In this weird world, I can consecrate the gods

Chapter 1 Material Transformation

A shrill pig cry rang out, waking up Cui Yu who was sleeping in a daze.

The screams were so piercing and cruel that they made Cui Yu so upset that he couldn't sleep. At this moment, he couldn't help shouting at the top of his lungs: "Why are you shouting, kill the pig! The movie can't be filmed tomorrow!"

After shouting, the screams gradually stopped. Cui Yu was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes and continued to fall into a drowsy sleep. He didn't know how long it took. Cui Yu, who was somewhat sleepy, felt like thunder in his belly, and there was a sound between his mouth and nose. The smell of meat comes:

"Pork squid! My favorite squid!"

As a Northeastern person, he is very familiar with the atmosphere of pig slaughter during the New Year, especially the Northeastern specialty pig slaughter dishes. The taste is very familiar to him.

"Where did the crew get the butchered vegetables? Who is killing the pigs? Such fragrant butchered vegetables don't even call me." Cui Yu suddenly stood up, then stumbled and fell to the ground.

The dilapidated fence, mixed with the smell of soil, and three pigs shivering in the corner came into view.

The most important thing is that Cui Yu stretched out his hand to get up from the ground, but saw a pair of hooves.

Pig trotters!

what's the situation?

Cui Yu stood blankly in the pig pen, looking at the hooves on the ground with his big eyes, and the aroma of slaughtered pig vegetables continued to fill his mouth and nose.

Somewhat unbelievable! His eyes were filled with astonishment, as if a bolt from the blue had struck him dizzy.

"It's not true! It's not true! It's all a dream! It's all a dream!"

The laughter outside caught Cui Yu's eyes. Through the gap in the fence, he saw the steaming cauldron outside the fence. The aroma of stewed meat kept coming from the cauldron.

A group of men wearing simple Taoist robes were holding butcher knives to chop the meat and clean the liver. It looks as weird as possible.

So, I became a pig? Are people outside killing pigs?

Why did he become a pig?

Wasn't it filming in Hengdian?

I finally begged my grandfather to sue my grandma and went through all the trouble to attract investors. Why did I turn into a pig?


At this moment, a wave of memories, like a mighty river, poured into Cui Yu's mind.

Countless memory fragments were poured into his mind like a revolving lantern, and countless information was absorbed by Qi.

Ho Chau Road

People from Lijiacun

In order to seek immortality, he went to study with teachers everywhere. Until one day, I met a Taoist priest with immortal style, and he was so shocked that he became a heavenly being and became a disciple of him. He came here to practice in seclusion.

There were more than thirty brothers and sisters, and they were all enjoying themselves.

"Cui Yu! I'm from Lijia Village! My name is Cui Yu! I'm a Taoist priest, why did I turn into a pig?"

At this time, memories of the original body continued to pour out of Cui Yu's mind.

When I came to this village, during the process of practicing, my brothers disappeared one by one mysteriously, but the pigs in the pigpen could not be eaten. In the past three months, every time a senior brother disappeared, there was another pig in the pigsty. Then the original person noticed something was wrong and began to observe secretly.

The master would go out to recruit a few apprentices every few days, but the more apprentices he recruited, the fewer senior brothers remained in the village.

Until one day, when he accidentally saw one of his senior brothers turn into a living pig, his mentality collapsed and he never ate pork again.

At this moment, memories were rolling in Cui Yu's mind, and memories of his previous life continued to emerge. A memory about the formula emerged:

"It's that mantra! There's something wrong with that mantra!"

He remembered that his master taught him a formula, saying that after practicing, he could refine Qi and become an immortal. His original talent was very good, and within a month, the sense of Qi was born in his body. But the more this happened, the more frightened he became. The faster the speed, the closer it is to the date of turning into a pig.

Then in order not to be killed by the master, the original person began to fight back secretly.

The original person secretly made two attacks, but unfortunately they were all avoided by the Taoist priest, which even aroused the Taoist priest's suspicion.

The first time was when the master suddenly went on a far journey. Before departure, he put a basin of water in the house with a paper boat floating on the water and covered it with another basin. He also asked the third brother to take good care of it and not let anyone open it to look at it. So the original person knew that the Taoist priest's youngest daughter was too naughty, so he secretly seduced the girl and asked the girl to fiddle with the water in the basin. Then he pretended to dissuade her and capsized the boat on purpose, causing a storm. The third senior brother was afraid of being punished, so he immediately came up with a bad idea and asked the third senior brother to fetch another basin of water, and refused to admit it until he died.

Half a day later, the master returned in embarrassment and started to question him directly. The third brother quibbled and said no. The Taoist priest looked at the overturned boat in the basin and asked, "The boat capsized in the river just now. Why did you lie to me?"

Then after that night, there was a black pig in the pen, but the third senior brother was never seen again.

The second time, the Taoist lit a huge candle and placed it on the hall, telling the fifth brother to guard it carefully and not let the wind blow out the candle. The master went out, and the original person used tricks to stun the fifth senior brother, took the opportunity to blow out the candle, and then quietly lit the candle before the master came back. Then the master came back and blamed the fifth senior brother. The fifth senior brother defended himself by saying that he had not slept, how could the candle go out? ? The master said angrily: "I just walked more than ten miles in the dark, and you are still here to quibble?"

Then without giving the fifth senior brother a chance to defend himself, he directly turned into a pig.

