Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 1518: Dawn Project

"The world of ancient wizarding civilization..." The old man continued to talk to Li Cha with a look of reminiscence, "That is really a world that is extremely yearning.

At the beginning of the ancient wizard civilization, it has indeed experienced a period of hardships. It has to face many natural disasters and strange species. For the continuation of civilization, countless wizards shed blood and sacrificed.

After several generations of wizards, this situation has changed. Some strong people, because of their talents, have gone a long way on the road of wizards and set up an umbrella of civilization. They began to lead the life progress of the entire civilization, and one of the milestones was the Dawn Project. "

"Dawn Project?"

"Yes, the Dawn Project, as the name suggests, is a huge plan that represents a bright future. Its successful implementation laid the foundation for the development of the ancient wizard civilization to its peak."

"Then what is the specific content of this plan?"

"The specific content... Let me explain, it is to completely transform the entire wizard civilization life individual from top to bottom, changing the essence of life.

After the transformation is completed, it doesn't look much different on the surface, but inside, it has transformed from an ordinary life into an extraordinary life that is several levels higher - with almost unlimited potential, almost unlimited growth, stronger combat power, and stronger life. Strong vitality and strong creativity.

I can tell you that after the implementation of the Dawn Project, there will be no mortals in the entire ancient wizard civilization, and even a newborn baby will have the blood of extraordinary power flowing in its veins. And when the baby grows up, as long as he has received complete training, he can become a first-level wizard naturally-as easy as drinking water. "

"First-level wizard?" Hearing this, Li Cha blinked and asked inquiringly, "Why is it only a first-level wizard? According to Mr. Gao Ge, if the ancient wizard civilization is powerful enough to change the essence of life on a large scale, then completely Can each individual being become stronger? In the world of wizards, the highest level is level 4. According to legend, the highest level is level 9. Why didn’t the ancient civilization transform everyone into a high level level wizard? ?”

"High-level wizards?" The old man smiled, "Of course they want to do the same, but the higher the level of the wizard, the more resources will be consumed to transform an individual. To transform a high-level wizard, the same resources can be transformed into tens of thousands There are many low-level wizards, and sometimes, a high-level wizard is actually not as useful as thousands of low-level wizards.

This is like the army, which indeed needs a high-ranking commander, but in the end, it depends on ordinary soldiers and grassroots officers to exert their combat effectiveness. An invincible commander, even if there are ten or twenty, cannot be called an army. On the contrary, it is a commander, plus a hundred officers and ten thousand soldiers, which can be called an army.


Wizard level is important, but not everything. A truly strong person, even if the wizard level is relatively low, can reach the peak in the end by virtue of his understanding of spells and rules. And the weak, even if they are forcibly transformed into high-level wizards, are just sandbags with stronger defenses. If their brains are not good enough, it is not surprising that they will be killed by enemies with a much lower level.

It is precisely because of this consideration that in order to maximize the use of resources, the ancient wizard civilization set the standard for transformation as a first-level wizard. Their purpose is to increase the lower limit of individual civilized life. As for the upper limit... then it depends on their own efforts.

Subsequent developments proved that this decision was correct. The individuals transformed in the Dawn Project have the power of a first-level wizard, not weak, which gives them a certain exploration ability, but not too strong, which gives them the motivation to strive for upward development. They call themselves Dawn Wizards, leading the entire ancient wizard civilization into the era of great exploration full of light.

They continued to explore the deep sea, explore the void, and explore all the places that could be explored, and finally broke the barrier of the plane, and headed for other planes other than the main plane.

One plane after another is constantly being discovered by them. After discovery, it is contact, and then it is fused and transformed by the ancient wizard civilization. After the transformation, it is a larger-scale exploration.

The ancient wizard civilization was not fond of killing, and few planes were conquered by violence. Most of the planes were gradually absorbed by the ancient wizard civilization as part of the system. Therefore, in the picture just now, you can see that besides humans, there are countless strange creatures coexisting. These strange creatures, in a sense, are the individual beings of the ancient wizard civilization. They have all been transformed into Dawn wizards, and they are all part of the exploration of other planes. "

Speaking of this, the old man paused, looked at Richard and said, "You should be able to imagine how exciting and developed the ancient wizard civilization that explored and integrated countless planes would be. With the more active exploration and integration of ancient wizard civilization.

At that time, almost the vast majority of individuals in the ancient wizarding civilization believed that exploring, discovering, and integrating new things were the greatest meaning in life and the most correct way for the entire civilization to operate. Some people shout slogans, to gradually explore to the edge of the void, explore all living and inanimate planes, and realize the ultimate goal of exploration.

And some people are more radical, planning a plan, preparing to jump and connect to an unprecedented, extremely distant plane through a special method, and even directly connect to the edge of the void. In this way, the time to achieve the ultimate goal can be greatly shortened. "

Hearing this, what did Li Cha think of, and asked the old man: "In the previous picture, on the giant's forehead, the words 'Celebrating the Great Exploration Project that is about to start' are written about this, right? In the picture, there are many People gathered for this matter too?"

"Yes, that's right." The old man nodded and said, "The people in the picture are indeed here for this matter, they are supporters, and they want to witness the historic moment with their own eyes."

"Then, if my guess is correct, the deep well in the square in the image is the equipment to be used in the plan, right?" Li Cha asked again.

"As expected, you can see it. However, this is also normal. After all, you should be very familiar with the magic patterns used in the deep well - if you don't understand, you will not create a wall-breaking device to open up many shelters and open up my heaven. " said the old man.

Li Cha didn't answer the second half of the old man's sentence, but just asked: "Why do you want to make the shape of a well? As far as I know, it would be more convenient to make the instrument into other shapes?"

"That's because the size of the equipment required in the plan is far beyond your imagination. In order to ensure that the power to penetrate the plane barrier is stronger and the projection is longer, the equipment has been very large since the design. Initially, the plan launched Those who try to build it on the floating city, after building it, use the floating city to transport it to the corresponding location." The old man said.

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