
Chapter 42 42The Three Laws of Magic

Chapter 42 42. Three Laws of Magic

Teacher Opal on the podium has already started class.

Russell in the audience was listening to the lecture while observing the tentacle monster Clara in front of him.

While listening to the class, Russell secretly controlled the ghost and quietly took a piece of paper and a pen under the desk.

The ghost quietly wrote on the paper, "Teacher, I am a ghost controlled by Russell (cross out the next 4 words), and the classmate Clara in the seat in front of me is a tentacle monster."

The words "tentacle monster" deepened.

Afterwards, the ghost folded the paper and stuffed it into Russell's hand.

Russell secretly made up his mind to find an opportunity to inform Professor Opal about the situation of the tentacle monster when he was free to speak, without disturbing the tentacle monster Clara in front of him.

"Just answering questions and actually rewarding him with credits is worthy of Professor Opal, who is famous for his eclectic approach in the college." Bai sighed to the Wolf Spider at the same table.

Bai secretly made up his mind to answer the questions correctly, obtain credit rewards, and be promoted to second grade as soon as possible to reduce the gap between himself and his genius brother.

"I wonder if that annoying Russell wants to steal credits."

Bai deliberately turned his head and looked in Russell's direction.

He found that Russell’s eyes were all focused on Clara in front of him.

Humph, it turned out that I was watching a girl and not paying attention to the class at all?

What I was looking at was the cowardly girl Clara from before. I remember that Clara didn’t dare to say a word after her hair was burned by Osprey and Jade Cat.

Osprey and Emerald Cat are both members of the White Wolf Club.

Sure enough, there is no future. Bai couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Immediately, Bai noticed something was wrong.

Under Russell's desk, a pen was hanging in the air and writing something on another piece of paper.

Bai suddenly realized:

Russell pretended not to listen carefully and pretended to look at the girls in the front row, but in fact he was secretly controlling the ghost to take notes.

So insidious!

Is this what only top students can do?

Bai remembered that when he was a child, his brother Arctic Wolf did such an extremely bad thing, secretly studying behind his back.

Thinking of this, Bai Bai's teeth were itching with hatred, and his hatred for Russell increased even more.

"As you all know, from today on, I will teach you the principles of witchcraft. I know that many of you are freshmen and are full of fantasies about extraordinary things or magic, thinking that it is omnipotent.

"But the Principles of Witchcraft class is designed to break this stereotype. It will truly show you how supernatural forces operate according to objective laws.

"As long as you master the rules, you can even develop your own spells instead of just following the inherent knowledge. If there are real magic geniuses among you, you can improve the extraordinary power learned from the academy according to your own needs."

This is exactly what I need. Russell remembered Ms. Black Amber's words - he has the talent to mutate extraordinary abilities with a probability, but he can only display them perfectly under the guidance of principles.

"Modern physics might be said to begin with Newton's three laws of motion. Magic begins with a completely different set of fundamental laws. The first lesson is simple. Just knowing the three laws of magic is enough.

“The first law, sometimes called the ‘Law of Similarity,’ is that like breeds like, like affects like.

“For example, when the Eastern warlocks cut paper into soldiers, if they wanted to create soldiers out of thin air, they needed paper figures that had been cut and ritualized.

"A more familiar example is widely used in herbal medicine. It is the law of 'shape complements shape'. Because of its unique shape, rhinoceros horn can be formulated as a potion to treat male diseases. Student of the Department of Necromancy and Life After being promoted to second grade, you will become more familiar with this rule.

“But as spell casters, you must understand that the terms ‘similarity rate’ or ‘homogeneous witchcraft’ are just ordinary people’s superficial understanding of the first law of magic.

"The real connotation of the first law of magic is that in the supernatural realm, concept trumps substance, and symbolism trumps its physical properties..."

Concept over substance, symbolism over physical qualities?

Russell chewed on this passage over and over again and felt that he had gained a lot.

For spiritualism, the portrait is a symbol of the soul?

Is it similar to using the method of calling other people's names to capture their souls?

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his spirituality had a small fluctuation and growth, and he was closer to the middle of the first grade.

Why do I only learn knowledge and have a weak growth in spiritual energy? Russell was slightly surprised.

When he mastered the knowledge related to necromancy through the knowledge scroll, his spiritual energy also grew, from the uninitiated level to the early first grade. This is the knowledge scroll itself that has the function of spiritual ascension.

But I didn't expect that just by learning and understanding magic normally, my spirituality would actually increase.

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