The card game ended not too late. Xiang Shaoyuan never won. In the end, he refused to let him go. However, Jiang Xuyang persuaded him to go back.

When Lin Fang took the elevator downstairs, he was still calculating his win or loss today. Suddenly he thought of something and turned to look at Shi Yun who was standing in the corner of the elevator: "Don't let him drive."

Wei Songying was still the one to pay the bill. He walked forward and the waiter handed him today's bill. He took the pen and signed his name on the bill at the front desk.

Everyone seems to like stamping a dot next to their signature after signing, and he is no exception.

They separated at the door and drove away in their own cars.

Wei Zongying threw the car keys to Shi Yun. Shi Yun looked at the car keys in his hand and was a little worried: "I can't do it."

"Even if it gets bumped, it doesn't count as yours." Wei Songying said and already opened the passenger door, not feeling distressed at all.

He sat in the passenger seat and adjusted the seat slightly to stretch his legs more comfortably. Looking at Shi Yun in the driver's seat, he suddenly looked like a driving school instructor.

His car has a manual transmission, and a manual transmission car can retain the driving experience very well.

They call this man's feelings.

The only manual transmission car that Shi Yun has come into contact with so far in her life is the coach car from a driving school. She has almost forgotten how to start.

He reached under the steering wheel, looked at Shi Yun who was sitting awkwardly, and told her that the buttons for adjusting the steering wheel were under this: "Press the clutch and brake."

Shi Yun adjusted the height and angle of the steering wheel. Looking at the car logo on the steering wheel, she knew that this car was not cheap.

As if the car didn't belong to him, Wei Zongying was very calm: "Don't worry, it's fine if you start in second gear. Not many people can turn off the engine when driving this car."

Shi Yun slowly drove the car according to his instructions. She had been learning to drive for a while, but she didn't drive often, especially after she had a car accident with her mother, she had some psychological effects on driving.

His car is equipped with a distance sensing radar, and it will make a beep beep beep whenever an object approaches. The direction of the object is reflected in real time on the central control display.

The road we drove out was not wide, and there was a row of cars parked on the side of the road. She had no sense of the distance between the car and the whole car drove very close to her.

Even so, the vehicle distance radar still prompted that there was an object in the direction of the co-pilot.

Shi Yun drove the car out at a snail's speed. Wei Zongying reminded her that she could drive closer to him, but she didn't dare.

Wei Zongying listened to the beep of the radar in the car and teased her: "Where's the telegram?"

Wei Zongying sat calmly in the passenger seat and joked with her. The driver ignored his words to relax her and reminded him to help her watch the road together.

"What are you afraid of?" Wei Congying raised his hand, folded the palms of his two hands together, and placed them between the back of the chair and his head.

"I was scared after the car accident." Shi Yun's nerves were highly tense.

These words did not make Wei Songying give up the idea of ​​letting her drive. He had been in more car accidents while driving. In his opinion, once fear arises, escaping cannot solve the problem.

But he still sat up a little straighter, making himself look a little safer: "Don't be nervous, release the accelerator, and take the straight road in the middle."

Wei Congying put one hand on the gear, watched the speed of the car, and asked her to step on the clutch and help her change gears.

The car stopped at the traffic light. Shi Yun waited for the car to stop before she breathed a sigh of relief. She just relaxed when she heard laughter coming from beside her.

Slightly angry: "What are you laughing at?"

He put away that smile and changed his face, becoming a little more serious: "How long has it been since Auntie passed away?"

After hearing this, Shi Yun lowered his eyes: "It's been three years."

The red light was a bit long. Wei Zongying observed her expression: "Is it because of this that you don't go home during the summer vacation?"

Wei Zongying was right.

Shi Yun watched the green light turn on and lifted the clutch: "I went out to play at night. My mother was worried about me and drove me home. There was a car accident on the road."

She thought about that day again, when her mother asked others to save her first, but she sat helplessly on the roadside and watched the car being burned in the fire.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to take her home, her mother would not have driven out.

The subsequent tragedy will not happen.

The dark cloud that lingered in Shi Yun's heart after her mother passed away rained glass on her heart, and the pieces of glass made her hurt.

Guilt and regret.

The mood that was starting to get stronger was suddenly interrupted by the arm that had been resting on her arm. Wei Zongying looked ahead: "Concentrate on driving."

However, Shi Yun still missed the intersection where she was about to turn. Wei Zongying told her that it was okay and she could just turn right at the next intersection.

There are no bars with noisy nightlife on this road. There are not many cars coming and going. Occasionally, a few taxis pass by. However, there are many residential buildings along the street with lights on. Thousands of lights are shining far away from them. distance.

There were no stars in the pitch-black sky. The tall buildings not far away blocked half of the moon. The street lamps were about the same height as the camphor trees. The weak light from the street lamps leaked out a little light from between the leaves.

Wei Cong should remind her to turn: "Turn on the turn signal."

Shi Yun pulled over and saw no car in the rearview mirror. She was not driving very fast, but she reached behind the steering wheel. There were only wipers and no turn signals.

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