Mage Adam

14. Experiments on the application of mental power

The speed of the Moldo Academy was unexpectedly fast. If it was converted to the unit of the earth, it had already accelerated to 100 knots in just five minutes, and it was still accelerating until it stabilized at 230 knots. .

The ship sailed at a speed of about 430 kilometers per hour for nearly a hundred days before reaching the Mage Continent. The size of this world...

Adam very much wanted to see the engine room to see what the power of the magic technology ship was, but he thought that no one would be allowed to enter that kind of place.

There are many rooms on the ship, even if there are less than forty apprentices, there will be room for each of them to live in two rooms, so there is no such thing as a fight. After coming to a strange environment and starting to go to a wider world, most of them gave up a small house. The territorial dispute on the small island instinctively raised some sense of intimacy.

The six people in the Northland chose the six adjacent rooms on the third floor. At this time, everyone found that Ophelia was in a very bad condition.

Her complexion was pale, sweat constantly broke out on her forehead, and the blood around her body fluctuated and became very unstable. She walked unsteadily on the relatively stable boat. A great knight who can move freely even if he lives day and night on a bumpy horseback can't even walk well here.

"Miss Ophelia, what's wrong with you?" Crystal hurried over to support her and asked worriedly.

They who grew up in the Northland obviously didn't know that there is a disease called motion sickness in this world, and this disease has nothing to do with strength.

The sailor leading the way let out a big laugh, as if he thought it would be funny that this group of mage apprentices who were going to be high above them would get seasick: "Haha, if you can't help it, just spit it out, and you'll get used to it once you spit it out." After speaking, he turned and walked away open.

Crystal helped Ophelia at a loss. She didn't understand that she was fine. How could Ophelia, who is a great knight, be like this?

"It's called seasickness." Adam said standing in front of his room.

"What is seasickness?" Crystal still didn't understand.

"This explanation is very complicated. The sailor just said is right, and you will get used to it once you spit it out."

Ophelia leaned against Crystal weakly, opened her door and walked in: "Don't worry, I think I'll be fine in a while."

Crystal wanted to follow in, but was blocked from the door. She was a little at a loss, looked around and then set her sights on Adam. As a commoner, she still looked at Adam who was also a commoner. Most favorably, even though she knew Adam was not like her.

As the newborn time got longer, Adam and the various emotional modules became more and more perfect. Although he still doesn't like to talk, it is not because of lack of emotion, but because of his personality as an intelligent life.

Facing Crystal's questioning eyes, he said: "Although there are some ways to alleviate it, but the effect is not too great, and I don't think she needs help."

After Adam finished speaking, he walked into his room. The room is very nice, clean and tidy, with an independent bathroom. You can see the outside scenery through the porthole on one side. The sound insulation effect is also very good. The sound of the wind and waves is not very harsh. For Adam, spending three months here is not bad. It's boring, it would be better if there is knowledge about mages to read.

However, this is obviously impossible. Although mages regard themselves as seekers of knowledge, through these few days of contact, Adam found that the research environment in this world is obviously not very enlightened. level, but if there is not enough value, it is impossible for them to make the knowledge public easily.

"This can also be regarded as extremely high awareness of copyright?" Adam thought divergently.

Ever since he had the opportunity to walk on the right path, Adam's whole soul has relaxed a lot. As a former artificial intelligence, he is not afraid of death, but only afraid that his hard-won wisdom will be wasted.

Throughout the day, Adam stayed in the room to optimize the runes but did not come out,

There are two meals a day on board, and the meals will not be delivered to the room, but to the dining room to eat together, and the quantity is limited and outdated.

Adam walked out of the door stepping on time, and at the same time, Ophelia's room opposite was opened, and the great knight, whose face was worse than in the morning, stumbled out.

The two looked at each other, and Ophelia said hoarsely, "As a gentleman, shouldn't you give me a hand?"

Adam walked up to her indifferently, helped her up, and walked to the dining room together. During this period, Ophelia had been suppressing retching. The great knight's strong physical fitness was gone, and she was now worse than ordinary people.

"The cause of motion sickness is that the vestibular organ of the inner ear feels stimuli beyond the tolerance of the body. These stimuli deform the follicle hair cells of the vestibular utricle and the sacculus, transmit and perceive the center, and the body does not adapt to this abnormality. After the message, there will be resistance, which is why you get seasick." Adam said as he walked.

