"Next is the time for free practice. Please take out your copybooks..."


There was a little baby girl by the window who carefully arranged the ink bottle and writing brush, unfolded the copybook, and struggled to hold the pen with her chubby little hands. You could tell that her movements were stiff, but it was probably true that she was a hard worker.

He traced a line according to the copybook, and then nodded like a little adult, very satisfied.

Putting down the pen, the little baby was ready to relax for a while.

I saw him turning his head left and right and looking into the distance.

I looked out the window at the row of adults.

The martial artists headed by Teacher Wang also saw him.

This is what the world looks like in the eyes of Little Milkman.

Outside the window stood a group of strong adults who looked like monsters and monsters. All of their faces were red and light, and some of them had bandages on their bodies. They looked like mummies in picture books!

He burst into tears.

Anyone who has taken care of children knows that human cubs are a very magical species. As soon as one of them starts to cry, there will definitely be a second and third one crying too. Each one’s voice is louder than the last one. It’s like a competition. .

The female teacher became anxious all of a sudden. She comforted her here and told her not to cry, and she was busy running around in circles.

Lu Mingfei frowned slightly. He put down the pen and found a half-written post on the paper.

Although he was the head coach of the kendo class, his students were not in good condition, and they were mainly beaten by him.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to let them stand in the afternoon.

Lu Mingfei simply assigned Ma Bu's homework to consolidate their foundation. He himself saw this calligraphy class while wandering around. It just so happened that Hopeless Sky was forcibly launched yesterday, which was somewhat damaging to his spirit. Lu Mingfei Fei Ben wanted to find a place to rest his mind, so he came to this calligraphy class.

Everyone in Kyushu knows that Yan Luo's martial arts is the best in the world, but few people know that his calligraphy and painting are also outstanding.

It is said that those warriors in Kyushu who can achieve Waigang have more or less personal hobbies, such as playing the flute and playing the harp, or indulging in the mountains and rivers. In the words of martial arts, it is a method of nourishing the spirit.

From non-human to Waigang, a warrior's spirit will undergo a transformation, and Yangshen lays the foundation for this transformation.

If there was an interstellar in Kyushu, Lu Mingfei would definitely play games to rest his mind. Maybe in this way, he would be able to achieve Waigang a little faster.

Unfortunately not.

He chose calligraphy and painting.

It's subversive. Who would have thought that the world-famous method of nourishing the soul of Yama is actually calligraphy and painting? The kind of literati in green and white clothes splashing ink on rice paper and then stopping to write and laugh out loud. No matter what they think, they are like Yama is not compatible.

In the eyes of the world, even if Yama is resting his mind, he must have cultivated his unparalleled murderous intention in killing.

But this is the fact. Lu Mingfei not only rested his mind with calligraphy and painting, but also learned skills from the best master in the world. In fact, it is easy to understand if you analyze it carefully. Lu Mingfei's original idea was also simple.

"As long as I learn calligraphy and painting well, let alone Shana, Lelouch and Naruto Gundam will not draw whichever one I want to draw."

With such a lofty ideal, Lu Mingfei started to learn painting. The old man in Shengshou was also very good and didn't teach anything. Maybe in his eyes, Yama was a heinous devil. After all, this man had a knife last time. It is really unreasonable to force him to draw some paintings that are degrading to politeness.

But he eventually complied.

There is no way, Yama's sword is fast.

This teaching is incredible. The old man with the Holy Hand has lived for most of his life, but he has never seen it before!

I've never seen it before!

I’ve never seen someone so clueless!

Every day he was boasting and glaring, saying that he was giving a chicken to a phoenix, but he was painting a landscape, but the landscape was very much like the underworld. The old man with the holy hand would sigh from time to time. He felt that his fame in this life would be defeated in the hands of Yama. Empty.

When future generations mention him, they will definitely add "Sage Hand" to "He taught an apprentice who painted a phoenix into a chicken."

