Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 69 Half a Year (Part 2)

Black ran to the entrance of the lair, and after looking out for a long time, after finding that the king and Shava had not returned, it came to the giant empty room where Queen Linda was.

Blake knew that Queen Linda was the mother who gave birth to her.

As long as he sees Queen Ant Linda, he can feel a very kind feeling.

Black used to love being next to Queen Linda.

But as time went on, he got smarter and smarter, and after he learned more and more knowledge, it became more like staying by the king's side.

Blake, on the contrary, felt a little alienated from the queen.

It's not disgust, but Blake found that although Queen Linda has a certain amount of wisdom, the level of wisdom is far less than her.

It can't replace Shava's position by the king's side, but it can completely replace Queen Linda.

With the simple wisdom of the queen ant, she is not suitable to be the queen ant to assist the king at all.

But as his knowledge increased, Blake knew that it was just a worker ant, a worker ant was born a worker ant, and it could never become a queen.

If you want to be a queen, it needs to be at least a female.

"When God takes one thing, he gives another."

Black recited the words that the king had told him several times in his heart. Although he was very unwilling, he would still sort out his emotions and inform the ant queen Linda that the worker ant team had caught the mouse.

If Wang and Shava were not there, Linda would be in charge of everything in the lair.

And Black's position in the nest is still behind the four soldier ants.

And Black knew that its status in the lair would continue to decline after the dozen or so guys emerged from the chrysalis again.

"I don't know when I'll get the ability to [mental connection]."

Black said secretly in his heart, it went to a remote empty room in the underground lair, and in the empty room there was the frost slime gel that it hid before.

Wang knew about it hiding gelatin more than ten days ago, but Wang didn't say much and acquiesced to it hiding gelatin.

Since then, every time the king grabs the frost slime, he will give it some extra points.

But it still disappoints Wang. No matter how it eats, its body is still so thin and small, as if it will never grow up.

Still eating and bulging his stomach, Blake quickly climbed up and walked in the empty room, so that it could digest it faster...



Xiao Hei's thoughtful thoughts in the wintering lair, System had no way of knowing, or even if he knew, he wouldn't care, and instead showed a relieved smile.

After searching for the strange creature with Shava for a night near the lair, System remembered the previous agreement.

So System flapped his wings and grabbed Shava with his tentacles, heading to the goblin village a dozen kilometers away from his lair.

He had secretly complained that these stupid goblins believed in Aura, the lord of the glacier, and when the severe winter came, these goblins with poor living conditions would not be able to survive at all.

Unexpectedly, I don't know what means the Lord of Glacier used, all the goblins in this village turned into frost goblin giants more than two meters high.

They are covered in ice-blue armor and wield ice crystal weapons.

The frost goblin giant that System met for the first time was a member of this goblin village, and after a full month, System learned the truth of the matter.

In the past few months, System had come to the village of the Frost Goblin Giants many times.

Also a member of the Winter Legion, the Goblin Giant was very friendly to System, and System would get the drinks provided by the Goblin Giant every time he went there.

Although for System, he could not taste the taste of wine like a goblin. He tasted more like a mango juice drink with a special salty taste, but he liked this taste as well.

Dragging Shava to fly, System gradually felt a little tired.

The last time I took Shava to the goblin village was two months ago. At that time, Shava had just finished her second pupation and was still very small.

But after two months of continuous growth, Shawa's body has become too huge, with a height of nearly forty centimeters, even bigger than his own body.

Shava didn't know what kind of influence was affected, and after the second metamorphosis, she turned into a strange figure.

System estimated that 80% of Shava was poisoned by the image of the knight he once passed on, and that turned into the strange body he is now.

If System were to describe it, Shava's body was very similar to the centaurs he had seen in fantasy stories in his previous life, the kind of centaurs with armor attached to his body.

Shava's once huge head was gone, her head shrunk, and her entire upper body resembled a human knight covered in armor.

Her former pair of huge fangs turned into two sword-like weapons and appeared on her forelimbs.

Some resemble the pair of scythes on the mantis' forelimbs, but the double-edged blade in Shava's hand is significantly larger and stronger than the weapon in the mantis' arm.

As for Shava's remaining four legs and her lower body, it's the same as before, but her legs are significantly stronger and stronger.

Not only her body shape, but after Shava's second molting, she also heard the voice of the world.

Unlike System, who acquired the auxiliary ability [Perception], Shava acquired an extremely powerful fighting ability.

From System's point of view, if he fights Shava.

Even if Shava only exerts half the power of that ability, he can easily turn him into scum in seconds after transforming into [Frost Form].

Although in fact, Shava, like him, has not been completely transformed into a magical life.

But Shava's ability should have gone beyond the scope of magical power, and it was a powerful ability that System could not fully explain and locate.


Fluttering his wings, System slowly fell from the air. Although his tentacles had increased by twelve in the past six months, the wings on his back did not become much larger. Flying with Shava was a real challenge. Too laborious.

After flying less than two kilometers, System had to take Shava down and stop on the ground for a while.

Seeing that System looked a little tired, Shava hesitated for a while to send a spiritual message to System: "King, you look very tired, otherwise you will fly in the sky, and I will run on the ground."

System showed a puzzled look, and he stared at Shava for a while.

System's worm head showed a strange look and said: "Yeah, why do I have to fly with you? Shava, why didn't you tell me earlier? I remember when I flew with you a few days ago, very tired."

Hearing System's words, Shava's body showed an uneasy look. She should have long thought of the idea of ​​him flying in the sky and her running on the ground.

But this Shava never said anything.

System looked at Shava's nervous appearance, and his claws trembled involuntarily. He didn't expect that Shava's intelligence increased significantly after the second pupation, and he actually learned to play his jokes.

However, Shava's next spiritual message soon made his expression even more eccentric.

Shava conveyed a spiritual message to him: "Because, it is very comfortable when the tentacles hold me."

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