"I don't understand what you're saying, but if you're trying to laugh at me..."

"I'm not going to do such a boring thing, I just want to say that maybe I have a solution to your problem."

Ophelia froze, and said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you have a solution? Do you want to see me make a fool of yourself?"

Adam glanced at her strangely. He didn't know where this logic came from. If there is a way, I will tell you. Why? If it wasn't for a reason, Adam wouldn't care how uncomfortable she was. The reason why he spoke was because he wanted to do an experiment—whether the mental power can act on the body after solidification.

With the accumulation of mental power solidification runes, mental power gradually no longer looks like it did at the beginning. It has 'power', which is similar to mind power and can move some objects with smaller masses. Adam is not satisfied with this, he I have tried attaching mental power to body organs to see if it has the effect of enhancing the ability of the organs, but it has no effect. The data collected from individuals is too one-sided, so he wanted to test it on Ophelia.

"If you have initially materialized your mental power, then you can attach your mental power to your ears, try to strengthen your inner ear vestibular organs, and increase the stimulation threshold." Adam said his method.

Ophelia was really uncomfortable, and impatiently began to experiment, but her mental strength was not as strong as Adam's, and the strong physical reaction always made her unable to concentrate, which made her unable to succeed.

Facing the test subject, Adam had excellent patience, and meticulously helped her to the dining room, where they sat together under the slightly strange eyes of everyone.

Crystal's eyes lit up, and he said loudly: "Miss Ophelia, Adam, you are here, I thought you would not come to eat, I want to deliver the food to your room." She got up and wanted to go to the two of them, but was held back by the people around her. She wondered, "What's the matter? Miss Ophelia, she..."

Henry Xiu said to her in an old-fashioned way: "You are still young and don't understand. They can't be disturbed by anyone at this time."

Mike Gast echoed a little sourly: "Yes, yes, if you disturb me at this time, you will be killed." He felt that he knew the reason why Adam could live in the Earl's Mansion at that time, and it was very delicious.

Crystal tilted his head, his face suddenly turned red, and hurried back to his seat to eat to cover up his embarrassment, but he exclaimed loudly in his heart: "My God, they are so bold!"

The two parties didn't realize that they had been misunderstood. Adam saw that Ophelia was always at a loss, so he had to personally guide her.

"The spiritual power that has not been solidified can be counted as intangible and intangible, and has no power to affect reality. You have to use the part that has been solidified. Disassemble a few runes and guide them to flow into the ear."

After all, Ophelia was not too stupid. A few minutes later, he finally managed to guide the spiritual power into the ear. Adam sat beside her and stretched out his own spiritual power to observe the reaction. It didn't play a strengthening role, but it played an isolating role.

Mental power has turned into a protective layer to effectively isolate the stimulating information generated by the outside world. Because there is no information injection, the follicular hair cells of the vestibular utricle and the sac no longer deform to transmit stimulating information to the center, and the body naturally relaxes.

Ophelia stopped retching, her pale face began to flush again, her blood energy began to fluctuate steadily, and she was recovering at a rapid speed.

In the eyes of others, this was Adam and Ophelia whispering something, so she was shy.

Crystal dragged his chin with both hands, staring at this side with fluttering eyes, thinking to himself: "Wow, it's amazing, I'm a little envious."

After Adam recorded the information, he stopped paying attention to her and got up and left. Ophelia liked him so much because of this incident, she thought Adam was going to help her get food, so she closed her eyes and used breathing techniques to recuperate her body, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't find Adam coming back. It was found that Adam was already sitting in another seat and started eating on his own.

The goodwill that had just been formed was instantly shattered, and Ophelia only felt an unknown fire burning in her heart, but she couldn't blame anything, so she had to cook in despair, and then sat next to Crystal.

The little girl asked cautiously, "Why didn't Adam come over? Did you quarrel?"

Ophelia was silent.

Adam became enthusiastic. There were quite a few people who he could not solve seasickness. Several people in the dining room were weak and limp. He stepped forward to explain the principles and methods one by one, and waited patiently for the other party to get better before leaving. Don't care about the unnaturalness in other people's hearts.

After all the apprentices who were seasick had recovered, Adam finally came to the conclusion regrettably that at least at this stage, mental strength does not have the effect of strengthening the body.

Seeing the back of Adam leaving, everyone silently admired him, what a good man.

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