Mage Adam

Ninety-four, gossip

Adam was not interested in asking Frank why, but directly put forward his own idea: "If you are willing to be a test subject, the laboratory can fund you to replace an advanced mechanical body, but before you can replace it, I need to modify it. , I do not guarantee the success rate of the transformation, it may solve your problem, or it may..."

"will die?"

"Probably, or worse." Adam shook his head and said.

"Use your new research results?"


Frank scanned his entire body with mental power, feeling the exhaustion of vitality and the faint discomfort, and fell silent.

Adam was not in a hurry to get the answer. Even if Frank disagreed, he could transform a mechanical body by himself. As for the experimental product, he could just buy a slave. It's just a benefit.

And there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done before the transformation, at least some sophisticated alchemy equipment must be purchased first.

"You can think about it and give me the answer within three days." After Adam finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

Before Adam was about to walk out of the observation room, Frank made a decision: "I agree."

Adam turned his head and said: "Wise choice, come to my office later to sign a new contract, and then you can choose a mechanical body yourself, the price is within ten ether crystals."


Then Adam walked out of the laboratory, turned a few turns and came to Master Jino's alchemy laboratory.

The greeting card had been handed over to Master Jino before, and Adam entered the laboratory smoothly.

Unlike the last time when there were no one around the alchemy puppets, this time Adam saw several apprentice assistants in his laboratory. Adam didn't know them, but they all looked at Adam with strange eyes.

I didn't find out before, and Adam didn't know until recently that he was the only person in the entire academy who was stationed in the elemental laboratory building as an apprentice. There are no blind idiots looking for trouble.

"Master Jino is waiting for you inside." A female apprentice assistant walked over and said to Adam.

After thanking her, Adam was about to walk in when he heard a strange voice: "I really don't know what the Approval Department is thinking, asking an apprentice to set up an elemental laboratory casually is not the same as throwing the funds into the water." what a difference."

"Ha, maybe that one really has some talent?"

"Hmph, I don't think you know what kind of trick you used to fool the mage?"

The apprentice leading the way looked embarrassed, looked back at Adam at a loss, and said softly: "Please don't care..." She didn't know Adam, but an apprentice who can independently establish a laboratory must be proud and powerful, She was afraid that Adam would conflict with his companions in the laboratory, which would only arouse Master Jino's anger, not only the two parties involved in the conflict, but also her leader, who would be punished for this.

Adam didn't even look back, this kind of low-level emotional venting couldn't attract Adam's attention.

Most of the apprentices in this laboratory have telekinetic fluctuations, which means that they are practicing the meditation method created by Adam, and then come to despise him as the creator.

The experiment was full of metallic elements, if Adam wanted to, he could easily kill them all in a flash, but Adam would not do it, not only because it would offend Master Geno, but also because the reason for their provocation was jealousy of Adam getting a higher The treatment did not produce corresponding results. This is an academic struggle, and resorting to force will only make Adam feel guilty.

"Please continue to lead the way."

The female apprentice breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Adam with gratitude in her eyes, and hastily quickened her pace to lead Adam to the depths of the laboratory.

"That's Master Jino's room." After finishing speaking, he seemed to turn his head and run away.

The door swung open automatically, and Master Jino waved to Adam, beckoning him to come in.

After Adam sat down and saluted, Master Jino said with a smile: "How does it feel to be underestimated? I thought you would not be able to resist."

Obviously, what happened outside cannot be hidden from the mage's eyes, and mage Jino's tone was full of teasing.

As a formal mage, he knows the importance of Adam and what happened to Adam. If we talk about the results, nothing is more important than a promotion knowledge, which means that many apprentices may become mages because of this. .

Adam shook his head and didn't comment on it, and Master Jino didn't care either.

"Little guys always have to go through the process from stupidity to wisdom. A little lesson is also for their own good." Master Jino said kindly, or in the heart of the master, Adam is already a life that can talk to each other on an equal footing.

"Then what is your purpose here?"

Adam was already prepared, and took out a piece of paper from his portable space. The paper listed what he needed to order, including ultra-precision machine tools, micro-mechanical arms, and other instruments that could perform precision processing, as well as puppet robots with their own alchemy runes.

Master Jino scanned the list, and said with a strange expression: "I remember that your research direction is electric elements?"

Adam nodded and said, "Yes, Master Jino, but I have some new ideas. If it can be implemented, it will produce results soon."

"Alright, I heard from Master Victor that you are now on the verge of promotion. If you want to participate in the trial, it is really not suitable for you to study in the direction of electric elements."

Master Jino only thought that Adam wanted to change his mood and find other things. Anyway, with the support of the academy, Adam could do whatever he wanted during this period. Said to Adam: "The fee will be automatically debited from your laboratory account. If there is nothing else, you can leave."

Adam left as promised, still ignoring the rumors of the apprentices, and went straight back to his laboratory. Master Jino was very efficient. In less than an hour, all the instruments ordered by Adam had been delivered to the laboratory. Adam ordered the alchemy The puppet opened up a new room to install the equipment, and then asked Frank, who was sitting silently by himself: "In three days, I hope you will prepare a new mechanical body, and then be ready to separate from the existing part. It will be painful, and you can order neuroleptics from Elliott in advance."

James didn't know what happened, and he was stunned when he heard the words: "New mechanical body? Frank, have you forgotten that your body can no longer bear this kind of replacement?"

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