Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 297: Speculation (Second update)

"Important officials from three countries have been assassinated by Chameleon. Some say Chameleon is a person, while others say Chameleon is a team." Zhou Rui said while handing the information to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo looked at the information carefully and found that the prince of the Shuilan Empire was assassinated, and the word "Chameleon" written in blood was left at the scene.

The prince was assassinated in his study. This was the prince's study. There was heavy security outside. Although there was no surveillance inside the study, there were surveillance cameras at a certain distance outside the study, and there were guards at the door.

The top executive of the administrative star of the Crimson Federation, that is, the top executive of a state, was assassinated. The same three words were left at the scene. This person died before a meeting and died in the toilet. There was surveillance outside the toilet. But no targets were found.

The deceased didn't seem to know the appearance of the murderer, and their expressions were all natural. The fatal cause of death was a hole punched in the brain.

In addition, an A-level general of the Crimson Federation was also a disciple of an ancient martial arts sect. His expression after death was also very natural. He died in his lover's home, and his lover also died.

In the past hundred years, Chameleon has killed more than a dozen high-ranking government officials and wealthy businessmen. The combined reward amount of the three interstellar countries is almost 12 billion, of which the prince directly issued a reward of 5 billion.

"Some people suspect that this guy may have the superpower of invisibility."

"The superpower of invisibility has appeared several times in history. Each time it brought bloody storms, and each time it almost caused the collapse of the three major interstellar countries."

"As for how the ability to become invisible is achieved, no one knows. However, there is a legendary sect that practices ninjutsu and seems to have secret methods in this area. Unfortunately, these sects are too well hidden."

"Some people even say that some sects have their own planets in the interstellar world, but they have not been discovered by the three empires. There are also legends that the planet is full of female slaves raised by certain people."

"There have been many female stars and female celebrities who disappeared for no reason in history, but as you know, the interstellar space is so big that many disappearance cases cannot be found at all. Even interstellar spacecrafts disappear every year. Some were robbed by pirates, and some encountered certain disasters, and many years later the wreckage of the spacecraft would be found floating in the stars.”

"Some people even say that there are interstellar creatures that hunt and kill humans. The matter of interstellar creatures is the top secret of the three major countries. We don't know the details. One thing I am sure of is that there are interstellar creatures and they are very strong."

Yang Bo carefully read the Chameleon assassination information and found nothing suspicious, and he couldn't get all the files. Besides, if there were any doubts, they would have been found out by so many smart people long ago.

Yang Bo suddenly thought of the invisible mouse. The blood of his own invisible mouse could definitely produce the invisibility potion, but the effect of the potion was hard to say.

"I do have some clues. I need to get the information of all the people who brought pets into Hong Kong in March Star recently." Yang Bo thought, since there are invisible mice, will there be other invisible animals.

Pets have a high status in the alliance. As long as there are complete procedures, they are exempted from inspection. It may not be possible to bring medicine into the port, but it is still possible to bring pets and prepare the medicine yourself, and the safety factor is also high.

Of course, this was just Yang Bo's guess, but Zhou Rui was shocked when he heard this, and asked with some confusion: "What does this have to do with pets?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't know." Yang Bo waved his hand and said.

Zhou Rui nodded: "I understand."

Yang Bo also suspected that the armor was made of special materials and was invisible. However, the armor would be registered in any country it entered. This would be a huge flaw.

There were only a few possibilities anyway, so it was very simple for Zhou Rui to check.

"I'll do it right away, it will take about two hours." Zhou Rui is now responsible for assisting with security work, so there is no problem in checking the information of people entering Hong Kong.

Yang Bo nodded, and then went back to drink with the two moist young women. Of course, he didn't drink much. The smell in the bar was really bad. Yang Bo felt as if he was in the toilet.

There was no way, the olfactory nerve was too developed, Yang Bo just hugged the waists of the two young women on the first floor and had no other actions.

Annie looked at Yang Bo and had a small calculation in her mind. This man had saved enough pension money. I wonder how much it was?

Although he looks a bit older, Yang Bo is now pretending to be a middle-aged man with financial freedom and peace of mind.

"John, you have so much money, why don't you have the idea of ​​becoming a superpower?" While Yang Bo was hugging her, Annie moved closer and asked in a low voice.

"No, resident status is great, and the chance of secondary genetic medicine failure is too high. I might as well enjoy it with this money, and residents are tax-free." Yang Bo was not polite, and delivered it to his door. It felt good, of course Yang Beau hasn't touched any other women with superpowers yet... Bah, it seems like the world hasn't touched any women yet.

