Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 49 Ability Activation Technique

Ordering Shava to watch over these ant larvae feeding on the gelatin, System took the ant larva to an empty room.

System Tum immediately started his inspection of the ant larvae, that is, tentacle entanglement.

Perhaps because the ant larvae were completely immature, System checked the ant larvae with his tentacles and had the effect of appearing like Shava.

The ant larvae had always felt as if System had returned to their mother's body, and there were no special fluctuations in their emotions.

A few minutes later, System checked that the ant's level was 4, and the upper limit of the level was 14, the same as that of Shava. It seemed that the upper limit of the black and brown ants should be the same, which was 14.

And System also detected the sex of the ant, it should be a female ant.

System continued to carry out the detection and analysis, and he once again felt the [insect adaptability] in the ant's blood and the special talent similar to [molting growth].

By comparing the information differences between female ant larvae and Shava, System found that the ant's power similar to [molting and growth] was actually the [pupa] talent.

The talent [Pupation] is more powerful than [Melting Growth], and the degree of transformation of life is also higher.

Like butterfly larvae, ant larvae continue to feed during the larval stage, and when the body grows to a certain extent, it condenses into a pupa, and finally emerges from the pupa to become a new life.

System recalled that when he first molted, his legs were torn off by an ant, but after the molting, all his legs were repaired as before.

His molting can repair the injuries of the feet and limbs, and the pupation of the ants can repair the damage of the body.

Since the grasshopper's [molting and growth] can have a third molting, then Shava can also have a second pupation, and get a new body at the same time as the pupae emerge.

Shava's current level has reached level 10, and it is estimated that it is very close to the conditions for achieving the second pupation.

Perhaps it would be easier to use [Ability Enhancement] to enhance Shava's talent [Pupation], so that Shava could have a second pupation as soon as possible, rather than giving Shava the ability to [Regenerate Severed Limbs].

And if Shava undergoes a second pupation, he will undoubtedly increase his strength and become his right-hand man.


After briefly thinking about it, System did not think much about it, and continued to test the powerful digestion ability in the female ant larvae.

Ten minutes later, System successfully detected the [Super Speed ​​Digestion] (4-7/11-15) ability in this female ant larva.

It is still only able to measure the approximate range of medium abilities, which is not very precise.

System speculates that this ability of [Super Speed ​​Digestion] should be the ability that every female ant possesses.

When a female ant becomes a queen, it must ensure that it ingests and digests a large amount of food in a short period of time, otherwise its body will not have the conditions to lay eggs in large quantities, and it is impossible to breed several ants with just one queen. One hundred thousand ants.

Through the induction of [Insect Adaptability] in his body, System found that although the grasshopper's body is not very suitable for the ability of [Super Speed ​​Digestion], his [Insect Adaptability] has reached level 13, and because of the third time Degeneration, the insect bloodline is further improved, he should be able to master this ability of [super speed digestion].

The so-called insects, in the final analysis, in fact, whether grasshoppers, ants or butterflies, dragonflies, they all have the same ancestor.

Insects may seem strange, but the essence of their bloodline is not much different.

It's just that some things are left on the surface to show, and some things are hidden in the blood, and only show up when necessary.

Insects are weak and small, but they can reproduce to this day. Their strength may not be strong, but there are thousands of abilities hidden in their blood.

When System initially upgraded, he obtained the abilities of [Dark Vision] and [Acid Resistance] by relying on [Insect Adaptation]. In fact, this ability was inherited from the grasshopper's bloodline.

Feeling the unique rhythm of [Insect Adaptability] in his body, System compared the rhythm of the blood vessels in the female ant larvae, used the [Power Enhancement Technique] to consume the experience bar, and began to activate the ability similar to [Super Speed ​​Digestion] in the blood vessels.

By eating and digesting slime's gelatin, System's experience bar is further increased from 3% to 5%.

As the experience bar was consumed, System found that the blood in his body was itching.

This itchy feeling gradually spread to his stomach, and his stomach produced irregular peristalsis, and System could feel that the digestion rate of slime gel in his stomach was further improved.

System's stomach became more and more itchy. With the consumption of the experience bar, when the total amount of experience dropped from 5% to 3%, this intense itching suddenly turned into a tingling pain, and his stomach became more and more itchy. The department started to squirm even more violently...

This kind of feeling is like when he ate slime and the [Corrosive Slime] was improved, the changes were similar.

Ding! You get the derivative ability [Super Speed ​​Digest]!

Ding! Your [Data Compilation] talent level has increased!

Ding! You get a derivative ability [Insect Ability Activation]!

As the experience bar continued to be consumed, when the experience bar gradually reached the end, the tingling sensation in System's stomach reached the maximum, and finally he successfully activated a digestive ability in his body - [Super Speed ​​Digestion] (1/11).

Not only that, but with a unique feeling, System found that his understanding of the talent [Data Compilation] deepened, and his [Data Compilation] (3/5) increased to [Data Compilation] (4/5).

At the same time, System gained a new ability, [Insect Ability Activation] (3/5).


[Super Speed ​​Digestion] (1/11): A derivative ability obtained from [Insect Adaptability] and [Insect Ability Activation]. This ability can be activated to quickly digest food.

[Insect Ability Activation] (3/5): System uses [Data Compilation] to create a unique derivative ability. By consuming the experience bar, you can activate the unique ability in yourself or the target's [Insect Adaptation]. System's unique ability.


After obtaining [Super Speed ​​Digest], System found that his digestion speed increased by at least half, and this was still only one level of [Super Speed ​​Digestion]. If the level of [Super Speed ​​Digestion] was increased, his digestion speed would definitely be further accelerated.

The newly acquired [Insect Ability Activation Technique] allowed System to understand more things, and gave him a deeper understanding of the various activatable abilities contained in [Insect Adaptability].

Each insect has several abilities that suit them best, such as [smelly mucus] and [regeneration of amputated limbs] in grasshoppers; [formic acid] and [sense of smell] in ants; [insect intuition] and [camouflage] in mantises technique].

At the same time, each insect also has some abilities that are not suitable for them. Even if this ability is obtained, the level cap will be very low, and it will be useless.

For example, a butterfly larvae acquired the ability of [underwater breathing], but the butterfly larvae cannot forage at all underwater, so unless they fall into the water, they will not use the ability of [underwater breathing] at all. will not be used once.

Not only that, but there is a deeper limitation hidden in [Insect Adaptability], which is ability conflict.

There is no insect that can fit all the abilities of [Insect Adaptability], just like obtaining [Solid Carapace], you cannot obtain [Softening Skin];

The abilities in the bloodline of insects not only have these distinct abilities conflicts on the bright side, but also have many unexpected limitations.

For example, there is a certain conflict between [Fire Resistance] and [Discoloration Camouflage] in System. When one ability level becomes higher, it is difficult for another ability to continue to improve.

The degree of conflict between these two abilities is not very high, but some abilities are inherently opposites. As long as one is obtained, the other opposite ability cannot be activated at all.

Therefore, although System has the means to activate various abilities, he must consider carefully when choosing.

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