King’s Landing

Chapter 723: to catch the traitor

Or to be more precise, it should be the soul of Zong Zheng Ling Jue.

Jun Yuyan was too lazy to say anything.

She promised to purify Zongzheng Lingjue, but she did not say that she would keep Zongzheng Lingjue on her body all the time.

Even if she agrees to purify, she will only bring this stuff when she has time.

Her official enthronement ceremony is scheduled for two days later.

But before that...

Jun Yuyan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Until then, there is one last thing to do.

When he was in a decisive battle with Zongzheng Lingjue, he once said something as a show off.

At that time, Jun Yuyan didn't seem to take it to heart, but in fact she always remembered it.

Beside her, there is a spy.

This spy betrayed her, no, it should be said that she betrayed everyone, and informed Zong Zhengling Jue.

And it seems that they should have been tipping off the news all the time, and have never stopped.

Jun Yuyan definitely wanted to find this spy.

First exclude Lou Lieqing four people, and they are among the remaining people.

Then, using the method of exclusion, from Zong Zheng Ling Jue's complacent tone, this spy is definitely not a marginal figure.

After all, even among the millions of heroes at that time, many of his people were mixed in, and Jun Yuyan knew this.

It's just that because none of them are of any importance, she turns a blind eye.

In other words, the guy that Zong Zheng Lingjue specifically pointed out must be a guy with a name and a surname, maybe even in the management.

To find this spy, it still takes a little thought.

After all, Zong Zheng Ling Jue is dead, and even if he sets any more traps, it will be difficult for him to be trapped.

There is only one last way.

Jun Yuyan roughly narrowed the scope first.

The management, people who basically knew about their plans, and who she didn't know the bottom of, might betray them.

In this way, most of the people were immediately removed, and only a handful remained.

The approximate candidates should appear in these veterans before the 7788 Mecha Division.

But Jun Yuyan is also very clear that this kind of thing can't be looked for with great fanfare.

If it is really publicized, it will only lead to confusion.

At that time, everyone will look at the teammates who have fought side by side as spies, not only will they feel uncomfortable, but also not conducive to the cohesion of the entire army.

After thinking about it, Jun Yuyan roughly made a list of suspicious people, there were about twelve people on it, and then she decided to try one by one.

As for how to try it, it's actually quite simple.

Use mental power to search directly and violently!

That's right, that's it, simple, convenient and violent!

Some time ago, her mental power had risen to a higher level, and now she is basically the pinnacle of the SSS level, and she is actually a little bit closer to breaking through the gods.

Of course, this is not so good to be able to break through, because it is basically a qualitative change, and it may not be necessary to stay here for more than ten years.

But anyway, with her current mental power, it is almost a no-brainer to break open the spiritual sea of ​​any one of these twelve people, and then search their memories.

Of course, the premise of this effortless effort is that she doesn't care about the damage to their spiritual sea.

However, Goose Jun Yu said that it is impossible not to care.

It doesn't matter if the spy's spirit is hurt, but the other eleven people can't make this crime in vain.

So when she actually implements it, it will definitely take some twists and turns.

In order to better implement this method that sounds crude and simple, but is somehow stupid, Jun Yuyan decided to stun them directly before exploring their memories in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

In this case, it would be much easier to invade their spiritual sea.

As for how to get dizzy, it's even simpler.

For example, the first person on the list, Wang Hang.

After all, Wang Hang was the strongest in the regiment he used to be in, and he also knew the space technique. Jun Yuyan felt that if he managed to get him, it would be easier for him to follow.

So on this day, Jun Yuyan found an excuse to invite Wang Hang in.

When he just came in, Wang Hang looked at Jun Yuyan and seemed a little cautious, and he didn't dare to look directly at her, and even his sitting posture was extremely serious.

This made Jun Yuyan a little confused.

She didn't say anything, why did it suddenly become like this.

At this time, Moji couldn't help but complained in her mind: 'Master! Are you stupid! You just revealed your gender! ’

As soon as these words came out, Jun Yuyan suddenly realized that it was because of his gender that he was awkward.

Wang Hang, as one of the group of people who followed Jun Yuyan very early, was very surprised that Jun Yuyan was actually a woman, but this did not affect his evaluation and evaluation of Jun Yuyan. senses.

For them, no matter whether Jun Yuyan is a man or a woman, she is the general they swore to be loyal to and follow for the rest of their lives.

with no exceptions.

"Wang Hang, relax," Jun Yuyan smiled helplessly: "Drink first."

Saying that, she pointed to the disposable quilt on the table with cold water in it.

Wang Hang glanced at the cup, then glanced at Jun Yuyan quickly, and found that her complexion remained the same, still a very calm smile.

After swallowing, Wang Hang said in a low voice and quickly, "Thank you, General."

Probably because he was really nervous and cramped, after speaking, he quickly grabbed the water glass on the table as if he was afraid of being robbed, and then drank all the water in one go.

And Jun Yuyan just sat behind the desk like this, his face remained unchanged, but he counted gently in his heart:




"Huh? It seems a bit..." Before he could finish speaking, Wang Hang rolled his eyes and leaned back completely and fainted.

Jun Yuyan smiled slightly.

This is the drug she deliberately took care of Liu Yiying, not to mention Wang Hang, even a martial artist from the sky can be fascinated by a cup.

Then, Jun Yuyan stayed far away, and directly probed his mental power into Wang Hang's brain.

As she went over, she couldn't help but mutter a few words in her heart.

Hope not, if not, I'll give you a raise when you wake up.

Immediately afterwards, her spiritual power gently but firmly invaded Wang Hang's spiritual sea.

Although Wang Hang's strength is high and his mental power level has reached A level, it is still not worth mentioning in the face of Jun Yuyan, let alone defense.

Then, Jun Yuyan controlled his mental power and came to the place where his memories were stored.

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