Infinite Terror of Others

Sixty-eight: Walking Fish Six that Landed on the Beach

Everyone who got on the plane seemed very tired, and almost everyone had fallen asleep. If you think back to the scene just now, it's really ridiculous. Due to the chaos, countless people bought tickets to jump in line, since there were more people jumping in line than standing in line. Naturally, there was no queue at all. Long Bao relied on his body, which was much stronger than that of the short Japanese, to move forward and clear the way. When I arrived at the ticket office, I discovered that because there were too many people and it was too chaotic, the counter was no longer selling tickets, but the airport staff were still maintaining order. These people are really not afraid of death. The first-come-first-served approach to the waterfront tower doesn't even know how to leave here first. It seems that the logic in this terrifying world is not rigorous at all.

"Sorry! All planes have departed." The Japanese lady at the counter replied politely.

"Sorry! The airport has stopped selling tickets."

"Sorry! There are really no seats left."

"Yes... okay! Please board the plane through the aisle!" The tone changed, which fully explained a truth. The magic of money cannot be stopped. I can’t remember which famous philosopher in the world said: If a lady doesn’t spread her legs, it’s not because you’re not handsome enough, nor is it because she doesn’t like you. It’s that she feels that the money you gave her is not enough. To be honest, Zou Hang's wallet is enough for a plane now.

Zou Hang closed his eyes to rest but did not sleep. There are too many uncertainties now. Plan carefully. An Ran, who was sitting next to him, felt a little uneasy. Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense or maybe she was too sensitive, but she suddenly felt that Zou Hang was scary. Not just because of Yamamoto Mirai's death. Also, she felt that the smile on Zou Hang's face and the deep pupils when he was talking to her made her a little uneasy, as well as the closed-eyed face next to her.

An Ran is not a foolish person. Even a wise man. It was just that Zou Hang was suppressed by his aura.

"Call me a glass of water." Zou Hang said lightly without opening his eyes.

"Oh!...Okay!" Zou Hang's words interrupted her thinking. When she first saw Zou Hang, she believed that Zou Hang was the one for her, and even forgot to think about other paths in her future life. For a moment, she looked at Zou Hang feeling a little guilty. In her mind, Zou Hang was everything to her, and even the slightest suspicion made her feel guilty for her thoughts. Get that thought out of your mind immediately. Get up and walk towards the stewardess in front of you.

But right now. Zou Hang suddenly opened his eyes and stared at An Ran's back. Just now, when Zou Hang thought of his plan against An Ran. Suddenly, there was a sense of crisis as if someone had peeked into his heart. He has always stubbornly believed in his feelings since he was a child. Suizhi murmured with a gloomy face: "She should be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Maybe no one can change what Zou Hang decided. What's more, this decision is so firm.


"The first thing I want to report is the news about a school of long-legged fish that alarmed Okinawa Prefecture. A long-legged creature that landed in Okinawa in large numbers. Later, it began to land on other islands. Disasters were reported everywhere. Especially huge sharks and the like Large carnivorous populations bring huge hidden dangers to people's life safety.

The seaside of Okinawa is the area with the largest number of landed fish. Due to the large number, many local residents and tourists died tragically under the "iron kick". The Prime Minister has ordered part of the 'masturbation' team to go out. In addition, the walking fish gave off a stench. National research institutes are currently analyzing the true identity of these walking fish. The largest carcass of a walking great white shark to date was found at a villa in Okinawa..."

Watching the news reported on TV, Ah Zhong felt a little uneasy. After returning to Tokyo, in order to get close to Dr. Koyanagi as soon as possible, Zou Hang rented the house next to Azhong's apartment. With the help of life-saving grace, Zou Hang has developed a great friendship with Azhong.

"I smell it again!" Hua Zhi suddenly shouted to Azhong.

"What did you smell?" Azhong was puzzled.

"I smell that weird fish!"

"That's your hallucination. Why didn't I smell it? This is Tokyo. Okinawa is far away from here, so how could the strange fish come here? You were too frightened to forget the smell."

"The smell is getting stronger and stronger. It's coming, it's coming..." After saying that, Hua Zhi rushed out of the room.

The group of people who had been preparing for a long time heard the sound of the door. It had already stopped in the corridor under Zou Hang's order. Seeing Ah Zhong chase him out, he "coincidentally" heard him tell him the reason and followed him out. When Azhong hugged Hua Zhi who was lying on the ground, he saw her right hand pointing to the sky and shouting "It's in that direction!"

The sky was completely blank, nothing out of the ordinary. Zou Hang, who has excellent eyesight, saw a small black spot getting closer and closer. Follow the direction they are in.

Close! An inflated plastic bag covered with dust, with a vague shadow inside. There is also the familiar and pungent corpse smell. Of course Azhong and Hua Zhi remember the contents of it very clearly. At this moment, Hua Zhi had already run away with his head in his hands, but the plastic bag was still following closely behind him.

Azhong has been deceiving himself and insisting that this is a coincidence. But with a 'bang', the plastic bag exploded. The fish inside told him that it was all true.

"Uncle, this is the walking monster fish I was talking about!" Azhong handed the tightly wrapped 'fish' to Dr. Xiaoliu.

"Who are these?" Dr. Xiaoliu.

"They are the friends I made in Okinawa. Without their help, Hua Zhi and I might have died there." Azhong introduced Dr. Koyanagi.

Zou Hang, who knew the development of the plot, successfully followed Azhong to Dr. Xiaoliu's research institute. At this moment, he turned his head sideways, without any sense of rashness, and said straight to the point: "You are Dr. Koyanagi! Then the coordinate map of WXH Island should be in your hands now!"

Dr. Xiaoliu's body trembled a little. UU Reading Then his eyes were fixed on Zou Hang's eyes full of resentment. He said harshly: "Are you from the Army?!"

"No!" Zou Hang replied.

"I don't care if you are or not. I don't care where you know it from. My father once asked me. The things on WXH Island are so terrifying that they can destroy all human beings! Even if I die, I will not let that coordinate map be handed over to others." Dr. Koyanagi said firmly.

"You are wrong! Look at the thing in your hand. This strange desire to walk has already begun to land. This is the terrifying thing on WXH Island. My purpose is precisely to save mankind!" Zou Hang finished speaking profoundly. Look at Dr. Koyanagi.

"Let's go! No matter what you say, I won't hand it over to you." Dr. Xiaoliu issued an eviction order. Zou Hang knew that nothing would change if he continued talking. Xiaoliu's attitude is very tough. I'm afraid even if I use my cool form again, I won't be able to make any progress.

"Then you have to keep that coordinate map carefully! I don't think the place where you keep it is very safe." Zou Hang said and led the others away. This statement was more than just a threat.

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