New York - When it comes to this metropolis, everyone may have different labels, but they can’t escape the old-fashioned ones, such as fashion, dreams, diversity, etc., but the most important and most powerful label is the world The name of the financial capital.

When mentioning the financial capital, many articles will add one after New York. In fact, there is no one. Whether it is Tokyo or Frankfurt, it is far from New York. The only one that can barely be compared with New York is the center of the old world. —London, the fading glory of the British Empire it represents.

The world's financial center, New York, is a complete manifestation of the United States dominating the world, and only the world's hegemon has such confidence and strength. The financial elite gathered here far exceeds other similar cities, and every day, countless ambitious young people flock here from all corners of the world, firmly believing that this is their place of fame and a big stage to display their aspirations in life.

Countless young talents from the United States or from all corners of the world came to New York, not only with their brilliant academic qualifications, such as Ivy, Cambridge, Mace, etc., but also their ambition.

It's just that most of them don't know, or don't want to think about, what New York is to them.

indeed! New York is the dream factory of some people, but it is destined to be the dream factory of only a few people. In a more general sense, it is the burial ground of most people. You may take a taxi here, and the person who will drive you will be a physicist from some country in the past, a down-and-out street girl in a small neighborhood, or a well-known stage artist in her country.

For tourists, this problem is much simpler. When they think of New York, they can’t do without a few words. They love the pilgrimage site for luxury people-Fifth Avenue. You don’t have to worry about not being able to buy the brand you want here. The only thing to worry about is your own pocket. And then there's Central Park or Broadway and things like that.

In short, the prosperity of New York is obvious to all, needless to say.

At 2:30 in the afternoon in New York, just two blocks away from Fifth Avenue, a black Mercedes-Benz S560 parked at the door of a five-story Victorian building. As soon as the car stopped, a white doorman standing at the door stepped forward swiftly, bent down and gently opened the door.

The car door was opened, and after a pause of two or three seconds, one foot lazily stepped on the ground. The first thing that caught the eyes of passers-by on the side of the road was the black leather shoes that were so bright that they could almost be used as a mirror, and then the light gray pants. Ten seconds later, the people in the car lazily got out of the car.

A young man with Asian appearance came out of the car. He was about twenty-six or seventeen years old, and his height was 1.87 meters. Even if he was placed in the crowd of foreigners, this height is still very good. His appearance is average, so I can’t say It is ugly, and it cannot be said to be handsome, it is around the passing line.

The young man doesn't look very good, but he wears the luxury brand Kane Laibo. What is more conspicuous is the huge sapphire ring on his hand, and the Rolex Greenwich II diamond-encrusted watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on his wrist , the most conspicuous is the young man's expression, with his head raised slightly, as if everyone is poor.

With this attire and this expression, as long as an American sees it, a not-so-good label China- (the second generation of rich Chinese) will immediately pop up in their minds.

"Mr. Jean, good morning!"

Obviously, the doorman who opened the car door knew the young man, and when he saw the young man coming out, he immediately greeted him with a smile on his face, and retracted the hand he had just stretched out to cover the roof of the car while talking.


The young man almost let out a sound from his nasal cavity, then paused before asking again.

"Have you started yet?"


The smile on the doorman's face remained unchanged, still full of smiles.

The young man nodded slightly,

Lifting his feet and pulling his suit a few times, he walked towards the door.

Before the young man got out of the car, two young men, a man and a woman, got off from the co-pilot and the left back. They are all above middle-aged, and all of them are dressed in expensive dark professional attire. They are all in their twenties. Both their expressions and movements are well-regulated. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is A professional follower who has received physical training.

The two followed closely behind the young man. When they passed the doorman, the footman took out a green ticket from his pocket and handed it to the doorman.

The small smile on the doorman's face became wider after seeing the ticket clearly, and he said to the back of the young man who was about to enter the door: Thank you, sir! "

Three young men with Asian faces just walked into the lobby and got into the elevator.


As soon as the elevator door closed, the arrogance on the young man's face disappeared immediately, accompanied by a long sigh.

"Why is there only one commission this time? It's a ghost!"

"We must have lost money by taking this trip this time, right?" The male follower chuckled and said again: "Brother Heng, your China-acting is getting more and more like it!"

Speaking of giving his thumbs up!

The young man called Brother Heng stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I can also fool around with foreigners. When I face Chinese people, I don't say anything else. You just have a standard Wan accent here. How can you play the role of a rich man?" Generations are useless!"

"Guan Jian is because your watch is too flashy"

"If you like whoever likes it, I will get you two yuan next time you go back to China. The level of imitation in China is really amazing. If they can't say that the equipment is not good, if you can see it, you will be refunded," the young man said with a smile.

