The Chitauri army was in formation, like the phalanx of ancient Rome, and the whale-shaped Leviathan spaceships were lined up in the sky with a terrifying sense of oppression, covering the sky of Manhattan.

The Avengers stared blankly at the neat army formation, only feeling that it would be impossible to defeat so many enemies even if they exhausted their energy. There are too many enemies to make sense at all.

"Ganata, is your appetite okay?" It was Superman who was about to show his strength.

"Appetizer." Ganata patted her flat belly: "I can eat more."

"Then let's go!" Superman greeted Ganata, this time they were going to push back to the opposite side of the portal.

"Okay!" Although the alien has no nutrition, it is better than nothing: "I'm starting!" The mechanical arm at the waist came out of the pocket and rushed towards the Chitauri.

Aliens are not considered human beings, even in the non-killing DC world, once encountering an alien invasion, the superheroes will simply be blackened collectively and kill without mercy.

Just like what Kent and Ganata are doing now.


Ganata's absorption light can absorb a large area, but the energy is still too little.

And Kent's thermal sight attack directly pierced the chests of those soldiers. These soldiers are mechanically transformed humans whose main components are metal and have no combat effectiveness.

At this time, the US team has also joined the battle, and what they have to do is to protect the civilians, establish a front line to surround the alien soldiers in the city center, and prevent the situation from expanding.

It can only be said that these aliens are really bad, they can only push flatly, but they are ashamed to say that they are invaders of cosmic civilization.

The ground is handed over to the Avengers, Kent and Ganata are mainly responsible for the mid-air, and Tony is responsible for fixing the portal. Kent looked at the army spreading out around the portal like a big cloud waiting for him to slaughter, and thought how long he could kill each of them, it seemed that he had to release his ultimate move.

There are more than 50 Leviathan spacecraft, which may be all their troops, and the total number of landing troops is about 30,000. There are still two motherships on the opposite side of the portal, but the Chitauri commander believes that the 30,000 army is enough to wipe out the humans on Earth.

However, their calculations were wrong.

Everyone looked up and saw that the sky was blood red, and then everyone stopped their movements and raised their necks blankly to watch the terrible scene in the sky.

Red light, red light everywhere, the red light spreads out in a fan plane, and the cross section is like a shield machine, giving a devastating blow to the alien troop transport unit.

For every inch you advance, one more inch of enemy dies.

"God, that's Superman!" Tony didn't know how to comment on what happened in front of him. I saw that Superman spread his heat vision all over his field of vision. This time, the heat sight was not a straight line but a large-scale attack. With Superman's neck lifted, the heat vision vaporizes enemy ships like a brush.

That's right, evaporation, I can't believe how much energy Superman has contained in this move. People standing on the ground can only feel the heat waves coming from the sky, and the ashes are falling.

That's Chitauri dust.

And the generals far away in the Pentagon watched the collective silence. Not long ago, they wanted to use the anti-Superman plan to kill Superman, and now they know that they are very wrong. If Superman really does it, no one can survive at all, and the situation will definitely not be that no one dies and only the commander flees.

When they thought that they had fought with Superman who wiped out all the enemy's spaceships with a stare, they broke out in a cold sweat. In their hearts, they had already canceled all subsequent military operations against Superman, and they could no longer send soldiers to die.

Even the hero is terrified. Is this the real face of Superman? Just staring can burn down an entire city. Even a steel spaceship can evaporate, what kind of ability is this?

Tony is also desperate, the anti-Superman armor seems to be unable to stop Superman,


The Chitauri finally realized that something was wrong. There are monsters on the earth, as if they were going to survive in the wilderness from the civilized world and suddenly encountered a beast at the top of the food chain.

Who sent them to this damn earth? Go back and find him to settle accounts. withdraw troops!

However, the assembled troops couldn't escape at all, because besides Superman, there was Ganata: "Absorb!" Convert all matter into energy.

Chitauri infantrymen have to capitalize miserable words. The death is unclear, many people have not yet come out of the spaceship to fight, and the spaceship is vaporized or absorbed, and the dead cannot die again.

"Want to escape?" Kent hadn't enjoyed it yet, "I'm coming!" He passed through the portal without hesitation, and the god of death came.

The Chitauri mothership only had time to send out a message: "Watch out for blue uniforms and red capes."

Boom, Kent didn't use heat vision this time, and directly hit with his body.

Boom—Slanted impact, crashing through the two spaceships at once, then turning back and continuing to collide.

The Chitauri's spaceship has no technological content at all, it can only be regarded as a tractor in the universe, and Kent doesn't like it at all. Crash, crash, crash all.

There were gaps and holes, and finally even the power furnace was smashed through. The two spaceships got closer and closer in the universe due to gravity, and finally collided with each other, turning into a big ball of flames in the universe.

"Weak chicken, it's not as refreshing as beating Thor." This is Kent's evaluation of this group of Chitauri.

However, when Kent came back with a big victory, he found that the portal began to close. With super vision, he saw Thor, who was seriously injured. He held a severed hand of Loki and closed the portal with a spear. Kent was exiled to the endless universe. It seems that he has not calmed down yet, there is no way, Thor has always hoped to influence Loki, he believes that Loki will always be cleansed. Even if Loki invaded the earth, he would not be guilty of death. Kent did too much.

It's a pity that there is no other way, Kent is a murderer, and Loki can die with peace if he kills him.

Forget it, give him time to calm down. Kent thought that he had been playing in this world for a while, and almost helped the scabbard for a while, and went to other universes to see.

"The portal is about to close, Superman, what are you doing?" Natasha asked anxiously.

"Look over there." A ray of light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the crystal shuttle shining colorfully under the sun quickly came to the bottom of the portal and quickly passed through the shrinking portal.

Ganata was not far behind, and disappeared in midair.

The portal closed, but Superman was gone.

"Was that Superman's spaceship just now?" Tony was jealous when he saw it. The technological content of the crystal spaceship was definitely at the top level in the universe.

"Superman is gone? He left the earth, left the human race?" Natasha's heart was indescribably complicated, and in the end he chose to leave the human race. Did the human race really disappoint him?

Director Nick and the agents around him looked at the sky of New York where Superman disappeared, and were speechless for a long time, so they left? Not even a goodbye? Everyone's heart is empty.

The people also realized what had happened, so there was a wave of reflections all over the world on "Why did Superman leave mankind", and human emotions fell to the bottom for a while. Originally there was an alien who was extremely powerful and willing to care about the life and death of ordinary people. Maybe the earth could walk out of the earth and go to the universe under the leadership of Superman, but now it is gone.

Only then did they discover that no one can replace Superman, and other superheroes cannot take the place of Superman at all. They cannot block floods, resist airplanes, and cannot lend a helping hand to innocent people in times of crisis. Only the legacy left by Superman is the Global Disaster Relief Defense System. Still silently telling everyone that Superman has come, but abandoned humans.

Human beings have once again been abandoned by God.

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