Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 268: Being Careless (First Update)

"There is enough milk in the refrigerator. The superpower consumes a lot of money in the initial stage. You can take two large bottles to the room later and drink while listening to the song." The fat boss watched Yang Bo finish eating and then drank the milk. He spoke.

Yang Bo nodded. The fat boss still remembered that he liked to listen to music, but it was a pity that the original owner liked to listen to it.

Yang Bo washed his own plate and then went upstairs with two large bottles of milk.

After entering the room, Yang Bo touched his chin: "This fat boss definitely wants more than just the armor, but it doesn't matter. I also hid the longevity energy stone secretly at the Mine Star last time."

"I won't play games for now. I've gained a lot of physical strength today. Let's do some exercise first." Yang Bo began to stretch his body in the room.

His body stretched with crackling sounds and his muscles tightened. Yang Bo felt that his physical strength had increased by at least twice as much today.

The higher the level of a superpower, the harder it is to increase strength.

Because the higher the level, the greater the base.

"The sheep in the game will be killed this time. I will wait for a while to find similar sheep."

"Let your body settle down." Yang Bo was not in a hurry to increase his physique too high. If it was too high, his strength would easily get out of control, which meant that he could not control his own strength, which would be easily seen by the other two guys.

Yang Bo knew that one of the two people came from a big family, and the other was the president of the Bounty Hunter Guild. She was also a woman, and she must have a good background. These people were all human beings.

Yang Bo also found that his mentality was a bit strange. Although he was already so strong, he felt insecure.

I don’t know if I am scared by the high-tech society, or because I am unfamiliar with this society?

"Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing!" Yang Bo knew that there was something wrong with his mentality now. He always wanted to run away. He didn't seem to have any trust in this alliance. Of course, it might have been something he had experienced in his previous life.

"But it's good to have this mentality. Think about the worst in everything, and you won't be disappointed later." But Yang Bo also figured out that some things you think too well, and then a sudden bad ending will make your mentality collapse.

But if you prepare for the worst from the beginning, your mentality will not be so broken in the end.

The feeling of mental breakdown is very uncomfortable, especially when you face the ending of being powerless.

Yang Bo didn't plan to delve into the secrets of ancient martial arts. Although the fat boss said that he practiced ancient martial arts, Yang Bo didn't envy him at all and didn't want to know.

Because no matter how awesome the Fatty Boss's ancient martial arts skills were, they were not as good as his current ability. Yang Bo felt that if he wanted to hit the Fatty Boss, he would probably die with just one slap.

So no matter what the fat boss did, Yang Bo felt guilty.

As for what the fat boss said, Yang Bo always remained dubious. After all, the fat boss's character was not very good, otherwise he would not have abandoned him and run away several times.

"I actually like such selfish people. After all, it will be easier to turn against them when the time comes." This is what Yang Bo had in mind.

After drinking the milk, Yang Bo put himself in the bathtub and took a bath.

Then I go to sleep. Anyway, the game has online time every day. If it exceeds, it will be offline.

"Yang Bo, I want to talk to you." The next morning, Yang Bo got up in high spirits. After washing, he was about to go downstairs. As soon as he opened the door, he met Zhou Rui.

"Does Assistant Zhou want to see my ability?" Yang Bo asked directly.

Yang Bo always regarded himself as a person who just came out of society and didn't have much emotional intelligence, so he asked directly.

"Do you mind?" Zhou Rui asked, looking at Yang Bo with a charming smile.

Zhou Rui was wearing a short-sleeved shirt today. The shirt was a bit tight, her chest was bulging, and her waist was very smooth.

He wore a pair of casual pants on his lower body and paired them with white slippers, revealing a few nimble toes.

"I don't mind." Yang Bo just glanced at it and shook his head.

Zhou Rui also looked at Yang Bo carefully. He had a crew cut, a T-shirt, a pair of loose shorts on his lower body, and sneakers on his feet.

"It looks like you don't feel safe." Zhou Rui looked at the sneakers Yang Bo was wearing and muttered in his heart.

This is Zhou Rui's judgment based on Yang Bo's past. If you don't wear slippers at home and wear sneakers, are you ready to run at any time?