"Brother Jian Heng, brother Zhang Yiping can't get through!"

As soon as she entered the elevator, the young girl who immediately dialed her mobile phone put down the phone in her hand, and said to Jian Heng, who was the brother Heng in the mouth of the male attendant.

Jian Heng waved his hand indifferently: "Forget it, this guy's daughter-in-law just took it over, and now I don't know where it's hot! Anyway, this time it's just one order, and it's just a matter of thousands of knives. come on!"

The young man who opened his mouth and spoke a Wandao accent laughed and joked: "You and I said that the next time we meet brother Zhang Yiping, will he be walking while leaning on the wall?"

Although the tone is Taiwanese, but the words are used in mainland China, and I will no longer call my New Zealand as New Zealand, and taxis as taxis, which are almost assimilated by several other people.

While talking, the young man supported the elevator handrail with the other hand to cover his waist, and said something like "Ouch, my waist".

Everyone is an adult and naturally knows what he is alluding to, and the other two couldn't help laughing.

"By the way, Luo Min, are you going back this year?" Jian Heng asked the young girl.

Luo Min lightly lifted the glasses on his face, and shook his head: "I won't go back, how can I have the heart to go back with such a high tuition fee, I'd better stay here and follow Brother, you can earn more money for yourself Take the pressure off a little bit!"

"Okay, let's work harder!" Jian Heng liked this independent and confident girl very much, and nodded with a smile.

"How about Zhang Jialiang? Are you going home this year?" Luo Min turned around and asked.

Zhang Jialiang, speaking in a Bay Island dialect, replied: "It's boring if you don't answer, why don't you follow Brother Heng to make money here!"

At this moment, the elevator dinged again. This ding sounded like a signal to change face, Jian Heng's expression returned to the arrogant arrogance, and Luo Min and Zhang Jialiang's faces also changed into their original professional faces.

There are three people in this group, the leading young man is Jian Heng, who is from mainland China, the girl named Luo Min is also from mainland China, and is a student studying at New York University, and Zhang Jialiang is from the Gulf Province of China. Live in America.

As the elevator door slowly opened, a lobby of more than two hundred square meters appeared in front of the three of them, and at the same time, a beautiful blonde girl greeted them with a smile on her face.

The sign at the elevator entrance reads: Morgan Auction House.

Do not misunderstand! The Morgan here has nothing to do with the familiar Morgan Damo. In the United States, the surname Morgan is not as good as Zhang Wangli in China, but it is not uncommon. Many of them have nothing to do with Morgan Damo, just like It's in China, not a person surnamed Li is related to Li Ka-shing.

People who come to the auction house either come to auction or sell things, there is nothing wrong with that.

The identities of Jian Heng and his group are a bit different. According to domestic terms, they are babysitters. Sometimes they are responsible for helping the auction house to hold up the price, and sometimes they are responsible for helping customers take pictures of things they fancy. More Back then, Jian Heng and his gang made money from the domestic art circle.

The meaning of this is easy to understand. If you read the news in China and see that a domestic oil painting "everyone" has sold hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for a painting, almost all of them operate in this way.

Of course, Jian Heng's gang can't get business from the so-called "big names" in China. What he can get is the third- and fourth-rate domestic ones. The work of this kind of people is a bit trivial, but the profit is not bad.

Of course, Jian Henghun's auction house is not as good as others like Jiashide. Don't look at the quality here, but anyone who knows it knows that this building is an antique at all, not an Elizabethan one at all. American profiteers use this to deceive upstarts from other countries.

Jian Heng has been working in this business for nearly four years. In the Chinese language, he is flexible enough, so he has accumulated some regular customers and lived a happy life in New York. The local tyrants are not counted, but the middle class is definitely counted. And it can be a little bit rich, which is quite good for a young man who has not graduated from high school in China.

After simple procedures, the three of Jian Heng received the auction number at night, found a seat at random, sat down and waited quietly for the auction to start.

Today, the goal of the three of Jian Heng is to play with a stone, and the client's request is to take it down within 10,000 dollars.

In the eyes of people like Jian Heng, this rough stone Chinese-style toy is not even worth two hundred yuan on the street, and a piece of mixed sapphire is still the kind that requires craftsmanship and history No one with a discerning eye would want something from history. As for what was originally owned by a British tycoon, what was obtained from an ancient Taoist temple in China, and what was his favorite during his lifetime, those who mixed up these stories would be surprised to hear it. Without repetition, Jian Heng will naturally not be so stupid as to believe this thing.

