Into Unscientific

Chapter 50 The Mysteriously Appeared Sneakers

Inside the grilled fish shop.

After simply perfunctory Li Yan, Xu Yun leaned against the corner of the wall, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on Weibo directly.

Sure enough, just after entering the hot search list and scanning a few lines, he saw the hot search topic that Li Yan said: # Portrait of Newton, Anta # At this time, the ranking of hot searches has dropped to eighth, below ‘ # Slow motion in the snow # ’, and further ahead is ‘ # 《Talk on Stilts》Box Office # ’.

Xu Yun couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

After all, Weibo is more entertaining in nature, and the brand name behind it is estimated to make some users ignore it as an advertisement, which has led to this topic that will inevitably jump to top 1 in the physical circle, and it is in a bad position on social media. Up and down state.

Then Xu Yun swiped the screen a few times, selected a first media and clicked on it, and found that the content of the blog post was two pictures taken from a foreign media, with a large paragraph of Chinese characters on it.

"According to BXC, a British underworld TV station, Bellam Brisson, a well-known British collector, died of liver cancer last Monday. His will will donate all of his more than 80 collections to the British Museum."

"The donation ceremony started at 20:00 Yanjing time yesterday. More than 50 media outlets attended the ceremony to interview and broadcast it. The actual number of people present was about 200."

"The portrait of Newton that generated heated discussions is in the collection No. 34. A reporter from Al Jazeera at the scene found a pair of modern-style sneakers on a table behind Newton in the painting when taking pictures."

"This situation immediately aroused doubts from some of the media present. Some reporters suggested on the spot that the portrait might be a modern processing. One, he has done an accurate age analysis of each work in the museum, he can guarantee that this portrait was made by the famous painter Eswald at the end of the 17th century, and he showed the appraisal report on the spot."

"A number of well-known international experts also analyzed the portrait at the scene, and finally agreed that it was Eswald's original pen. The expert team included two well-known scholars from the Huaxia Academy of Fine Arts, @Central Art Chen Yiping[@ ] Central America Gu Guangtao.”

"However, Puzemeslo Mills also admitted that the museum has never found this pair of suspected modern sneakers in many previous identification tests. It seems that it appeared in the portrait overnight."

Then Xu Yun clicked on the picture in the blog post to enlarge it, and looked at it carefully.

The protagonist of Lihui is the old cow in his later years. There is a clear gap between the temperament and appearance of the calf, but from the corners of the eyebrows and the outline of the facial features, the shadow of the young man who loves to persuade people can still be vaguely seen.

The old cow in the picture is wearing a luxurious blue dress, holding a holy book in his arms, and staring at the front with a solemn expression.

Behind the old cow, you can see furniture such as a fireplace and a reclining chair, and on the table behind his right hand, you can vaguely see the side of a pair of sneakers.

Xu Yun is very familiar with this pair of sports shoes. At the beginning, he bought them from a physical store for 328 oceans, that is,

The pair that was taken away by the Mavericks.

It is clear.

Under the influence of some special force, part of my experience in parallel time and space is reflected in the local history.

If nothing else, this should be the easter egg of that reward.

how to say

After experiencing such things as rebirth and time travel, Xu Yun has a high degree of acceptance of the situation in front of him.

Therefore, rather than being shocked, it is better to say that there is a trace of joy in his heart, or a sense of excitement that only I know the truth.

And just as Xu Yun's mind was fluttering, several juniors at the side were also expressing their opinions.

"I think it's more likely by chance."

The one who spoke was the last boy who had never been introduced among the five people. His name was Ren Yongcun. He was also Xiao Zhao's classmate and roommate. He was currently studying in the first year of research:

"I remember the brogue shoes in the 17th century had straps, right? Maybe it was Mr. Niu's whim, and he changed it for a certain pair of shoes? After all, the portrait is not a camera. It may be a coincidence. It matches the Anta shoes."

Hearing this, Tang Yiqiu shook her head, pointed to the photo and said:

"Senior Ren, we are all science students, and our thinking should not be too emotional. In all fairness, how likely do you think this is?

Well, look here, the upper is red and white with a pinch of black, which is exactly the same as the pair of Anta shoes. It is too difficult to describe this situation as a coincidence. "

"That's it."

Zhou Peiyao on the side puffed her cheeks to help her voice, then pointed to Tang Yiqiu's bowl, and said:

"Jiujiu, how about eating your beef balls? I don't have this in my side dish. I'll exchange it with you for triangular dumplings!"

"It's Qiuqiu, bah, it's Yiqiu."

Tang Yiqiu argued softly, but reluctantly gave Zhou Peiyao a beef ball:

"Senior sister, be careful, you may not be used to the insanely spicy food I want."

Smiling, Zhou Peiyao stretched her hand into the hat behind Tang Yiqiu's down jacket, kneading and kneading constantly:

"I see, you are from Jiangxi, you use chili water to brush your teeth."


Seeing the relationship between the juniors and younger sisters gradually getting closer, Xu Yun couldn't help showing a gleam of joy on his face.

Although it is needless to say the character of the five members of Li Yan, it is impossible for a team with poor reputation and incompetence to pass Xu Yun's initial review, but if a team wants to move forward smoothly, it is meaningless to talk about individual ability, the tacit understanding between each other It must also be in place - at least not full of strangers the whole time.

Originally, Xu Yun's idea was to use this meal as an ice-breaker meal, and guide the atmosphere so that each other can be less restrained. He is quite experienced in this kind of thing. See something.

In the end, I didn't expect that I hadn't spoken yet. This hot search on Weibo gave everyone a chance to get acquainted with each other. After several discussions and guesses, the five people were obviously familiar with each other.

Especially Zhou Peiyao, who is about to have sex with Tang Yiqiu right now.

Take them to a barbecue when you have time, and the interpersonal relationship of the temporary research group will almost be completely finalized.

Afterwards, everyone chatted with each other for a while, and after eating and drinking, Xu Yun settled the bill in unison.

After walking out of the store, Xu Yun was about to call everyone back to the laboratory, but before he could speak, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and said to Li Yan, the only researcher among the five:

"Xiao Li, take Xiao Tang and Xiao Zhao back to the laboratory first. I still have some procedures to go to Director Tian. Before I go back, you should follow Lao Qiu's instructions. If you have any situation, you can contact me at any time. At three o'clock in the afternoon I'll be back soon."

Li Yan nodded:

"No problem, God Xu, you are busy. Is there anything else you want me to pass on?"

"No, be careful when experimenting."


After separating from Li Yan and others, Xu Yun hurried back to his home, locked the door, and entered the claustrophobic space.

At this moment, the number displayed on the door representing the 1665 copy is impressively


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