Looking at Zero who seemed to be about to cry in the next second, Xia Mu felt a little reluctant, but still said goodbye to him.

The necklace had begun to glow and he had to go.

Natsuki has a vague premonition that he must keep traveling through time in order to find the final truth - the reason why he came here and the way to return in the end.

Thanks to Saka's blessing, Natsuki also gained a new form, the hope form. All the blue in his body evolved into gold, and the whole body shone brightly, looking very rich.

He felt that there was a powerful force surging in his body, strange and familiar at the same time.

Although it is not your own power, you can use it for yourself.

Xia Mu guessed that this should be the light of hope for mankind. This form is similar to Shining Tiga, but its combat power is not as powerful as others. It has only improved by a small part, and it is not even as strong as its future form.

But this form has a very powerful skill, which is resurrection.

It can resurrect others and itself, but it can only be used once.

It can also be regarded as a death-free gold medal.

When he finally disappeared, he saw Xiao Wu not far away. The child was standing with his mother, with reluctance in his clear eyes.

Goodbye, he sent a message to Xiao Wu.

The child was surprised and disappointed when he heard Xia Mu's voice. Finally, he stretched out his little hand and waved as a farewell.

Natsuki smiled, and then completely disappeared from this world.

Speaking of which, Xiao Wu will definitely be great in the future. Even when a group of adults were in despair, he still refused to give up. It was that tear of hope that gave him life again.


Xia Mu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and seemed to know why his hope form was not as good as Tiga's shining form -

Tiga's body was the light of hope for all mankind, and his body was the last light of hope for mankind.

They are overwhelming in terms of numbers!

Thinking of this, Xia Mu nodded, feeling that this reason was really sufficient, a genius of logic!

————Asking for flowers and votes————

After regaining control of the body's consciousness, Xia Mu found that he had automatically transformed into the form of hope, and the whole body was sparkling with gold. Even he did not dare to look at himself - he was so rich that it was dazzling!

Then he discovered that the buildings around him were actually very tall, so tall that even if he was standing here like a giant, he would have the illusion of being a human being.

He looked around carefully, and green light shone on his silver-white steel face. This familiar style of confusion made him instantly understand where he was.

Kingdom of Light!

In the distance, the huge plasma spark tower exudes a soft light, and the energy scattered in the air is absorbed by the body without stopping every minute. To be honest, it feels quite refreshing.

And where he is now, it seems that he is in a special room with a capsule-like thing placed in the room. He walked over to look at it and wanted to open it, but his outstretched hand suddenly passed through the capsule.

"......" oh. So, is it another dream?

Xia Mu sat down cross-legged with an expressionless expression. Since it was a dream, let's wait and see what happens.

As soon as he sat down, he heard a"quacking" sound, the door was opened, and an Ultraman walked in. Xia Mu took a closer look - it turned out to be Severn!

Announcement: I don’t know how to be a eunuch, but my speed will be reduced. Although I still code 4,000 words a day, I will only publish more than 1,000 words, and the rest will be saved as manuscripts, because both the shelf and military training require saved manuscripts as support. After all, if I stop updating, you won’t love me anymore.

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