Interstellar: Start as a cleaner

Chapter 211 Skill Upper Limit (Second Update)

Yang Bo thought about it and couldn't figure out what was going on, so he repeated the experiment several times.

"Is it the upper limit of skills?" Yang Bo knew that his body was useless, and he could only increase his skills by completely relying on killing the opponent.

If your physical talent is good enough, you should be able to add points when training your skills.

"very possible!"

The experiment was unsuccessful, so Yang Bo simply put it down first, and then practiced mental locking.

"The fortress is still too small." Within 200 meters of the body, the fireball can hit anywhere.

Yang Bo tried changing the shape of the fireball again. Under the control of his mental power, the fireball could change into a cone shape, or even a shape similar to a bird.

"The attack speed of fire energy is slower, and its power is not as powerful as that of photoelectricity." The rest of the day was spent practicing fire energy.

The light energy condensed into a ball and hit the target 100 meters away. The target was immediately pierced. Yang Bo nodded with satisfaction.

The target's defense is comparable to that of an ordinary mecha, of course without an energy shield.

Then I practiced some electrical attacks, and finally the sonic attacks.

"The sonic attack is secretive, but it is not very effective when others are protected by armor or have a higher energy level than themselves."

"Sound wave control is better for detection than direct attack." Yang Bo tried it on the Green Devil Star.

Sonic attacks have limited effect on powerful mutant beasts, because the mutant beasts themselves also have energy in their bodies.

Take genetic evolvers as an example. The brain is a weak point. It just means that the brain is weaker than other parts of the body.

The head of an A-level evolver has higher defense than the head of a C-level evolver.

Moreover, once the speed of sonic attack and sonic detection exceeds the speed of sound waves, that is, if Yang Bo mixes energy with high-intensity attacks or detection, energy fluctuations will still be detected.

In other words, when this sound wave detection is used, the transmission speed in different environments cannot exceed the transmission speed of sound waves in this environment.

Once this speed is exceeded, it will be detected by the device.

Even so, the suddenness of the sonic attack is still very strong. It just needs to be found at the right time, and the detection effect is very good, comparable to array radar imaging.

After the training, they came to feed the little things again. The gerbils were still timid. Every time Yang Bo came to feed these guys, the gerbils would peek at Yang Bo.

Those invisible mice are no longer afraid of Yang Bo, but Yang Bo is not ready to touch them yet.

"I wonder if cloning is possible. When the time comes, I can use these invisible mice to clone into little mice. Then I can clone hundreds or even thousands of them at a time and kill them." Yang Bo looked at these invisible mice and thought in his heart.

Went to the room above to cook and eat, and watch the storm.

Then we came to the room dedicated to the Internet. Only in this room could the watch have a signal to communicate with the outside world. Yang Bo's watch was also placed in this room and he didn't take it with him when he went to other places, just like when he was training in the underground fortress.

He opened his watch and looked at it. The fat boss had sent him a message, inviting him to join the mecha game.

"Boss?" Yang Bo decided to call Fatty Boss. He was a little dissatisfied with the actions of Fatty Boss's team, but that was all.

Yang Bo is not afraid that others will know his mecha style, because he has no style at all.

And if anyone thinks that the ability on his mecha is strong enough, then he will teach the other party a lesson.

More importantly, no one knows his information. As for the military department, Yang Bo is not worried, because the purpose of the military department in developing this game is to train more mecha masters.

Unless war comes and Yang Bo is forcibly recruited, perhaps the information will be dug out by the military.

"Have you entered the mecha game?" The fat boss looked at the call from Yang Bo and opened the communication on his watch and asked.

"Boss, I just finished the things in the box you gave me recently." Yang Bo did not directly mention the matter of submitting the pharmaceutical materials on the phone. Maybe the official would capture sensitive words in the communication.

"That's good, that's good. I'm a little bored playing the game alone right now. Why don't you give it a try? In the past two days, I earned more than 800,000 credits in one day!" The fat boss naturally knew what to say on the other end of the phone. He asked Yang Bo to do something.

"I'll take a break today and look at the game you mentioned tomorrow. Is this game so easy to make money?"