It's a pity that Jian Heng didn't like it, the client liked it wholeheartedly, and made sure to take a picture of it.

For Jian Heng, the world is big and the customer is the biggest! If you don't make money, you're a fool.

Besides, Jian Heng has encountered even more nonsense business, let alone this! Since this customer was introduced by his little friend Zhang Yiping, and Zhang Yiping repeatedly told him about it, Jian Heng even agreed to advance the money first, and settle the settlement with the customer after he bought it.

Not long after the three of them sat down, the auction started. The foreigner's side was simple and neat. After chatting a few words in vernacular, the auction started immediately. The first one was what Jian Heng wanted, that broken sapphire toy.

The first ones to appear are usually warm-ups, and they are not very good things. Jian Heng didn't care too much, and waited for the auctioneer to call the reserve price, and immediately put up the sign.

"One hundred dollars! One hundred dollars from Mr. Twenty!"

Before the words were finished, the auctioneer said again: "Mr. No. 54 is offering two hundred dollars!"

what! When Jian Heng heard that there were still bids, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the bidder while thinking: There is a second idiot who snatched this thing!

Waiting for Jian Heng to see the person clearly, he couldn't help feeling nauseated! The person with the same price, Jian Heng, has the same yellow skin, black hair, and the same Asian face in the eyes of foreigners, but Jian Heng knows that this person is a standard old "banana man"!

The name of this person is Diao Jiahui, a first-generation New York immigrant from Hong Kong. He has lived in New York for almost 20 years. He has always been disgusted by others calling him by his Chinese name. He likes to be called Brad Williams. Looking at people, it sounds like a white man.

The old guy is in his early fifties, with a standard 'Mediterranean' hairstyle on his forehead, and the top is bald, leaving only a few isolated short gray hairs around his temples, and he has a kind of wretched look like a rat head , but I feel like I don’t know how strong I am, and when I talk about me, I have a sense of superiority.

Facing Jian Heng's gaze, the old guy raised his chin provocatively!

Jian Heng maintained his demeanor, endured the nausea in his heart, pulled the corner of his mouth, and said in his heart: Shit stirrer! With this old thing, the price must be over the top.

Thinking of this, Jian Heng raised his hand and said directly to the auctioneer, "Ten thousand!"


As Jian Heng shouted out 10,000 dollars, the surrounding Caucasians, South Americans, and some Asian-looking people immediately exclaimed. Many of them are players. Naturally, they know the price of this thing, and 1,000 dollars is almost at the top. Yes, ten thousand? It must be a lot of money!

The wretched old man was taken aback, and after looking at Jian Heng for a few seconds, an expression like a rat that had stolen oil rose from his face.

Ten thousand knives were shouted out, and Jian Heng said in his heart that if you add Lao Tzu, you won't want it!


Zhang Jialiang saw Diao Jiahui's silence, and immediately said with a chuckle.

They paid out 10,000 knives, and no one was so conscientious as to snatch it from Jian Heng. After three beeps, this piece of rotten stone fell into Jian Heng's hands.

After a short shooting session, it was immediately settled. A few minutes later, Zhang Jialiang came back with the broken stone, and returned the stone and Jian Heng's card to Jian Heng, who put it in his pocket casually.

"I fork!"

Luo Min, who has always been soft-spoken, suddenly burst into a foul language!

Looking in the direction Luo Min was looking at, Jian Heng couldn't help but tighten his expression, a familiar figure was sitting next to Diao Jiahui, and this person was his partner, that is Zhang Yiping that everyone mentioned just now !

It was only at this moment that Jian Heng understood that he had fallen for others' tricks! What kind of friends and family acquaintances are actually calculated by others! He used Zhang Yiping as an internal response, and he cheated himself of 10,000 dollars!

Subconsciously, Jian Heng tightly grasped the thing in his pocket, and what he was holding in his hand was the broken sapphire handle that he had bought for 10,000 dollars!

Holding the handle, Jian Heng had a smile on his face, and kept reminding himself: People are doing this because they want to see themselves helpless, irritable and invisible, so hold it back, and you can't fulfill other people's wishes!

Holding the rotten sapphire tightly, almost breaking his knuckles, Jian Heng managed to control his emotions. Ten seconds later, Jian Heng subconsciously moved his fingers twice, and was stunned.

The rotten sapphire that was originally in the pocket and held in the hand is gone!

Quickly took out his hand, Jian Heng took a careful look, and took out his pocket twice, the sapphire toy piece that was the size of a palm disappeared like air!

"What a ghost!"

Jian Heng murmured.

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