Lumian carefully observed and went through the entire process of "getting acquainted" with Liya and others until the two parties arrived outside the church of "Eternal Blazing Sun".

He initially confirmed that these three foreigners really no longer "recognized" him and were completely unprepared for the corresponding "pranks".

Has time really turned back... Lumian was in a daze for a moment.

"We have been here, and there is no one." Valentine looked at the majestic building in front of him that was half blended into the night, and said the line "predetermined".

Lumi calmed down and stopped following the procedure.

He said directly:

"That's because the priest doesn't want to pay attention to you."

He planned to leave the impression of "joking but not bad-natured" in the eyes of outsiders who were suspected of being official extraordinary beings.

"You mean, the parish priest is in the church, but he just didn't answer the knock on the door due to some things?" Liya thought of several possibilities.

Lumian smiled:

"It is not appropriate to have an affair in a church and be seen by others."

After saying this, he instinctively muttered in his heart: It's a pity that this time I can't hear the classic line "You have destroyed the actions of the Holy Church."

Of course, after getting to know Mrs. Pualis better, he felt that in a sense, what the priest said was not completely unreasonable.

Are we not allowed to allow our priest to be like the protagonist in Aurore's undercover novel, who is willing to endure temporary humiliation and sell his body in order to complete an important task in order to infiltrate the evil forces represented by Mrs. Poialis?

"Having an affair in the church?" Valentine changed his indifferent attitude and asked urgently.

Lumian spread his hands:

"What's the problem? This is a daily routine for the priest.

"You don't have to be so excited. Isn't there a saying that says, 'It's the same throughout the ages, men will always steal their wives'?"

"But this is in church!" Valentine snapped.

Lumian thought for a while and asked curiously:

"In other words, as long as clergy do not have affairs in the church, it is acceptable?"

"This is blasphemy against God!" Valentine looked like he was about to explode.

Ryan patted him on the shoulder, telling him to calm down.

At the same time, this most calm foreigner asked Lumian:

"Do you know who the priest is having an affair with tonight?"

Lumian shook his head:

"There are too many possibilities. His mistresses, just the ones I know about, include Mrs. Pualis,,,"

", has the same surname as the parish priest?" Liya grasped this point keenly.

Lumian nodded:

"She and the parish priest are cousins ​​two generations apart."

"..." Valentine was stunned for a few seconds, gritted his teeth and said, ", or a servant of the devil?"

Do you know this line? I didn’t see you blowing his head off... Lumian deliberately defended the priest:

"It's actually nothing. There is a saying in the Daliez area, 'distant cousins, feel free to sleep together'."

"Why do you have so many common sayings?" Liya couldn't help laughing, and the silver bell above her head jingled.

Lumian spread his hands again:

"That's what rural places are like."

At this time, Ryan asked thoughtfully:

“How do you know we are not from the Liège area?

"Otherwise, you wouldn't say, 'There is a saying in the Daliez region.'"

This is what you told me yourself... Lumian was so quick to talk that he actually regarded what happened "before" as information he already knew.

He had to make up a reason:

"Your temperament doesn't look like that of a local from Darie."

He then pointed to the road leading to the village:

"I have helped you find the priest, and now I have to go home."

"I thought you would follow us in." Liya glanced at him and said with a smile.

"I don't dare to offend the priest." Lumian said casually, "The villager who reported the last report has been missing for a long time."

Without waiting for Ryan and others to respond, he waved and ran to the other side of the square, saying as he ran:

"Remember to keep it a secret, my cabbages!"


The red moon was covered by clouds, and Lumian was walking on a country road sprinkled with starlight.

He put his hands in his pockets and thought about recent events.

When he was almost home, Lumian stopped and looked up at the roof of the two-story building that was half-underground.

Sure enough, Aurore, wearing a light blue dress, was sitting there, hugging her knees and looking at the stars quietly.

In the night, her figure was lonely and distant.

It's really repeated... Is there a possibility that those things before were real, but now I'm dreaming? Lumian had just made a new guess when he suddenly discovered the difference between the two dates on March 29:

He didn't see the lady who gave him the scepter card and taught him mystical knowledge in the old tavern today.

This made him a little unclear whether he was dreaming or not.

I'll make a confirmation tomorrow... Lumian gathered his mood, walked to his house, and pushed the door open.

Just like "last time", he used the ladder on the second floor to climb to the roof, walked briskly to Aurore and sat down.

"What's so interesting about this?" Lumian said deliberately.

Aurore turned her head and sighed. Just as she was about to speak, Lumian added:

"I mean, what does stargazing actually mean to you?"