"Making money is making money, but there are a lot of idiots out there. We met... two days ago." The fat boss recounted what he had posted two days ago.

"There are stupid pig teammates like this everywhere. I have logged out of the team, canceled my account, and then created a new account, but it makes me very depressed." The fat boss continued to complain.

"By the way, if you can enter the game, please pay attention..." The fat boss said again what needs to be paid attention to in this game.

"Boss, if the game is like this, why do you want to play a game where you will go bankrupt if you don't pay attention?" Yang Bo asked pretendingly.

"Part of the reason for his high income is that the game is very realistic. Do you know how much a mecha training class costs? A basic class costs 10,000 credit points, an intermediate class costs 30,000 credit points, and an advanced class costs 30,000 credit points." Fifty thousand."

"Before the mecha games came out, if you wanted to play a real mecha simulator, depending on the mecha generation, the lowest one would be 2,000 credits per hour, and the most advanced one could even be 50,000 credits per hour."

"Of course, if you control a real mecha, it will be more expensive."

"But with such a huge investment, as long as the mecha master successfully graduates, he will really have nothing to worry about for the rest of his life!"

"Because the mechas capture extremely important strategic resources in the war, the mecha divisions have a very high status."

"Although everyone thinks it's unreasonable, this is much cheaper than going to a simulator, and the mecha isn't that easy to damage. Just be careful."

"Of course, there are also many players who don't believe the official statement of the game. They rent a house outside and enter the game. Then they break the mecha and move to another house. Then they are sued by the game company."

"Not to mention that today's society is hundreds of years ago, and it is very simple for the judicial authorities to investigate anything."

"So even if the mecha is broken and you don't have money to repair it, you can still negotiate with the game official and repay it in installments. Don't take chances." The fat boss said a lot.

"Boss, I'm not going to join the game anymore. I don't think I'm the right guy. Besides, the maintenance fee for this mecha you mentioned, which costs tens of thousands of credits at every turn, is too expensive." Yang Bo refused.

"My mecha maintenance cost was expensive this time, but I earned more than 800,000 credits." The fat boss was still trying to make a big deal out of it.

"Boss, someone else saved you. You took advantage. Otherwise, if your mecha breaks down, no matter how much it costs, I'd better do what I'm good at." Of course, Yang Bo would not expose his ability to control mechas to Fatty.

We just have a cooperative relationship, and I will never let anyone know that I can control the mecha.

Even if he reveals that he is a superpower, he cannot reveal that he can control mechas.

Because in comparison, superpowers are not as powerful as mechas.

Anyone who wants to see his mecha in the future will have no choice but to die.

The fat boss couldn't refute what Yang Boyi said, so he had to give up: "Well, I ordered something online again, and it should arrive after this storm."

"Okay!" Yang Bo closed the call, and then went to the game forum to take a look.

"The vast majority of gamers still have positive views." Seeing Fatty's small team being verbally criticized on the Internet, Yang Bo felt very comfortable.

Some people forget that they were scolded by someone above.

Then Yang Bo saw another post, which was actually directed at him.

"Brother Zhanniao is just a turtle."

"Brother Zhanniao is afraid to come out!" This post was posted by the Justice Gang. The main idea was that Yang Bo was a turtle who changed his mecha to harm small animals, and called on everyone to provide clues.

We must find this human scum and scumbag.

"Don't let me know who you are in real life, or it will make you look good." Yang Bo recorded the voices of these people speaking. In the future, whenever he hears these people talking in real life, he will know who they are.

As for now, of course Yang Bo will not stand up. He is not a fool. He just reports the abusive posts one by one.

Yang Bo also knew that these rich players must be very depressed after being cheated by him. Thinking that these game players gave mechas to Tieniu as a nutritious meal, he felt much more comfortable.

"I'll let you guys run wild, and I'll trick you again after my brothers finish the work at hand." He closed the mecha game.

Yang Bo looked at the news again and found that the news reported that the Green Devil Star was autonomous and announced that a new administrative star was added to the alliance.

However, because this planet has just been developed, all information is kept confidential.

