Guo Tie left.

Su Wei said: "Look, I don't care about these things, so don't say anything and just do it casually. Since you need me to do something, then come up with something that can be exchanged at an equivalent value."

Tu Chacha pinched Su Wei's shoulders, her face was as calm as possible. However, when Guo Tie was here before, it was already the limit of what she could do.

The voice that couldn't tell the direction of the source appeared again.

"Cooperating with a smart person like you is sometimes really strenuous. Anyway, since you made this request, I think you really have something to ask for."

Su Wei glanced at Tu Chacha: "Okay, your hands are shaking, so don't be hard on yourself."

Tu Chacha's voice trembled uncontrollably, and she looked around: "This...what the hell is this?"

Su Wei said: "The mother's body."


Although Tu Chacha had already guessed, but after hearing what Su Wei said, he still couldn't help but froze.

The evil spirit matrix, the enemy that the entire Asgard is most concerned about now, has already threatened the survival of the entire ship!

Such a big monster is actually right in front of her... right now? Should be able to say so?

The fact that the mature species and the mother body have reached a cooperative relationship is far more terrifying to Tu Chacha than seeing the mother body.

"Can you trust this woman? I see that you have imposed a ban on her. This ban is actually very clumsy. Why don't you let me develop her into a believer."

"No, I want my people, not yours."

"Hehe, you still don't regard me as a friend."

"A friend would never show up in my room without knocking."

"You have to forgive me for that, I don't have a body after all."

"I want you to create a chance for me to sneak into the small world."

The mother paused, and said, "How do you know I can do it?"

"I didn't know it just now, but I know it now."

Su Wei said.

In fact, Su Wei deliberately choked on his mother's body. The reason why he knew it was because Zhu Quanfeng was able to smuggle back to the mother's body to make trouble. At that time, Zhu Quanfeng's description was very vague. However, Su Wei knew that Zhu Quanfeng could pass through It is definitely not normal for the fog ball to return directly to the small world.

"I did, but that time was purely accidental. If you need my help, then I need to try a few more times. If I do that, the ship may be destroyed—I never thought Really ruined it."

"I believe in you, there must be a way."

"Actually, what I need you to do is not necessary at all."

"What I asked for was not too necessary, but it was the most convenient."

The mother was silent for a moment.

"Okay, I promise you, but you need to help me finish this first."

"No problem, of course, if you break your promise, I can destroy your achievements at any time."

"It's a deal."

Tu Chacha watched Su Wei without speaking for almost an hour.

"Is it... gone?"

"I don't know, maybe it has always followed behind me."

Tu Chacha suddenly turned her head to look behind her, but of course she couldn't see anything.

"Do you really want to help him... develop Guan Qianlin into a cultist? If that happens, big trouble will happen!"

Like everyone else, Tu Chacha had a strong reaction to the evil spirit cultists. However, after seeing the way Su Wei looked at her, Tu Chacha realized that she had said something stupid. How could the mature species care about the consequences that the evil spirit cultists would bring to Asgard?

"It doesn't matter about this matter, but will the matter you asked for it really put the ship in danger? If the ship is gone, don't you have no place to live? You just return to the small world, Once the ship is gone, the small world will of course cease to exist!"

"Hehe, if there's anyone here who doesn't want the ship to completely shut down, the mother body must be stronger than you and me."

Tu Chacha didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but Su Wei waved her away.

Tu Chacha didn't dare to ask any more questions, and quietly withdrew.

The next day, Su Wei summoned Guo Tie again.


Su Wei said.

Guo Tie thought he had heard it wrong, and was stunned for a moment before agreeing overjoyed.

As a result, the news that Shujianxian wanted to challenge Guan Qianlin again spread immediately.

Guan Qianlin and Wu Yanguo were sitting by a small river, fishing at their leisure.

"I thought he could hold his breath, but it seems that's all."

Guan Qianlin sneered, his resentment towards Su Wei was naturally not small.

Wu Yanguo said: "I feel that he is so easily hooked, but I feel a little uneasy."

"Why don't you worry? This time, I'm fully prepared. I will take back the humiliation of that day!"

"Hey, if it wasn't for Senior Brother Gu, I would never want to be an enemy of such a person."

"If it weren't for such a person, how could Senior Brother Gu care so much? If that person is really like you and me, hehe, how could Senior Brother Gu have the heart to deal with him?"

The grand occasion was no worse than Su Wei's banquet for group cultivators that day.

The challenge was initiated by Su Wei, and according to the rules, the location was determined by Guan Qianlin.

Guan Qianlin chose the largest magic room in the Immortal Ascension Cabin.

This place will often undertake some daily competitions in the Immortal Ascension Cabin. Naturally, there are auditoriums, and there are not many seats. Only some famous monks are eligible to watch in person.

More people can only stay outside and watch through the projection wall outside.

Originally, it was said that all the elders of Lianxu were going to come to watch, but because of the sudden large-scale riots of outside evil spirits, several elders of Lianxu were transferred out to take charge of the overall situation, but they were not transferred. It's not suitable to watch junior competitions here.

Gu Mohan and Wu Yanguo, the two golden robes who stayed out of the matter, were naturally present.

"This time the venue was chosen by Guan Qianlin, hmph, he lost again this time, let's see what else he can say!"

Su Wei's supporter said with a sneer.

"Since there is no room for manipulation on the field, do you think Shujianxian still has a chance to win? It would be great if he survived!"

"Hehe, survived? Last time, Shujianxian wanted to kill someone!"

In the auditorium, the fight has not yet started, and the smell of gunpowder between the two camps has risen again.

Fortunately, the two protagonists appeared on the stage, and the scene became quiet.

The venue for the competition is very wide, surrounded by formations to block the auditorium. Of course, the entire performance room is in the most common hemispherical shape. In the sky above the venue, there are four or five monks holding cylinder-shaped instruments facing the venue below. People are responsible for rebroadcasting the images to the external projection wall.

Guan Qianlin's injury had already healed, and when he saw Su Wei again, he lost the humility and fear he had when he was in front of Gu Mohan that day.

"Friend Shu Daoist, you really showed your power that day, you made me lose face."

"Don't worry, today, you will still have a big surprise."

Guan Qianlin smiled playfully and said, "Really? Then you and I really thought of getting together, and I have prepared a surprise for you here."

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