Invincible Heroes - Hidden Architect

Chapter 98 The mixed-race concubine

Qi Ge put on the priest's clothes as usual and prayed devoutly for a lucky wife. Qi Ge rubbed his hands and started the lottery.

First shot N 3500 gold coins

Second shot N 3500 gold coins

Qige's face turned bitter, but Li Xiaobai and the others were happy!

The boss must be shady, so just say the boss is African.

Third shot N 7 gems

Fourth shot N 7 crystal

Damn it, 4th company N, don’t do it! Goddess, save me, your devout believers will be laughed to death by them.

The fifth UR Demon Duke’s job transfer certificate

Damn it! UR! Rare than SSR!

Big stuff!

I'm lying down! Goddess, I can pose in any position you want me to! I also tolerated the steel wool.

Demon Duke job transfer contract

The second stage of miracle career


Race: Devil

Occupation: Any first-stage occupation

Attributes: Intelligence 20, Ability Power 15

Auxiliary skills: Advanced Wisdom, Advanced Summoning

I have seen this professional Qi Pigeon in my previous life!

The 2-turn ultra-rare miracle profession Demon Duke is a powerful profession that can summon demon portals.

You can consume magic points to summon portals and continuously summon demonic troops.

The portal itself is in a different space and is invincible and cannot be attacked by ordinary means.

Demonic troops that can be summoned continuously by consuming magic points.

Moreover, the Demon Duke can also absorb magic value after killing the enemy!

Consume magic to summon demons, kill enemies to restore magic, and form a perpetual motion machine!

Damn it! take off.

Wait a minute, I can't fly. I'm a half-elf and can't change my job.

It's okay, you can sell it and make money with your blood!

Wait a minute, you can’t make any money, the things drawn from Chaos Lottery Tickets are bound and cannot be sold!


I finally got the UR, but it doesn’t work!

I'm losing blood!

Qi Ge's heart bleeds.

Wait a moment!

I can use it for the secondary hero! Just find a demonic sub-hero!

Nu Qier!

Hey, I was so tired after learning the Wisdom Technique that I forgot to ask her for her contact information!

The heroes stationed in the witch hut can also be kidnapped!

As long as the favorability level reaches 100, the recruitment mission can be triggered.

Heartache! I was too busy studying at the time to think about this.

We can only wait until we leave the tavern to see if there are any wandering demonic heroes.

Li Xiaobai and the others looked at Qi Ge's expressions, which were sometimes happy, sometimes gloomy, sometimes excited, and sometimes depressed.

Looking at each other.

Zhang Fu asked in a low voice: "Boss, are you stunned by the appearance of five N demons in a row?"

"I heard it! Fatty, let me open your eyes!"

Qi Ge posted the Demon Duke’s job transfer contract to the team channel.

The four of them looked confused.


"Boss? What is this? What does Demon Duke mean?"

"UR. The miracle profession is rarer than the hidden profession, and it is a miracle profession that does not require 1 transfer. Any demon hero can transfer it."

“You can summon a demon portal, and randomly summon demon troops every three rounds based on your strength.

The maximum level of the demon unit is 1/10+1 of the hero level, and the level is randomly 1~4.

In other words, if a level 30 hero is the strongest, he can summon level 4 and level 4 demon troops.

You can even lead a soldier and run naked into the jungle. "

"Damn it! That sounds a bit awesome! Why did you get it?" Zhang Fu was so bitter.

"Hahaha!" Qi Ge laughed wildly, "When I have a demon-bred deputy hero, even if it's trash, I can make him a god!"

Ke Ruoke heard Qi Ge's words, slapped his thigh and said, "Brother Qi Ge, I know a doting concubine and half-hero.

A doting girl who has started on the road to becoming a hero. "


favorite concubine!

It is a kind of hell soldier whose reputation is as good as that of succubus in Yasha continent.

The Beloved and the Succubus are both level 4 arms. Because their numbers are relatively rare, they do not enter the main combat arms sequence of the regular hell.

Unlike the unruly succubus, the Beloved is more obedient and loyal.

The appearance of Beloved and Succubus is very similar, the biggest difference is the tail and the top of the head.

A succubus' tail is usually black and has a heart-shaped tip.

When it is happy, it likes to wrap its tail around other people's arms, and the tip of its heart-shaped tail will tremble at high speed.

The tail of a concubine is usually shorter than that of a succubus, and is mostly red in color, with a square tip.

Pinch the square part will make Chong Ji feel weak and unable to move.

The horns of succubi are usually sharp, while the horns of concubines are usually rounded.

Succubi only have females, while concubines have very few males who are better looking than females.

In these respects, Qi Ge is a family treasure.

Hybrid demons also belong to the demon species and can change jobs.

The level 4 NPC unit is still a semi-hero who has started the journey of becoming a hero!

It must be at least level 3!

Qi Ge suddenly became interested and hurriedly came to Keruoke's side, whispering: "Brother Keruoke! Tell us in detail!"

Ke Ruoke said: "The concubine and half-hero is called Laura, a hybrid of a black elf and a concubine.

She is the daughter of the president of a merchant association that sells food in the underground city. "

"I have had several transactions with her mother. Her mother's business skills are very good, no less than mine!"

"As for her, although she is wearing a veil and her appearance is not visible, her figure is so graceful and graceful. Hehe, she is definitely worthy of Master Qi Ge!"

Ke Ruoke winked at Qi Ge.

Qige's face was solemn: "It doesn't matter what shape or size you have.

The main reason is that my territory happens to lack a secondary hero for the dungeon.

Please be sure to introduce me to him! "

"Then next time the caravan leaves for the underground city, I will inform Master Qige and we will go together?"


Qi Ge grabbed Keruoke's hand and said, "Koroke, you are my half-brother!"

Ke Ruoke laughed and said: "I am an old goblin who doesn't have any other skills, but I still have some connections. Lord Qige, you can rest assured and leave it to me!"

It's late at night, but Ruoke needs some rest.

Players like Qi Ge and Zhang Fu who didn't need to sleep didn't want to disturb Ke Ruoke too much, so they lay aside and chatted privately.

Zhang Fufu: Boss, why do you think Ruoke is so beloved by fairies?

Li Xiaobai: Yes, Brother Qi, I feel like if you can finish this sentence, the little goblins in the camp are really into us.

Qi Ge: This is a long story. Do you want to hear it?

Lin Xi: Listen.

Lemeng: Stop being so pretentious, boss.

Qi Dove: This starts with the goblin’s position in the tower.

Qi Ge: Ke Ruoke has sacrificed a lot for the Fairy Tribe, but he himself was unable to advance because of the hidden injuries he suffered when he was young.

Although he has completed the journey of becoming a hero, the probability of being promoted to become a wealthy merchant fairy is less than 5%.

After telling a story about Ke Ruoke, the more emotional Fatty Zhang almost burst into tears.

Zhang Fufu: Boss, Ke Ruoke is so great. Are you saying it really can't be promoted?

Qi Ge: Yes, I have a promotion mission that can be completed, and I have already collected the other three items.

However, there is still an unknown item that cannot be found.

Zhang Fu: Can tasks be shared? Let's find it together.

Qi Ge: Personal tasks cannot be shared, I will send screenshots.

Lin Xi:

In this way, Lao Zhang and I completed other preparations for Jiancheng.

Lemeng and Xiaobai are still close to building.

Lao Zhang and I stayed here for the past two days to explore the main cities in the tower to see if there was any news.

Qi Ge: Yes, let’s brainstorm and come up with a solution together.

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