After failing to kill the Taoist priest twice, he found another way. Seeing that the demon Taoist often beat and scolded the master's wife, he set his sights on the master's wife. Every time the Taoist priest goes to recruit apprentices, he takes the initiative to please the master's wife, hoping to learn from the master's wife how to break the pig transformation.

Don't tell me, my predecessor was really a talent, and he actually succeeded. The master's wife didn't know why, but she actually told him the Taoist priest's flaw.

It's a pity that although the predecessor had a flaw in the demonic way, he underestimated the demonic method. The demonic way was really weird. One of his ears actually fell at home. Although the person was thousands of miles away, he heard about it, and then This matter was discovered by the demon.

The Taoist priest obviously knew what happened between his apprentice and his wife, but he didn't say anything when he came back. He just asked Cui Yu to go to the pigsty to feed the pigs. Unexpectedly, his predecessor had just entered the pigsty and turned into a pig.

Then the Taoist priest came to the pig pen, looked at Cui Yu and smiled coldly: "You are so smart, you actually noticed the matter of turning into a pig. If the ear was left at home today, you might have figured it out. It's a pity. You tried so hard, but in the end you were clever but you were misled by your cleverness. Since you want to know the taboos of the Canopy Transformation, what's the harm in telling you? There are two taboos in practicing the "Tianpeng Transformation"."

"First, you can't eat pork."

"Second, don't break women's lust."

“Once it breaks, it becomes a pig in a pen.”

"Just wait until you die." After saying this, the Taoist priest flicked his sleeves and directed the other disciples to catch and kill pigs. Then the original body was frightened to death, and Cui Yu's soul came.

At this point in the scene, the memory fragments are interrupted, leaving Cui Yu standing blankly in the pig pen, his eyes full of horror.

Looking at the demon Taoist and several senior brothers who were killing pigs outside, it was obvious that the old Taoist priest who ordered the killing of pigs was not the original one, but the other pigs in the pigsty. It's just that the original person scared himself to death.

"Qi training formula?"

"A living person turned into a pig?"

"What kind of world is this?" Cui Yu kept looking through the memories in his mind, and he was stunned.

At this moment, a message flashed in front of Cui Yu's eyes:

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Status: Weird. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[Note 1: Can usurp all strange powers and turn them into natal magical powers. 】

"Usurping? Turning strange power into his own magical power?" Cui Yu was stunned.

Before Cui Yu could think about it, a piece of information changed:

[It was discovered that the host changed from a human to a pig and was invaded by a strange power. The strange power can be extracted. 】

[Note 1: Transforming from a human to a pig involves material change. After usurping it, you can obtain the innate magical power of 'material transformation'. 】

[Note 2: The price changed from pig to human. 】

[Note 3: The price is exempt. 】

[Are we usurping the strange power? 】

Cui Yu looked at the page in front of him, feeling surprised and happy.

I was surprised that I turned into a pig, but I was happy that I had a golden finger. But seeing that the price was exempt, I still couldn't help but frown. The price is good! Why even exempt? In other words, as long as you are not exempt from the penalty and extract the magical power of material transformation, your pig body can be transformed back.

Cui Yu stood in the pig pen, trying hard to stabilize his body, and took a deep breath: "Steady! Steady! According to the memory of the original owner, the demon is a capable person who can control water flow with unpredictable powers. Extract at this time If magical power can really turn into a human body, wouldn't it be enough to scare the snake away? We still have to wait for the opportunity!"

Numerous thoughts were running through Cui Yu's mind. Although he was frightened, he finally calmed down and stood quietly in the pig pen, looking on coldly through the railings.

As long as he doesn't kill himself now, he will have a chance to run out quietly.

Cui Yu didn't have to wait long. The senior brothers who went to the mountains to collect herbs returned one after another. Cui Yubei felt relieved when he saw the familiar faces from the past.

A group of junior brothers were playing around in the yard to help sort out the internal organs, which was quite a joy.

"How can you be so noisy?" At this moment, Demon Dao walked out of the house and scolded all the disciples. The shocked disciples were like birds and beasts, and they all stood respectfully, not daring to offend in the slightest. .

"Have you gathered all the medicinal materials?" Yaodao asked.

"Master Hui Bing, everything has been picked." All the disciples took out their backpacks with respectful expressions.

The demon road inspected it once, took out a ginseng from the basket on his back, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's very good. I'll kill an extra pig today to reward you."

As he spoke, he looked towards the pig pen, looked at Cui Yu in the pen through the railings, and walked slowly towards the pig pen with his hands on his back.


Cui Yu heard the old Taoist priest's words and saw the old Taoist priest staring at him through the railing. He was shocked and felt an intuition in his heart: "He's coming for me! This old Taoist priest is coming for me! This is going to happen." Kill me?"

Cui Yu was panicked!

Everyone was in a panic!

Through the memory of the original owner, he knew that this demon was very powerful and invulnerable to fire and water. Even if he had acquired supernatural powers, he would probably be unable to deal with this accomplished demon.

While feeling confused and confused, the Taoist priest had already arrived outside the pig pen, looking down at Cui Yu in the pen, with a sneer on his lips.

When their eyes met, a coldness filled the air, freezing Cui Yu's mind and causing his thoughts to freeze.

"What a pig! What a pig! It's really a good pig!" The Taoist priest stared at Cui Yu, stroked his beard on his chin, and praised him repeatedly.

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