It's better to die as soon as possible and be done with it.

Yan Lu Mingfei also knew that he was not good at painting, so when the old man got angry and cursed, he would laugh and listen without getting angry or angry.

It was just that the old man was so frightened that every time he scolded Yama, the more he went back, the more he thought about the moon. What was he sitting on? He was actually scolding Yama. When he lay in bed at night, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. The next day, he continued with dark circles under his eyes. Teaching painting, with the thought that I would die today, but at the end of the frightening day, Yama did not ask anyone to chop him, nor did he kill him with a palm. He still learned painting as well as yesterday, with a playful smile. Occasionally he endured He couldn't help but curse a few words and he responded with a yes.

As time goes by, the old man occasionally feels this.

This Yama is a bit interesting!

Lu Mingfei knew that he was stupid and that his talent for calligraphy and painting was really poor, but he still wanted to learn.

So what should we do? The stupid bird can only fly first.

He painted on marching horses, in front of opposing armies, in camps late at night, even when the wind was blowing, and when the snow was falling.

The Holy Hand was also impressed.

It is true that he has never seen such an ignorant person as Yama.

But he has never seen anyone like Yama who spends all day and night dreaming of death.

With this energy, Yama's attainments in calligraphy and painting will not be small.

The Holy Hands judge so.

But he didn't expect that Yama's later achievements would be as great as this!

That was the fifth year after Lu Mingfei studied painting.

It was midsummer, the sun was fierce, and the ground was baked. They still had to march, and the soldiers were very thirsty.

The little emperor, who was just a general at that time, was about to turn gray with worry. At this moment, there happened to be a big river with surging water, sweet rain falling from the sky, dark clouds rolling in, and large tracts of rain falling.

The soldiers lay down by the river to drink water, and then looked up to the sky with their mouths wide open to catch the rain. The gloomy clouds were swept away, and they were filled with the joy of surviving in desperate situations.

Lu Mingfei just had a feeling in his heart, so he unfolded the rice paper in the heavy rain, polished the ink and then finished it with one swipe.

The heavy rain soaked his whole body, but he didn't touch the drawing paper at all. Lu Mingfei was completely focused on the painting, and he could only focus on this small area, so he didn't care about himself.

When the writing stops, the painting is completed, and the heavy rain stops.

A rainbow light penetrated both sides of the river and was raised above the army.

So far, the famous painting "The Birth of Tianshui" has been circulated in Kyushu for thousands of years.

When Hou Shengshou saw the painting, he didn't say anything for a long time. He locked himself in the room for three days and nights to copy, and the discarded manuscript paper piled up like snow. Finally, he gave up and cried out for help.

Goodbye Yama, he said happily.

"You have become."

He said with great expectation.

"Would you like to become your teacher?"

Lu Mingfei smiled.

"Old man, you want to be my master, that's a good idea."

"Believe it or not, my master will get up and beat you to death."

The old man with the holy hand blew his beard and glared again. He was angry. There are so many people in the world who want to worship him as their teacher. Even Wai Gang has to respectfully call him master. After all, calligraphy and painting are the best ways to nourish the mind. He is a painting master. Not yet a guest of Waigang.

How could he be like this Yama, who couldn't talk about the truth, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more he thought about it. When he turned around and looked at "Tian Shui" twice, the holy hand became discouraged. How could he, an executioner of Yama, paint such a famous painting? Mention, even if Yan Luo is mediocre in martial arts, or even just a rural farmer, this painting alone can leave a name in history and be admired by thousands of people in future generations.

As a result, the incomprehensible Holy Hand took on another hobby, blocking roads every day to show off the problem. If he was blocked, he would beg for nothing to accept him as his disciple, which was the kind of disciple who passed on his mantle.

There is no way, Yan Luo is no longer the elm-headed man who painted a phoenix into a chicken. Even if he stops writing today, his painting "Tian Shui" will be enough to shine on the lintel and be famous for generations to come.

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