Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 75 Small Discovery

"Blanca? That Blanca from Victoria's Secret, is she coming?"

Da Mai and Mai opened their eyes wide at the same time, staring straight at Jian Heng.

"It seems so. If there is only one Blanca, then it might be her! Is she famous? Comparable to that elf prince's ex-wife, what's that name?" Jian Heng stretched out his hand and nodded his head, quite familiar I can't remember the name at once.

Mai Mai spoke out for Jian Heng: "Miranda Kerr?"

"That's right, it's her!" Jian Heng patted his thigh, reached out and tapped Mai Mai: "Is she as famous as her?"

"That's not true. Supermodels are also divided. Blanca doesn't have much public influence, and she doesn't have many fans on social media. Although she is a supermodel, her influence is quite different! But we like her typhoon." Mai Continue to explain to Jian Heng.

When Jian Heng heard that the influence was average, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable. He originally agreed that supermodels could expand his influence, but who knew that someone with average influence would come.

As for the stage style? In Jian Heng's opinion, there is still style in walking a path? What a bullshit!


Jian Heng was not happy here, but he didn't expect that Branca's side would not be happy.

When Blanca heard that there was such a place where eating a big bowl of meat every day could help her lose weight, the first thing that came to mind was the word liar.

Don't think that only China has all kinds of liars, there are only a lot of liars, large and small, in the United States.

When Mr. Trouble called, Blanca hummed and reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I got it!"

"By the way, you can't bring assistants in there, and you can't bring any irrelevant people in, only you," Mr. Trouble said.

Upon hearing this request, Blanca immediately became a little unhappy: "What? Why can't you bring it, so some things are not very troublesome?"

"This is their condition, you go and try it, if you are not satisfied, just leave," said Mr. Trouble.

Blanca just wanted to say no.

But I heard my assistant persuade me: "Blanka, go and experience it, if it doesn't work, leave."

What the assistant meant was that you don't have much to do now anyway, so you might as well go for a visit. It will be good if it works, but if it doesn't work, it's all just to relax.

As Blanca's assistant, this person is also very anxious now, because she relies on him for food, and if this person loses her job, she will also lose her job.

Will Blanca be without a job? Looking at it as it is now, it is very confusing, because Blanca has a psychological problem. Let’s put it this way, it is a bit of a dead end. She is too entangled in what others think of her, and she has problems controlling her body.

"That's fine, I'll try it!" After speaking, Blanca hung up the phone with a snap.

Mr. Trouble heard the other party put down the phone, so he threw the phone on the sofa next to him: "Fake! Who do you think you are, if it's not for business, I would care about your female cousin?"

At this time, Mrs. Trouble came over with a fruit plate in one hand while eating, forked a piece of fruit for her husband, and then asked, "When can Gene start? My weight is too slow now." Boy, it's only taken me a pound in such a long time!"

Mr. Trouble looked at his round, pie-like face, and said with a smile, "Come on, I heard that the remodeling of the residence has started today."

Troublesome husband and wife are quite annoying, but the relationship between these two people is very good. It's like bastard seeing mung beans. It didn't affect the relationship between the two. It's not scientific that obnoxious things can be soul mates!

"Remodeling?!" Mrs. Trouble was still a little dissatisfied.

Mr. Trouble stood on tiptoe, bent down and kissed Mrs. Trouble's face against his wife's rough waist: "Honey, don't worry, I heard that the project can be finished in a week."

"We'll have to wait another week!" Mrs. Trouble said as she forked another piece of fruit and put it into her mouth. Her mouth was already full of fruit. As soon as she chewed, she saw a colorful juice running along the corners of her mouth and along her fat cheeks. The gills flowed down.

Reaching out to wipe the juice from his wife's mouth, Mr. Trouble smiled softly.


After eating, Zhao Changshan and the others went back to the town dormitory with Zhang Jialiang's pickup truck, while Jian Heng left the two sisters in the house to play with the little white lion, and rode a bad horse to start strolling all over the ranch to eat.

After going around for about an hour, when he returned to the house, Jian Heng found that the two sisters were lying on the sofa with a bitter face and a standard BJ.

Jian Heng asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

I don't know if it was Barley or Wheat Lai Yangyang said: "Tired, there is no place in the body that does not hurt. The whole body feels like it has been run over by a truck. Every movement of the bone will hurt!"

"It's as if all the strength has been drained from the whole person!" Another Lai Yangyang added.

Upon hearing this, Jian Heng replied: "I told you to rest more during the day, but I didn't listen."