"Come to the practice room with me!" Zhou Rui said in a calm tone.

"Where is our boss?" Yang Bo said this inappropriately at this time.

"Here we come!" The fat boss shouted from downstairs, and when he came up, he glanced at Zhou Rui proudly.

Just as Yang Bo spoke, he detected the fat boss, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room below, but looking at the ceiling, obviously waiting for his reaction.

What do you say about Yang Bo? Never disappoints. Since the fat boss is waiting below, I must call him. If anything happens in the future, I can blame the fat boss on him.

For example, if Zhou Rui asked her to do something and she didn't want to do it, she would just say that the fat boss wouldn't allow it.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Rui was speechless to the fat boss. The two of them had just been making a bet below.

The fat boss looked at what Zhou Rui was wearing and cursed in his mind: "This woman is obviously here to seduce Yang Bo. Fortunately, Yang Bo doesn't know how good women are. When I get home, I must introduce my aunt to Yang Bo, so that Auntie, be more proactive."

Yang Bo was not interested in women, but the first impression Zhou Rui gave to Yang Bo was that of a bald man.

Although Zhou Rui looked beautiful in front of her, when she closed her eyes, she seemed to see a bald man smiling evilly at her, just like a movie she had watched on Earth before. She felt her anus tighten and had no idea.

After Yang Bo entered the practice room, he found that it was unremarkable at first glance. It was just a room with a floor.

However, when Yang Bo walked and explored, he found that there were many circuits densely arranged around the room.

The fat boss looked like he had never seen the world: "It's actually a third-level training room. Your bounty hunter guild is rich."

"Your family also has one, but you are not qualified to use it." Zhou Rui said without looking back.

It hurts my heart. This makes it clear that you, fat man, are not talented enough, and your family will not let you use such a training room if it exists.

"There will be a special energy field in the practice room. With the special exercises, the practice progress will be faster." Fatty Boss explained to Yang Bo.

"The simple construction cost of this third-level practice room is probably more than 500 million. The main reason is that the materials are expensive, and it requires special exercises and special energy fields. Generally, it is a design inherited within the family. Others here There is no corresponding skill in it, and it has no use." The fat boss continued.

Yang Bo finally understood, that is to say, the corresponding exercises have corresponding energy fields.

However, the techniques of each family are kept secret, so the design of the energy field is only known to the family.

"Yang Bo, today I am officially testing your superpower on behalf of our family. This time we are mainly testing your light superpower. Please show it to me." Zhou Rui came here, opened a tablet, and said.

The fat boss immediately stood up: "Implement the benefits first!"

"I listen to the boss." Yang Bo mentally praised the fat boss, then looked at Zhou Rui and said immediately.

Zhou Rui had already decided to find a way to separate Fatty and Yang Bo.

"For a set of armor, you can go to the largest armor warehouse at the headquarters of our Bounty Hunter Guild to choose the armor and energy weapons that suit you." Zhou Rui said in a haughty tone, showing his slender neck in front of Yang Bo.

"Tell me a time limit!" The fat boss helped Yang Bo speak again.

"As long as the truth is verified, Yang Bo can choose any time." Zhou Rui did not look at the fat man, but looked at Yang Bo and answered.

Yang Bo also said to the fat boss very wisely: "Boss, why don't you come with me sometime?"

"No problem!" The fat boss felt very comfortable and determined to tie Yang Bo to his chariot. He had some thoughts in his mind about why he was not a woman.

Zhou Rui was not surprised by Yang Bo's attitude. After all, Yang Bo used to be a captive resident, and this damn fat man was the first person Yang Bo came into contact with.

"Let's take it slow when we have time." Zhou Rui didn't believe it. She couldn't compete with a fat man as a woman. She was even more worried about whether Yang Bo would be led astray by this fat man and what to do if he didn't like women.

"The target here is specially used to test super power energy attacks. Just hit your super power on this target." Zhou Rui took out an oval, flat, almost transparent crystal with a length of up to two meters. The end is about 30 centimeters and the thickness is about five centimeters.

Yang Bo still turned to look at the fat boss, who nodded: "This is a simple energy test. The energy attack you release hits the target. The brighter the color, the higher the intensity."