Moreover, secondary genetic medicine needs to be applied to the government, so once it is successful, it will be registered and will not be counted as a resident. Those in Fatty Boss's company all redeemed their points in the company through their own efforts.

Although there are genetic medicines on the black market, the people who know about the black market are not accessible to ordinary people. Moreover, there is a mixed bag of people on the black market, and countless people have been cheated. If you dare to send money, they will disappear, and the genetic medicines on the black market are unreliable. There are too many, and those who don’t understand may not know what they got.

As ordinary people, there is definitely no way to check the authenticity of medicines. Choosing from the government is the only way out.

"But if it succeeds, you can get a good job, and more importantly, you can increase your life span." Anne added.

Yang Bo chuckled: "Annie, you are still too young. The failure rate of secondary genetic medicine is 90%, the mortality rate is 8%, and the success rate is less than 2%."

"After becoming a citizen, I have to pay taxes on the house I live in, and consumption tax on the things I buy. Then I have to go to work, and I have to pay taxes on the money I earn from work."

"I barely have enough money to survive until retirement age. It would be great to enter a welfare institution then. Now I can eat and drink whenever I want." Yang Bo's words are true.

Ordinary people really do not recommend secondary genetic evolution, except of course the rich, but rich people are not ordinary people.

"That's it." Annie moved her body slightly away.

Yang Bo didn't have much idea about Annie, so he just went to the KTV and ordered a few bartenders. He liked the atmosphere. If it was that, it would be more cost-effective than roadside.

The lighting in the KTV is not good or bad at all. Plus, if you want to drink something, you will be distracted. You have to open a room to take it out. When you enter the room, you will find that there is a high chance of nausea.

Cosmetics have done so much...

Drink some wine, play some games, and then go dancing. For almost two hours, Yang Bo excused himself to go to the toilet and came here.

"Third Master, these are the people who come to March Star with their pets within a month, and also have their residences. 90% of them are tourists, and 10% are people from this planet. There are 350 people in total. Two people." Zhou Rui picked up the information and handed it to Yang Bo.

Yang Bo didn't expect that there were so many people bringing pets. He picked it up and took a closer look and found that there were all kinds of pets, including mice, snakes, and some strange pets. There were also some animals that Yang Bo had never seen before, some of which were Genetically cultivated, some are natural, and they have both beauty and ugliness.

Yang Bo memorized each pet carefully, then nodded and returned the information to Zhou Rui.

"The five people next to me are from the Brotherhood. Their target is the evidence center. Get ready over there. These guys are preparing to act when the hurricane starts. It is said that another wave of people will attack the senior officials of the military at that time." Yang Beau spoke again.

Zhou Rui was shocked. Is this brotherhood so unlucky? Last time the dignified A-level Silver Butterfly met the Third Master, this time these guys are actually neighbors with the Third Master?

This... are these people so unlucky?

"Check the owner of the apartment. It is probably related to the brothers." Yang Bo said again.

Zhou Rui was ecstatic. Organizations like the Brotherhood would also have footholds on various planets. As long as they found clues, they would get the credit.

At this time, these clues can be exchanged for a lot of money, and maybe you can also get a batch of equipment from the March Star official.

"Third Master, whose information is this?" Zhou Rui gave Yang Bo another piece of information.

Yang Bo muttered in his heart, and opened it to see, good guys, it's some information about Annie and the two. You can even get information about shopping and consumption.

"Tsk, tsk, the personal privacy that was promised is all deceiving people." Yang Bo muttered in his heart. Of course, he also knew that even if the Internet company protects personal privacy, the delivery process, even if it is drone delivery, is unmanned. The machine also needs to be maintained, and it needs to be managed by someone...

"Yeah." Yang Bo hummed twice. As a strong man, he didn't need to say anything more.

After reading the information and putting it down, Yang Bo left, sighing in his heart: "Whatever you gain, you lose."

Both Anne and Anne have been looking for jobs for so long, but neither of them has found a suitable position. The underlying reason is that they joined a same-sex association and even got married. Many companies are afraid of people who join the association.

Add another resident status, and this BUFF is almost full. Although it seems that women have many associations of this and that, and are very active in the media, but privately, even the fat boss does not want to recruit female employees, maybe This brings about a BUFF-full problem.

As for the bathroom issue, a working woman actually initiated it, saying that she was psychologically male, and then the company only had two toilets for men and women.