Then the news reported some other things. A mining accident occurred in a certain mineral star, resulting in the death of three employees and causing property losses of billions of credits.

It was also reported that when a certain spaceship entered the airport, it was found that the radiation in the spacecraft exceeded the standard, and all the cargo on the ship was destroyed, along with the spacecraft.

There are also reports on the investigation of those officials on Pardo who participated in the rebellion, the administrator of Pardo colluding with pirates to attack civilian ships, and so on.

The Finance Minister of Pado Sing colluded with other companies to commit corruption.

Sihai Gene Pharmacy Company was investigated and found to be a member of the Red Earl extremist organization.

Dimension Company has big news to announce a month later.

"This company is pretty awesome." Yang Bo later checked this company and found out that it was just a small company that modified mechas.

After the Red Earl incident, the company's reputation quickly declined.

The space mecha new product launch conference was a complete disaster.

There are major flaws in the space mecha. Someone else stole the space button and also the mecha. It doesn't matter if it was stolen, but it can't be found. There is no trace at all. This is the biggest problem.

And even if it is found, it still faces a problem. What if someone takes out the mecha and damages it, or even uses the mecha to cause serious consequences?

Insurance companies will definitely not take advantage of this product.

No one wants to spend a huge amount of money to buy a space mecha, only to have it stolen and lost without a trace.

After all, it’s not a low-value thing. If a low-value thing is lost, it doesn’t matter.

My personal security capabilities are definitely not as strong as those during the new product launch.

However, Dimension Company's space development technology was still favored by capital. After the incident, several large companies took advantage of the decline in Dimension Company's stock price and successfully invested in the company.

The famous Ping An Technology Company, Anbang Bank, etc.

"You're not going to release storage equipment, are you?" Yang Bo felt moved when he saw the news.

"There must be a great person in this company. Let's find a chance to get to know him." Yang Bo felt that there must be a great person behind such a small company. This person is definitely one of the authorities in space research.

After watching the news, he went to bed, and got up the next day for another day of training in the basement. This time, he mainly trained on anti-gravity. Yang Bo applied anti-gravity to himself, allowing himself to fly forward, backward, left, right, up and down at high speed inside the basement.

"Superman!" This is also a test of the nervous response and the control of one's own superpowers, otherwise it will become suicide if one fails.

Yang Bo's speed was not very fast at first, but then gradually increased.

"Wearing homologous energy armor and using homologous energy weapons, under the high-speed control of anti-gravity superpowers, one's own combat effectiveness is also very impressive." Yang Bo has just used anti-gravity superpowers to keep himself in this small environment. The speed exceeds the speed of sound.

In the underground world of the Green Devil Star, Yang Bo used anti-gravity to move himself, and the maximum speed had exceeded Mach 5. This required armor protection and enough space.

Obviously this is not possible in my own small basement, after all, the space distance is limited.

"Why don't you find a chance to go to space?" Yang Bo feels that he now has anti-gravity superpowers and can send himself to space.

Yang Bo also trains anti-gravity to act on other objects. The simplest one is that Yang Bo can use superpowers to control any object within 100 meters around him, exerting different anti-gravity on the object in different directions.

"In the future, when fighting with others, this is a very good skill. Even if the other party also has superpowers, it can offset part of the superpowers released by oneself, but it will definitely be affected."

"Whenever my anti-gravity super power can send a mecha directly into space using anti-gravity, that will be awesome." Yang Bo thought while training.

"In the future, if someone doesn't like him, just give him an anti-gravity and let him hit the wall and commit suicide." Yang Bo thought very sinisterly in his heart.

After training for the day, Yang Bo went to bed early. Training for superpowers for a day consumed a lot of mental energy.

After waking up, I got up, washed up, went to the basement to feed those little things, and then got ready to enter the game and control the reptile mecha.

"Boss?" But Yang Bo looked at the watch placed here first and found that the fat man had sent him two emails in succession.

"There is a big mission, will you go?" the fat boss said over the phone.

"What big task?" Yang Bo asked after hearing this.

"It is a rescue and cleanup mission that requires a team of residents of more than five people. I will personally lead the team. Those with biochips cannot do this mission." The fat boss said.

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