Doinb shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "If he is still at this level by the time he plays, I don't need to target his midfield, I should be able to crush him in rhythm."

"Don't underestimate the enemy, this guy was a little transparent in the academy before, I don't know how it became the current style of play, and when it comes to the official game, it will definitely be very different, Bird is the coach of MHG."

Doinb was stunned for a moment, it was the first time he heard the news, he shook his head and said with a smile, "If MHG had invited me to say that Bird was the coach, I would have gone to them."

Coach PD didn't care, and responded with a smile: "At least you can't do it this season, bring QG into the LPL with peace of mind this season, and you can choose when Mr. Pei talks to you next season."

Doinb: "Hahaha, don't cry when the PD coach comes." PD

: "you, keep fighting, I'll go see a few other people." "


Lu Xiufeng moved his body, and then continued to enter the game, this wave of two people fought from 8 o'clock in the evening to 8 o'clock in the morning, there were really a lot of liver emperors on the first day of the canyon summit, and there were not a few people who played for 18 hours like the two of them, and some talented people could even continue, but when the two of them got up, they felt dizzy, and almost fell directly to the ground, or the West Starling held the two of them up, and said with some concern: "The mud is not like this, and the body can't bear it for a long time." "

I'm a dog ...... all night" Lu Xiufeng was stimulated by Doinb yesterday, and he just thought about how to earn points all night, completely forgetting the importance of his body, and his record this night was also quite good, except for the middle of the "Tianxiu" who didn't know where he came from, he sent the opposite side to the old father, they may even win 30 in a row, and now they still have a 28-2 record, and Lu Xiufeng's most concerned points have also come back to 135 points.

The two sobered up for a moment, Han Xin forcibly dragged Lu Xiufeng to breakfast, and in the dining room, Su Youyan, who was holding the tablet, looked up at the two of them, then put his eyes on the tablet again, and said in a cold tone: "If you just want to make money for such a season, then you can continue."

"I'll be a dog ...... all night" Lu Xiufeng stuffed the soft bun into his mouth, repeated what he had just said to the West Starling, and then twisted his neck and said: "By the way, Su Da Beauty, have you told Mr. Pei about the ranking at the top of the canyon

?" Su Youyan froze for a moment and glanced at Lu Xiufeng: "Later today, I will post the specific reward rules to the training room, am I really going to rush to the ranking?" Lu Xiufeng

waved his hand and said: " No, no, it's just that it's not easy for us to make some money, and I ask for the understanding of Su Da Beauty~

""...... I have read your family information, and I have also applied for Mr. Pei, I can pay you this season's salary in advance, and I will receive it the day after tomorrow. Su Youyan's gaze fell back on the tablet, and then said casually.

But this simple sentence made Lu Xiufeng stunned for a moment, he may have wanted to express his gratitude, but he didn't find anything to express his gratitude after looking around, and then he seemed to have a short circuit in his head, and handed over the buns that Han Xin hadn't had time to eat: "Thank you...... Thank you.

Su Youyan listened to Lu Xiufeng's voice and felt that she had done a good deed, but looking at the buns handed over by Lu Xiufeng, she couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with this guy's brain again, she took a deep breath and said: "You're welcome, competitive state and strength are equally important, both of you are from the academy, I believe I don't need to say anything." Then she looked at the bun and struggled for a while, but after all, she still didn't answer, and left the dining table and walked upstairs.

Han Xin grabbed the bun in Lu Xiufeng's hand and said viciously: "Don't you have it yourself?!"

Lu Xiufeng picked up the bun from his plate and blew: "I haven't eaten yet, don't I have to be hungry if she really wants it...... Aunt Liu went out to buy vegetables, do you know how to cook?Or, have you forgotten how far you have to go out of this villa?"

Han Xin took a bite of the bun fiercely, as if he was eating Lu Xiufeng's meat: "Forget it about eating my wild monster, I won't be polite to you if you grab my bun again......" Lu Xiufeng

: "Oh...... But I think you need to lose weight~" As he spoke, he picked up the last bun on Han Xin's plate and stuffed it into his mouth, and after eating it in three or two, he rushed towards the bedroom.

Han Xin looked at the empty plate, as if he saw his empty wild area, his mood was really a little indescribable, and after a while he muttered, "I...... I'm busty, you know a fart......" ......

It was dawn and it was dark again.

When the two woke up, it was already getting dark, and then the two went downstairs to eat the meal that Aunt Liu had reserved for them, and then stepped into the training room again, but there were two more people besides the West Starling.

An adc with a somewhat overly large head and a secondary ...... with a somewhat non-mainstream hairstyle

"Hello, I'm mid laner August, Lu Xiufeng, we had a game yesterday, and you didn't give you a chance to get close. Lu Xiufeng stretched out his hand and shook hands with the two, as if it was someone else's fault that someone else didn't take it to him.

"Hello, I'm Lin Weixiang...... With such a big disadvantage yesterday, the two of you actually flashed forward, aren't you afraid of being waved?" The big head was a little excessive, that is, Lin Weixiang twitched the corner of his eyes, and responded casually.

And the assistant with a somewhat non-mainstream hairstyle was silent, and he shook Lu Xiufeng's hand and let go: "Hello, I'm Liu Qingsong."

"Flashing backwards is a sure lose...... We handed over that wave in a flash, and we didn't hand in the clockwork ultimate, so we couldn't hold it even if we retreated to the bottom of the tower. Han Xin replied casually, his other abilities may not be outstanding, but he has never been afraid of taking the blame.

The four of them discussed it and sat down, after all, the reward for the top of the canyon had been hung in the training room by Su Youyan.

"Win the top five, the first place will be quadrupled, the 2~5 will be tripled

, and the rest of the situation will be ...... according to the ranking

" According to the detailed rules, as long as you are on the king rank, there will be a reward, Lu Xiufeng read it carefully, and then patted Han Xin's shoulder and said: "Let's go...... Rush points.

The corners of Han Xin's eyes twitched: "Tomorrow...... It's good to play a few handfuls today to keep your grip on it.

Lu Xiufeng crossed his hands on his hips, looking determined to win: "The young people of my generation are only seizing

the day!" Han Xin covered his face: "What are you talking about during the day today."

Lu Xiufeng maintained that posture: "Wangwang." "


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