremely angry and said angrily: "Just wait, sooner or later, I will tie you up like a crab."

"Send it to Mr. Murong's bed and let him punish you one thousand eight hundred and eighteen times."

Listening to Wei Xiaobao's irrelevant words, Murong Fu frowned, Lao Gao said to himself:

"Shouldn't this kind of thing be done secretly?"

"You said it so blatantly."

"Even if I have an idea, I am too embarrassed to implement it."

Thinking of this, he didn't want to delay any longer.

He planned to take action and rescue Wei Xiaobao and Shuang'er first.

Unexpectedly, at this time, three people appeared at the same time.

One side is the Zheng family of Taiwan.

On one side is Prince Mu's Mansion.

One side is a lama from the Western Regions.

The three parties had different expressions after seeing Wei Xiaobao.

The Zheng family members showed quite a bit of disdain.

Since they were incorporated by the Qing court.

They sneered at the [Tiandihui] that they supported with one hand.

Naturally, I also dislike Wei Xiaobao.

The same as the people in Prince Mu’s Mansion.

They dislike [Tiandihui] very much.

After all, the opponent's power is far away from the Mu family.

If nothing happens, I like to hit them.

The reasons for the former are similar: they hate the house and the bird.

As for the third party lamas, they should be the most friendly group of people towards Wei Xiaobao.

The leader was none other than Lama Sangjie, his sworn brother.

Of course, when these two people became sworn friends, they didn't really become sworn friends.

However, Lama Sangjie's kung fu is indeed very high.

At least in this situation, his strength should be much stronger than Su Quan.

It can be compared with the [Shenlong Cult], the weakest grand master, the White Dragon Envoy.

"Brother, come and save me!" Wei Xiaobao was more happy to see Lama Sangjie than to see his biological father.

He quickly pulled Shuang'er and ran to Lama Sangjie's side.

Although Lama Sangjie felt disgusted in his heart, he put on a happy face and said:

"Third brother, don't be afraid. With eldest brother here, no one of them dares to touch you."

Su Quan frowned slightly and said, "Great Lama, this is your fault."

"How dare you stop the person we [Shenlong Cult] want to arrest?"

"Haha," Lama Sangjie said disdainfully, "I have met Hong Antong, the leader of the [Shenlong Sect]."

"If he went to our Western Region, he wouldn't dare to speak so loudly to me."

When Wei Xiaobao heard Lama Sangjie's words, he immediately gave a thumbs up in his heart and thought:

"Brother, your ability to brag is not easy."

"I'm afraid Hong Antong doesn't dare to speak to you so loudly."

"It's him. He doesn't know you at all."

Su Quan frowned slightly and was frightened by Lama Sangjie's words again.

Fortunately, her subordinate Lu Gaoxuan had a bright idea and said:

"Madam, you don't have to listen to his nonsense."

"The leader has been on [Shenlong Island] all year round and has never been to the Western Regions at all."

"Even if he goes to the Western Region, he is still killing people. With the character of the leader, there is no way he can survive!"

When Su Quan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and pointed at Wei Xiaobao and said angrily:

"Huh, sure enough, fish looks for fish, shrimp looks for shrimp, and toad looks for mung beans."

“You can brag, and so can these people you know.”

"Today, let's see if I don't tear your mouth apart."

Wei Xiaobao felt very aggrieved upon hearing this and looked at Lama Sangjie longingly.

The meaning is very obvious. He is bragging so well. Why are you looking for me?

Su Quan did not give Wei Xiaobao any chance to speak.

Taking advantage of the large number of people, he did not pay attention to the Zheng family and the Mu family, and directly ordered:

"Do it!"

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