Internet 2010

Chapter 87: baptism

"Lu Zhou, look! How is it? It's alright!" Cheng Xuyuan showed Zhang Xiaolong's signature awkwardly.

"Not so good."

Lu Zhou silently looked at Cheng Xuyuan, who was like a fan of his younger brother, alas, he was seriously ill.

Just after chatting with Zhang Xiaolong on the subway, Cheng Xuyuan asked Zhang Xiaolong for an autograph.

Originally, Cheng Xuyuan wanted him to sign on his clothes for easy collection, but he happened to be wearing black clothes, and his signature was not visible at all.

"Just find a paper sign."

"That won't work, it's not easy to lose it on the signed clothes."

Zhang Xiaolong, "Sign the clothes label?"


Therefore, at this time, Cheng Xuyuan was pulling the white label of the clothes on his neck with his backhand, and showing his signature with Lu Zhou with a happy face.

Lu Zhou swears that this is the stupidest way to show off in his life.

"Go to Guangnan Commercial District to buy clothes later. The bicycle key is here. Stay at my house for the last few days." Lu Zhou continued.

"Why can't I live for a long time? It's so troublesome to find a house, Big Brother Lu will keep it."

Lu Zhou said, "It will be troublesome for you to bring the girl back someday, so as not to use me as a gun room. It is probably a scourge to let you go back to the university town."

"Yes, I can't say I can't win. Your cramped little house has poor sound insulation. I really don't like it."

"Let's take a break from the Northeast side dishes for dinner."

Lu Zhou was lying on the sofa, squinting and taking a nap. When he returned to the house last night, he arranged the cloud computing plan again.

Now the hematopoietic function of Menggu advertising has been shown, and it is promoting the promotion of the banana market and the server purchase plan of Menggu Cloud.

In the middle, Lu Zhou must give Fang Qiang and Wen Xuwei directions. Maybe the execution can be safely handed over to the two to arrange, but there is no doubt that Lu Zhou still has to grasp the general direction.

Cheng Xuyuan didn't bother when he saw it, he picked up some information on the table and looked at it.

Some of them are papers and documents, some are more formed projects or product plans, and some are analysis reports of existing projects.

He picked up a version analysis report on the Kou Kou client, and a piece of paper slipped down from the middle.

"Yo, little brother wants to give a speech?"


on Monday.

"Hello everyone, I'm Lu Zhou. It's a pleasure to attend today's lecture."

Lu Zhou stood on the stage and greeted the juniors and juniors below.

"Not long ago, when Director Yuan asked me to give a speech, I refused. Frankly speaking, my Lu Zhou is only one or two years older than the classmates here. He Dehe can come and give a speech to everyone. Until I came here just now When I got to the lecture hall and saw the other speakers, I felt relieved.”

While talking, he looked at the other "strong men" who were arrested by Yuan Haizhou. Most of these speakers were entrepreneurial students at the Yixian Entrepreneurship Base.

After listening to Lu Zhou's words, the audience laughed.

This speech is nothing more than a "show" for Yuan Haizhou to show his achievements. As the director of the school in charge of entrepreneurship, he has been through some days, so he specially asked the student union to plan this graduation exchange activity.

In front of the stage, some leaders and teachers are sitting.

"Today, let's talk about a well-worn topic—dreams.

In fact, for the twenty-four years of my life, I've been thinking about what it is.

Frankly speaking, when I discuss this topic with you on stage today, I still haven't found the answer.

Before preparing for this speech, I recalled my opportunity to enter the Yat Sen computer and Internet industry.

When I was ten years old, my father and I went to visit a relative who happened to be a practitioner in the computer industry.

At that time, I first came into contact with This is an earlier way of 'online' communication than Huaxia Internet.

I think maybe the teachers in the audience may have been in touch.

If you use today's words to describe 'Hui Duo', then you can imagine that in the DOS system with white characters on a blue background, someone wrote a BBS forum.

It might seem "ugly" today, but as a child I was completely obsessed.

With one click, you can see another stranger's post on it. More fascinating than the computer itself, it comes from the joy of communicating between people in a virtual world.

This is probably the opportunity. What amazes me is that I later learned that the site owner of the Zhennan site at that time was Mr. Ma, who later founded Penguin.

Two months ago, I started my business in Yat Sen. I named my company "Dream Valley", which means that the dream begins in Guwei Island. It can be said that I have a strong obsession with this word.

Later, I and seven other members invested in product development and promotion.

We work for more than 12 hours every day, and the daily food problem is solved in Zhuyuan 305. And often, several of us will gather in Bamboo Garden 305 even on weekends.

The most annoying thing about the building management in Zhuyuan is our 305, who urges us to turn off the lights and close the door every day.

Later, the building management stopped urging him, and the gate was opened at twelve o'clock every night.

You also know the feeling of a sudden power outage in the middle of writing code. "

"Ha ha......"

"I can't say how much I like to write code, but sometimes when I stop and think about it, I find that I still like computers very much.

It must be said that starting a business is a difficult process. After these two it is difficult for me to encourage others to start a business. But again, it can also be a very happy process.

When you do it as something you love, it will be happy. I think the source of this happiness should be related to dreams. Perhaps Mr. Ma, who worked at the Zhennan Station back then, should feel the same way.

Of course, since we talked about dreams, we inevitably have to talk about reality.

In the first month, we overcame many difficulties and the product was launched smoothly. We thought this was 'reality', however, it wasn't.

In the Internet industry, borrowing is a good word, and it also means three mountains. In front of the mountain, there are many hills and many hills.

OK. We came across a hill, err, I didn't want to talk about the 360 ​​assistant borrowing bananas. "

"Ha ha......"

“They are both great companies, I have to admit. They show today’s entrepreneurs that there is a great distance between dreams and reality.

But when I turned to the history, I found that when IBM dominated the PC market, Microsoft came to tell us that the era of software has come; after Microsoft dominated the desktop system, Brother Google told us that the era of information aggregation and retrieval has come.

The world we live in is huge, with infinite possibilities, and can accommodate countless dreams.

Of course, I won't give any bad examples, after all, the present is more meaningful than the past.

Therefore, for me and Menggu, the mountains that lie in front of us are the only way for us to grow up.

Whether it is 360, penguin, thousand degrees, after realizing the reality, I regard it as a priest of the baptism ceremony. After the war with one, I am still alive and well, so I am probably an adult... ..."

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