Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 99 You Are My Only Weakness (33) (Gageng)


Yun Si coughed lightly, fell on the bed, covered her face, blocking the shy joy on her face.


If you can continue to take advantage of him, then...


The little rascal* Si slightly covered her lips, her smiling eyes crooked.



#Dark tin room#

The dim light shone down coldly, cold and biting.

The oppressive and stuffy smell in the air, like a stinking garbage dump, filled the entire room.

Mosquitoes buzzed and swirled under the lampshade, crawling around, excited by the stench in the air.

under the light,

Their small dark figures circled back and forth on the ground, densely packed, as if they were still wriggling,

They are hungry, looking for food everywhere,

Finally, it landed on the petite figure in the corner.

The petite figure curled up, her body trembling,

With disheveled hair and only a thin dress on her body,

She stared blankly, as if her soul had been sucked out, she stared at the ground mindlessly, her dry lips squirmed slightly,

The originally fair skin was now dirty and smelly, and there were countless bruises, all of which were traces of torture.

But she was still in a daze, as if she didn't feel any more, hugging her arms, wishing that she would melt into the corner and never come out again.

Delicate and lovely woman, after staying in this dark place for fifteen days, her sanity is no longer clear.

Everything was empty, and the man who had been beaten on the other side of the glass wall made her nerves tense, almost tensed and broken.

The strangers around her, the cruel and ruthless side, made her original pure and kind nature gradually disappear, and gradually began to become insensitive, complaining and unwilling.

Not long after,

Beyond the glass wall came the sound of beating again,

The woman hugged herself blankly, and there was no more response.

Even, a smile flashed across her eyes,

Because, as long as the person next door is beaten, she will be fine.

Those people will only focus on the person next door and won't look at her anymore.


She'll be safe through the day.

The woman's ears, while listening to the voice next door, slowly relaxed her body,

The corners of the lips slowly rise, the smile is vicious,

Hit...hit me...hit...kill him...

If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been kidnapped, and she wouldn't have stayed here and been tortured.

The woman's long and pointed nails pinched into the flesh firmly, as if venting her anger, a long red mark was drawn,

She lowered her face, her eyes were dead and cold, and she had a vicious grin.




Under the dirty hair, shading the dim light,

Her thin cheeks fell into deep shadows, like a zombie, lifeless.

next door,

Heavy beatings, one after another,

Cruel and merciless.




"What do you mean you can't do anything!?"

"Aren't you in charge of dealing with those people?! They really have no clue!?"

With a sullen face, Huangfuhu yelled into the phone.

On the phone, the man rambled on for a long time, to the effect that although the other party was involved in gangsters, he had always dealt with the government.

Especially when it comes to monetary interests,

The government almost always speaks the same way. If they say they don’t know, they just don’t know.

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