When they adopted Superman, the Kents were already nearly 60 years old. In fact, Kent is not sure why, because in the Superman works he is familiar with, the Kents were in their early thirties when they adopted Superman, but I don’t know Why are the adoptive parents on the earth where I am located so old.

But age did not hinder the Kent couple's love for Kent. Kent started working on the farm after he could walk, not because Kent loved labor, but because he was practicing his superpowers. This is how the Kents discovered that their son who fell from the sky was different. At the age of three, he could lift a tractor and do more work alone than large machinery. However, they still hope that Kent will study hard and go out of the small town to a big city to learn more.

When he was in school, Kent hid his powers because his adoptive parents didn't want to lose Kent. They always felt that if Kent's superpowers were discovered by the government, Kent would be sent to a research institute for dissection.

That is, after going to school, Kent found the Kryptonian spacecraft that his adoptive parents hid in the basement of the warehouse and began to learn the Kryptonian knowledge left by his Kryptonian parents and developed his own brain.

Therefore, Kent's academic performance has always been excellent. His adoptive parents attended his college graduation ceremony as they wished, and watched Kent complete all the stages before entering the society. Kent didn't have any discomfort, nor was he entangled because he couldn't show his true strength. He was a good student and a good student, and never got into trouble with his adoptive parents, even if they kept hiding their strength.

In the original book, Superman may also feel lost because of his incompatibility with the humans around him, but as a time traveler, he doesn't have so much emotion, and is more about exploring and curious about Superman's power. Because Superman didn't know why he was different until he knew the truth, but Kent knew from the beginning.

When I took off for the first time, put on a uniform and cloak for the first time, punished evil and promoted good for the first time, and killed the villain for the first time, met other heroes for the first time, clashed with heroes for the first time, Encountering kryptonite, going to the universe for the first time, meeting aliens for the first time...

I have come all the way, I have experienced too much, and now I still have the first time travel, maybe I will have more first time experiences in the future...

"Is Superman ready?" Seeing that the Superman around him seemed to be wandering, Solo couldn't help reminding: "Wait a minute, don't talk nonsense, remember the questions I reiterated to you yesterday, if someone asks you, don't Answer, and I will help you answer."

Kent nodded from the memories: "As you wish."

Solo is quite satisfied with Superman's attitude.

This is the New York Stadium. It is already full of people, even the venue is full of people. The reporters around the high platform in the middle are waiting seriously. Although Superman has appeared once, he didn't say anything last time, and the real good show started today.

Thinking that the news newspapers were out of stock yesterday because of Superman's appearance, then today's news will definitely break the charts on all platforms. Superman will become the best friend of the media.

The photo of Superman putting on a cape for a girl became the most reposted photo in the world yesterday. In a short period of time, more than one billion people saved the photo, and the video also surpassed 300 million hits. It is now on the homepage of the video website hanging. And the little girl also received invitations from countless talk shows yesterday, maybe she will become a star.

In short, countless people are crazy because of Superman. Now that Superman is about to have a face-to-face conversation with everyone, everyone is excited.

"Superman, can you shake my hand?" But the mayor of New York City came over, how could he miss such a lively event.

Shaking hands with Superman, the mayor of New York only felt that Superman's hand was really strong and powerful: "On behalf of New York City, I welcome Mr. Superman to settle in our New York. I think I can issue you a city key of an honorary citizen of New York City. This is Our honor in New York City." There are aliens in New York City, which sounds very cool, the first city on earth inhabited by aliens,

It fully fits the image of New York as an international city.

Kent just smiled, it is not easy to advertise himself, he is not such a casual person.

"Mr. Superman, you must consider that New York is the best city on earth." The mayor also wanted to convince Superman.

"It's almost time for me to go on stage." Kent didn't want to agree, so he left with an excuse.

It is indeed about to go on stage, and the press spokesman has almost said: "... Now we invite our alien friend—Superman!!"

Kacha Kacha...

From the moment Superman stepped onto the stage, the flash lights shone like stars in the sky.

It took only a few seconds for Superman to walk to the center of the stage, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of shutter shots were reimbursed.

"I think everyone can't wait to hear Superman's voice, and now let Superman talk to you." The spokesperson asked Superman to stand in front of the microphone.

Superman waved to everyone, acting very naturally: "I'm very happy to be here on Earth, my Earth speaks badly, please forgive me."

Wow, the alien actually speaks English, I'm so excited, this is the first sentence the alien said to all human beings after it was made public, it's too modest, the other party's English is very authentic.

Solo on the side was under a lot of pressure, and Kent added the phrase "Earth is not good" at the end, obviously only asking him to say, "It's a pleasure to come to Earth". Troublesome guy, can't he speak according to the speech?

But it’s not over yet. Superman can’t only speak English, but he repeated a sentence in the languages ​​of a dozen countries, including China, France, Russia, Germany, and India. Foreign reporters were all excited that this alien is so interesting that he can speak so many languages.

Solo was stunned. He never expected that Superman had already learned so many languages. Even he didn't know so many languages. If Superman used other languages ​​he didn't understand to slander the United States, he couldn't stop him. It's over, I didn't expect Superman to hide such a hand.

Natasha, who came with her, was also speechless. Kent was definitely embarrassing Solo on purpose. She doesn't want to comment on Superman's character anymore, he is definitely a worry-free guy.

The crowd was very excited. The alien was indeed an alien. He was handsome, had a nice voice, and was very knowledgeable.

After the greeting, it was time for questions. The reporters took out questions and waited for Superman's answer.

"Superman, why are you called Superman? Is it because of the S on your chest?"

"It can be considered that this character is the crest of my family, and it represents hope in my hometown. But according to your understanding on Earth, maybe calling me Superman is because I have superpowers."

"Superman, what do you think of our Earth?"

"The earth is a very beautiful planet. There are many different countries and cultures. There are also many things that attract me, such as Chinese food, which I like very much." Kent gave a thumbs up while speaking.

Everyone smiled kindly, Superman is very approachable, it seems that he is really not a bad guy.

"So Superman, what do you think of the anti-alien groups in the world today?"

"Superman has no opinion. Human beings are a race with free consciousness. Everyone has their own opinions. Superman can accept all different opinions with an open mind." Solo interjected. It would not be good to be attacked by people who seized the ground and caused panic among the people.

"I want Superman to answer my question in person." The reporter was dissatisfied, he didn't come to listen to the official talk.

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