When Yang Bo heard this, he waved his hand and threw out a ball of light the size of a quail egg.

The fat man was so frightened that he jumped far away, looking wary.

Zhou Rui's eyelids twitched, obviously he was also startled.

"Tch!" Zhou Rui glanced at the fat boss with disdain and made a vague sound.

Yang Bo's light ball hit the target. The light ball actually penetrated the target, and then the light ball quickly spread out in the middle of the target, as if it had been absorbed.

Then the whole target started to light up. When Yang Bo saw this, he understood that this weird target could absorb energy and glow.

The target was blindingly bright for an instant, but it only lasted for a second.

Yang Bo didn't know what the result of this test was, so he looked at the fat boss next to him eagerly.

"99!" Zhou Rui next to him opened his eyes wide, as if he wanted to eat Yang Bo.

"You're careless!" When Yang Bo saw Zhou Rui's expression, he knew that he was careless. He had already restrained the amount of the light ball. Obviously, he understood it wrong.

The fat boss quickly ran over and looked Yang Bo up and down carefully: "Yang Bo, are you secretly practicing your super powers?"

"When I have nothing to do, I will release the ball of light and practice!" Yang Bo replied sincerely, as if he was saying, you guessed it, Fat Boss.

"No wonder you've consumed so much lately. It's amazing. The speed of your release is simply too fast." The fat boss immediately figured out the reason why Yang Bo had eaten so much recently.

Yang Bo asked with some astonishment: "Boss, didn't you say that you want to imagine myself as a laser turret? I think the reaction of the turret is fast, so I should be faster too!"

Zhou Rui was a little jealous when he heard this. Everyone wanted to imagine themselves as a fort, but who could release the super power so quickly.

The fat boss here felt sour when he heard this. He was just making a metaphor, but this silly boy actually took it seriously. The key is that others have practiced it.

The fat boss felt that with Yang Bo's attack speed, if he grew up for another two years, he could punch several holes in his body in an instant.

"Okay, well done!" Of course the fat boss couldn't say that I was just giving you an analogy, so you took it seriously. Instead, you patted Yang Bo on the shoulder sincerely and praised Yang Bo for doing a good job.

"Boss, what did Assistant Zhou mean by 99? What does it mean?" Yang Bo then asked.

Zhou Rui saw the two people on the side and made up her mind to find an opportunity to separate them. When Yang Bo asked, she said: "This is to test the purity of superpower energy. Yang Bo, your energy essence The purity is very high, and only a few geniuses can achieve this value."

Then he saw Zhou Rui take a deep breath, turn his right hand, and hit the target.

There was a sharp sound breaking through the air, and then the target lit up. This time the brightness was not as bright as the last time Yang Bo released energy attack, but the duration reached three seconds.

Yang Bo looked shocked. This time Yang Bo was really a little surprised, because there was no sign of the energy attack released by Zhou Rui this time.

Yang Bo is a little jealous of Zhou Rui.

Why do I have such conspicuous superpowers as photoelectricity?

Other people's superpowers, if it hadn't been for the sound of breaking through the air just now, no one would have known there was an attack.

"According to the experience summarized by our ancestors, the higher the purity of energy, the greater the development potential."

"A very simple example, purity is equivalent to density. Hitting someone with a pillow or a stone, which one has the best effect?"

"Even if a ten kilogram pillow is fluffy, it won't be as effective as a one kilogram stone hitting someone!"

"So when testing superpowers, we are now testing purity. If the purity is not high, no matter how much it is, it will have no effect, especially now that there are a lot of high-tech equipment."

"In this society, there are a lot of protective equipment for superpowers. There are clothes that are conductive and can block electrical energy attacks, and there are clothes that can be insulated from heat and protect against fire attacks. But this kind of equipment is very rare."

"With the blessing of various protective equipment, the amount of superpower is insignificant. Your purity is not enough, and there is no way to break through the defense." Zhou Rui had tried his best to explain to Yang Bo why the purity of energy was measured.

"You're careless!" After hearing this, Yang Bo felt that he had been careless just now. He originally thought he was measuring the amount of energy, but as a result, the other party measured the purity, which exposed part of his strength.

I wrote a chapter during my lunch break.

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