The company immediately opened a separate gender-neutral toilet, and this woman opened a separate one for people like herself. That is discrimination.

Then the company quickly changed the toilet into one with many cubicles inside. The woman also said that she entered and exited the same toilet with some men. This was discrimination against her...

In the end, this woman was successfully elected as a member of an administrative star... and received a large compensation from the company.

What else is environmentally friendly? The green plants raised by the company. These guys said that keeping green plants in captivity is abuse... The company cleared out all the green plants overnight.

Then the other party said that the office environment is not good for employees and so on...

Therefore, many large companies tend to recruit people who have no tendency. Once this person has a hint of BUFF, the company will never dare to use them because you don't know their weird ideas...

Although Anne and I joined the association when they were in school at a welfare institution, received many extra points for activities, and had excellent graduation grades, they became adults after they reached adulthood. Although their resume scores were very high, it was a pity that no company was willing to accept them.

For people like Anne who have participated in various activities, it will definitely be uncomfortable to live in a welfare house. Although various parties have protested against the welfare housing policy, it has been to no avail. Are the officials afraid that these people will cause trouble in the welfare housing? , if you want to accept it, you can live there, if you don’t accept it, you can’t live there.

Annie can only find a best friend who shares the same problem to register for marriage together, and then receive subsidies from the alliance and rent an apartment to live in...

"This is actually a better life than many people on earth. Anyway, when you get married, you will be roommates." Yang Bo stood up and saw the problem differently.

Yang Bo and Annie went back together, feeling very alive, and met the white-headed people who were leaving at the door of the apartment. Yang Bo felt that his eyes could kill, and he was already dead.

After saying goodbye in the elevator, Yang Bo carefully recalled the pet owner's information he had seen.

"Reptilians filter out based on their own experience."

"The second is to remove large pets. If there are large animals that can be invisible, then chameleons can make more genetic medicines and take orders. Moreover, large animals are too conspicuous, and supervision is also very strict."

"Thirdly, it shouldn't be too weird, because if you take out too weird pets, they will be inspected if someone complains."

The alliance's pet policy is also very weird. Each animal has its own living environment. If those weird animals are taken out and scare passers-by, then the pet owner will be in big trouble. The first is the mental compensation to others, and then the pet will be If the pet is taken away, the pet owner will be investigated. The scary pet is taken away because of the pet owner's fault... Didn't you take this away?

"The fourth is except those genetically bred." Yang Bo thought about it again.

"But it seems that there is a chip in the pet's body. Could it be that my guess was wrong?" Yang Bo doubted himself again.

"The game ends tomorrow. Let's go take a look around where Wang Muxue lives." Yang Bo decided to take a walk around the location of the target person first. If he were the killer, he would definitely check out the location.

Yang Bo returned to his residence invisibly. Looking at the invisible mice he raised, the breeding plan seemed to have failed. However, the gerbils on the other side were successfully bred, and there were already dozens of them.

These little things are very cute, especially before the lanugo hair falls off, they are so fluffy.

"Is this delicious?" Yang Bo looked at the gerbils that looked like bamboo rats. Because the living environment here is so good, none of them looked as capable as in the Gobi. They were round and bold. He was small, but he had been in contact with people for a long time. When he saw Yang Bo coming, he started to grunt and beg to be fed.

"Forget it." Yang Bo decided to wait. If not, he would put these guys on the mountain behind his house. It was his territory anyway.

On the other side of the apartment downstairs, Annie and Siya were curled up on the sofa together, looking at the rejected emails in their watches. Siya threw the watches away: "Annie, there is a man who wants to hang out with me today. , the paid kind.”

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered?" Anne asked after hearing this.

"He said he knew there was a special hotel like that. I want to save money to buy genetic medicine, otherwise we will all be old in a few years."

"But once it is discovered, it will be very disastrous, and John said that the chance of the secondary genetic medicine failing is very high."

"But there is a certain chance of success, right? The man who asked me out said that if we go together, the cost will be five times."

"If this is discovered by the association, he will be expelled..."

"Annie, what's the use of the association? It's just to get extra points for graduation. Then, now we have to rely on the government's pitiful subsidies. Apart from food and drink, it's like you need to plan for a long time to buy star fruit..."

"This... let me think about it."

"Let's do it. The worst case scenario is that you will end up in jail. It is said that you can learn some skills there. After you go to jail, you will have to find a job in the community."

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