Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 24 Slime and Ant Colony

The ant army, which is not afraid of death, and the slime with low IQ are fighting each other. System feels that there is a possibility of a lose-lose ending.

Slime's glue will eat countless ants, but a steady stream of ants will also severely damage the slime's glue.

The outcome of the match between the two sides could not be guessed by System either.

It should also depend on the size of the ant colony. As long as the ants are large enough, the slime will definitely be submerged by the torrent of ants.

I just don't know what the IQ of a magical species like slime is.

After being endangered, it will choose to fight to the end with the ant colony?

Or would you just take it as soon as you see it, eat some ants and then bounce away?


The slime was not very far from the red-brown ant's nest, only about twelve meters.

System has a way of attracting slimes to move, he can throw dead branches to lure slimes.

Through previous tests, System found that the behavior pattern of the slime was very simple. As long as there was an abnormal slight vibration around it, it would move in that direction.

If this slime maintained its previous state and would not run around at will, System would be sure to attract the slime to the ant's nest by throwing dead branches about a hundred times.

System, who had made up his mind, quickly acted.

He almost fell into the slime's scent trap just now, which made System somewhat annoyed, so even if throwing dead branches in a row would waste a lot of time, System did it resolutely.

Search for suitable dead branches, bring the dead branches to the diagonally above the slime, find the right angle to cast...

System acted so repeatedly.

Slime's IQ is indeed very low, as he expected to move step by step towards the ant's nest.

However, the speed of the slime's movement is slightly different from System's estimate. Usually, every time he throws a branch, the slime will only move about 5 cm. In addition, the terrain of the forest is complicated, and System estimates that the throw will be more difficult. It takes more than 200 shots to lead the slime to the ant's nest.

More than 200 times of throwing dead branches, if it is completed, it will take at least seven or eight hours, and the sky will be dark by then.

The pitch-dark sky, coupled with the mental exhaustion at that time, made System somewhat want to give up.

But if you miss today, this slime may be lost.

System thought about it for a while, and finally decided to continue. He tried his best to become more swift and efficient.

Attracting slimes in the first half was laborious, but near noon, an unexpected progress occurred in guiding slimes—

Several red-brown worker ants appeared not far from the slime, and they explored the direction of the slime.

The slime bounced and swallowed several worker ants into the gelatinous body of its body.

Not long after that, the worker ants that crawled out of the ant's nest to investigate reappeared. The slime continued to jump and devour the ants, and it was getting closer and closer to the ant's nest...

After noon, System basically didn't need to shoot, because these ants would actively attract slimes to their nests.

System discovered that ants and slimes should be part of the food chain in this forest.

Even if he didn't take the initiative to seduce the slime, this slime was destined to fight the ant colony.

But System couldn't figure out who was on the upper level of the food chain between slimes and ants. Although it seemed that slimes were eating ants step by step, it could also be the bait that ants used to attract slimes.

As the slime gradually approached the ant nest of the rotten tree, more and more ants came and went, and the slime's swallowing action became more and more frequent, and it approached the ant's nest more quickly.

System could see the reddish-brown dots appearing in the football-sized slime gel, which were the corpses of ants. Obviously, the slime couldn't completely digest the ants in a short time.

As the slime approached the ant nest step by step, when the slime was about half a meter away from the ant nest, the ants in the nest suddenly poured out like a flood and charged at the slime! !

The reddish-brown ants have slightly smaller claws than the dark-brown ants, and are more slender and thinner, but they are much faster than the dark-brown ants.

The slime jumped and rolled, easily drowning and swallowing hundreds of ants, but as the slime continued to roll, thousands of ants had stepped on the body of their companions and covered the slime's gelatinous body...

The slime was still eating more ants, but System saw that many worker ants were already returning to their nests carrying the rice-sized gelatin.

The battle between the ants and the slimes was very fierce. After half an hour, because the slime devoured too many ants, the viscosity of the slime gel was greatly reduced, and many ant corpses and slime gel began to stop. scattered.

Before long, perhaps because of the instinct of survival, the slime did not choose to continue fighting the ants to the end.

It bounced away from the ant nest, and as it continued to bounce, more glue and ant carcasses were scattered from the slime's body.

When it came, it was the size of a football. When it left, it devoured countless ants. The slime was still the size of a football. Obviously, a lot of slime's gelatinous body was carried by the ant colony.

And although the ant colony plundered a large amount of slime glue, it also sacrificed the lives of tens of thousands of ants.

The battle between the two is clearly a lose-lose.

Under the guidance of the huge soldier ants, the remaining worker ants near the ant colony began to carry the corpses of their companions, cleaned up the glue on their companions and carried them to the ant colony.


System didn't watch the ants, he chased in the direction the slime fled.

There will be a lot of glue and ant corpses scattered on the path of the slime's escape. You can let him try to taste the slime's glue, and you can also let him eat these ant corpses to fill his stomach.

The slime that bounced away lost nearly a third of its size after escaping more than ten meters due to the scattering of gelatin, and finally it bounced into the mud of a puddle and stopped.

Seeing where the slime stopped, System began to try to eat the scattered slime gelatin.

These gums scattered from the slime's body, and did not die immediately, but slowly wriggled on the ground, as if to gather together.

However, except for a few large pieces of glue that can successfully aggregate, the small pieces of glue will completely lose their movement within a few minutes of leaving the slime's body.

"Is this a way of dividing and multiplying?"

System looked at the 5-centimeter-sized jelly balls that gathered together in front of him, and he felt that he had learned more about the magical creature like slime.

System aimed the worm's head at the mass of gelatin and sucked it.

This group of microgels seemed to have taken on a whole new life, and as System's claws touched the gums, the group of gums tried to bounce around to devour System.

But this mass of gelatin was too small and weak, and was easily smashed by System's forelimbs, and then the scattered gelatin continued to aggregate.

The gelatinous taste is alright, exuding a rich yogurt taste, similar to the taste of mushrooms, but more intense.

The gelatin tastes slightly stronger than the pupa, but provides three times as much experience as the pupa.

As System sucked the gelatin, System could feel the gelatin quiver gently in his stomach.

The quivering gel in his stomach did not make System feel uncomfortable, but made him feel very comfortable. The swallowed gel seemed to be massaging his abdomen.

Not only that, but with the gradual digestion of the abdominal jelly, System found that the slime's jelly had an extraordinary effect on his natural talent [Metamorphosis Growth].

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