Aurore looked him up and down:

"So direct today?"

She then looked at the starry sky again and said in a faint tone:

“You know, I’m not from Kordu, and I’m not from Dalège.

"I don't know if you have ever heard the saying, it's your hometown that you can't go back to..."

Lumian was not joking and looked at the starry sky.

When Aurore flew into her bedroom and wrote a letter to her pen pal, Lumian returned to the second floor along the same route without revealing that he had become an extraordinary person, and communicated with his sister about the pen pal for a while.

Then, he helped Aurore close the door and walked back to his bedroom.

Looking at the bed with a white four-piece set, Lumian suddenly felt something in his heart, walked over and lifted the pillow.

There is a card lying quietly under the pillow, the Tarot Minor Arcana card representing the "Seven of Wands"!

Looking at the resolute man on the card, wearing green clothes and holding a scepter to resist the enemy's attack, Lumian suddenly thought of the lady's interpretation of this card:

"Crisis, challenge, confrontation, courage..."

The more Lumian thought about it, the more he felt that these four words truly revealed his current situation.

Before drawing the card, he will most likely be in crisis and facing challenges!

The next thing you need to do is muster the courage to confront the problem? Wait, hasn’t time turned back? I haven't even met the lady yet, haven't drawn the card yet, why is it here? Lumian was frightened for a while, and he was no longer sure about his previous guess.

All kinds of thoughts and inferences quickly popped up in his mind, like bubbles in boiling water.

This made Lumian's head hurt, and he felt like he was going crazy.

In the end, he temporarily set the woman and the items she gave as "exceptions" to prevent his thoughts from exploding.

With the mystery and specialness shown by that lady, it is a fairly normal development not to be affected by the time travel!

If I can find her tomorrow and she still knows me, it means that my inference is correct... Lumian exhaled, feeling mentally exhausted.

He went to the bathroom to wash up briefly and lay down on the bed early.


In the familiar, light gray fog, Lumian woke up, turned over and sat up, and saw the wooden table and slanted chairs in front of the window.

He came to this special dreamland again.

After discovering that the scepter card still existed, he knew that he could still enter.

Lumian subconsciously touched the inner pocket of his clothes, and his expression suddenly solidified.

The gold coin is missing!

All those gold coins are gone!

Lumian quickly jumped out of bed, touched all over his body, and looked for the place where he had been lying just now, but he still couldn't find the money he had worked so hard to collect.

There are no copper coins for 1 Cope!

"The time here has also turned back?" Lumian suddenly had such a guess.

He looked around and saw no shotgun, axe, or steel fork that should have been there.

Lumian calmed down, left the bedroom, passed through the corridor, and came to the first floor.

The nearly two-meter-long steel fork and iron-black hand ax were placed intact in their original positions, just as they were when Lumian first explored the ruins of the dreamland.

Likewise, the barrel of corn oil has not yet been placed next to the stove.

As for the shotgun, Lumian searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

He was increasingly inclined to turn back time here.

"Go take a look in the ruins and see if those two monsters are still there..." Lumian muttered silently to himself, directly picked up the ax and opened the door.

Not long after, he passed through the cracked and barren wilderness and arrived at the edge of the ruins.

Different from the first time he explored here, as a "hunter", he just casually found many traces left by the actions of living animals.

When he concentrated his energy, he was able to distinguish two creatures that often appeared here. The shallow footprints of one of them went around the back of the half-collapsed house due to burning.

If I had such extraordinary abilities before, how could I have been almost attacked during my first exploration? Lumian carried the ax and entered the building.

He went straight to his "destination" and arrived at the broken pottery jar.

A touch of gold shines through.

Lumian turned down his back and picked up the gold Louis.

Its color was exactly the same as when Lumian first picked it up.

Indeed, time has turned back, and with very few exceptions, everything has returned to its "original" state... Lumian sighed.

Suddenly, he took two quick steps forward, twisted his waist, and half-turned his body to the right.

With this powerful movement, the ax in his hand struck out.

As soon as the skinless bloody monster pounced from the roof, it lost sight of its target and was greeted by an axe.


Its head flew out directly, and its headless body fell heavily to the ground amidst the spilled blood drops and pus.

PS: Revised two places. When I wrote the last cycle, I was thinking of a vague date, so I only wrote the beginning of April in general. Now that I have determined the specific date, I feel that March 29 has a sense of beauty. No, there was a slight error anyway, so Add the previous early April to the end of March. In fact, if I really want to break up, I can find a reasonable reason to bring it back, but there is no need.

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