"I didn't feel it at all when I was working, but I can't do it now when I rest!" The one who spoke twisted his body, turned over on his side, and changed to a comfortable position to lie down.

"Maybe we won't be able to sleep well tonight!" The other stretched out his legs, lying down without any ladylike appearance, just like a lazy snake.

Fitness people sometimes feel that when you exercise too much, the muscles and bones of the whole body will be sore and unbearable. Even if you lie on the bed, you can only maintain a motionless posture. If this happens, do not borrow If you want to fall asleep with drugs, it is simply a dream.

So the two sisters knew that their sweet dreams were probably going to be ruined tonight.

"Why didn't you do that?"

Finally someone discovered Jian Heng's problem.

It stands to reason that Jian Heng has done more work than the two sisters this day, but now Jian Heng shows no sign of fatigue at all.

Jian Heng was thinking about something in his mind at this time, and didn't notice this problem at all.


"Hey, Ashley is talking to you! It's so rude, I lost my mind while talking to the lady!" Damai was dissatisfied, reached out and grabbed the backrest next to him, and shook it vigorously, making a dull sound.

"Ouch!" As soon as he moved his hand, there was a piercing pain in his arm, and Damai immediately stopped his hand.

Jian Heng who came back to his senses immediately said: "Sorry, I was distracted!"

Jian Heng took two steps, turned around and walked towards the little white lion lying on the side, stretched out his hand and scratched its little head: "Come and call twice."

Mai Mai was a little unhappy: "Hey, let's talk about our problem now!"

"I'm listening!" Jian Heng continued to tease the little white lion without looking at her.

The little guy saw that his master was so kind to him suddenly today, so he rolled up happily from the ground, stretched out two fluffy little front paws, hugged Jian Heng's arm, tilted his head and began to bite Jane Heng's hand, and started playing with Jian Heng.

"Aww, aww!"

The little white lion roared happily.

After teasing for about five minutes, Jian Heng discovered the reason.

When the little white lion roars, there are some roars that seem to inspire people's spirits. Although Barley and Wheat can't feel it, Jian Heng, who pays attention and seems to have established a certain connection with the little white lion, can feel it. Some kind of roar of the little white lion may make people 'heart agitated' so that they forget the toil of the body.

It cannot be said to be forgotten, it is more reasonable to say that it is postponed.

Jian Heng thought to himself: So the roar of the little white lion will also have such an effect!

Jian Heng figured out the function of the water spit out by the transparent white lion statue in the secret realm. Lions can also achieve this purpose through specific roars.

In the past few minutes, Jian Heng teased the little white lion, and it can be seen that the two sisters seem to be refreshed again, and the pain on their bodies has begun to ease.

"Do you want to eat something?" Mai Mai stretched out her hand at this time, took a bag of nuts and swallowed one, then stretched the bag in front of her sister.

Damai reached out and took one and put it in his mouth, crying out for being tired while eating.

The two sisters didn't realize at all that it was difficult to lift their arms just now, but now they still have the strength to eat nuts.

After figuring this out, Jian Heng immediately knew what to do.

Turned around and went back to the room, entered the space and waited for the floating transparent ball to turn to the position he needed, got some water out of the pool, turned around to the kitchen and began to mix some fruits with a few milliliters of secret water, after the preparation, It was brought to the front of the sisters.

"Drink this, you should feel better after a while, and then go to sleep quickly!" Jian Heng said.

"Ouch!" Mai Mai snorted twice, straightened up and bent down to hold the bosom in his hand: "What is this?"

"I made some juice with bananas and some vegetables to relieve the pain," Jian Heng said.

As a bodybuilder, there are very few people who don’t know that bananas can relieve body pain after exercise, so banana hydrolysis pain can be regarded as a basis.

"It's useless, we ate bananas just now." Damai said it was useless, but he still reached out and picked up the bouquet on the table.

Naturally, Jian Heng would not toss barley and wheat in the same way as to toss the troublesome couple, so the fruit and vegetable juice he prepared tastes very good.

"Go to bed after drinking!" Jian Heng opened his mouth and said when he saw that the two sisters were still wanting to hug the pillows and continue singing in the living room after drinking.

"No, the work is too labor-intensive, we need to raise wages!" After Damai finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist.

"Yes, raise wages, raise wages!" Xiaomai also imitated her sister, stretching out her hands and shouting slogans for wage increases.

Jian Heng glanced at the two sisters: "It's delusional to raise wages, anyone who wants to raise wages will be fired!"

Before Jian Heng finished speaking, the shouting of the two sisters stopped immediately, and the fist in the air instantly turned into a middle finger

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