In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 522 520 Going to sea

Jon quickly explained his true purpose.

In fact, when Slughorn read the complete memory, he already had a pretty good guess as to why he was coming to find him.

"It's a pity that Adrian in this world will never be able to imagine that the ring and these gems he created can actually be used by others."

Slughorn said with regret.

He looked at Jon with a very serious expression.

"I don't know what happened to Adrian in the later stages of your world to give me that ring, but in this world, he suddenly found me three months before his death."

"At that time, he could no longer get out of the hospital bed and could only lie in the Magic Hospital for Injuries and Injuries waiting to die. Even the most effective magic potion in the world could not take his life back from the hands of death. He lived a lonely life. He only has a few close friends, one of whom is me. When I came to him, he asked me to help him do something - to find all the gems he left everywhere."

Jon held his breath. He listened quietly to Slughorn's story, knowing that the point where the world was different from the original world should be right here.

"I was very surprised. I knew that those things were the result of his lifelong research. Even though he never found the right person to use and try them, he always held out hope that his research would shine in the magical world in the future. ."

When Slughorn said this, he couldn't help but look at the pendant around Jon's neck again.

"It seems that he in the other world did guess it right, but in the last days of his life, the Adrian I knew completely overturned all his past conceptions."

"He himself just followed the old path of a wand before. The combination of rings and gems is similar to the wand body and wand core, except that it has more choices. But just like the disadvantages faced by all wizards, once it is lost, Without the wand, the strength of wizards who have become dependent on it will be greatly reduced, and sometimes they will not even be able to defeat Muggles."

"While lying in bed, he had some new ideas, but he knew that his life was coming to an end, and even the rings and gemstones that he had created could not find anyone who could successfully use them. So he asked me to help him take those rings and gems to his tomb after he died, as well as some things he left me."

When Slughorn said this, he turned around and walked to a chest of drawers. He opened the door of the lower cabinet and quickly rummaged through it to find a box. In the box, he took out a book notes.

He handed the note to Jon without hesitation.

"This is about all his ideas after the ring and gemstone spellcasting system. I have also read the contents. Although I think most of these are fantasy, after all, I am not an expert in the field of spellcasting, so I have no idea. How can I help you with this?"

At this point, Slughorn paused slightly, as if he was struggling with something, but he finally made up his mind.

"If you still want the ring and gems that Adrian took to his grave in this world, I can help you find a way to take those things out without disturbing his peace."

However, before he finished speaking, Jon shook his head and interrupted.

"I'm not that greedy, teacher. I have never met Mr. Adrian Fox, but since I harvested the ring he created, he has indirectly saved my life more than once. I haven't It’s so bad that I dug the grave of my savior just to gain strength, not to mention that even if I get another set of rings and gems, it won’t improve or help my strength much.”

His words made Slughorn breathe a sigh of relief. The more he talked to Jon, the more he could imagine how proud he would be in another world to have a student like Jon.

After briefly looking at the notebook in his hand, the expression on Jon's face did not change, but he said to Slughorn solemnly.

"I think the things inside are more important than a new set of rings and gems. I have been receiving the favor from Mr. Fox, and I never know what I can do for him. Now I think if I can put him in If some of the ideas in this note become reality, it will also be considered as fulfilling some of his wishes, right?"

Slughorn happily patted the arm of the sofa.

"If you can really do it, I believe that would be what Adrien would be most excited to see! But... I have also seen some of the content above. Are these ideas really possible?"

Jon didn't give him any guarantee, he just said calmly.

"Before I got this ring, the magic contained in every gem on it was a fantasy, teacher. Perhaps no one has more say in the content of this note than me. Mr. Fox is a An absolute genius, a genius hidden and buried by history!"

It was hard to tell how much confidence Slughorn had in the promise made by Jon, but he was obviously very pleased that at least his friend's unfinished business had been continued.

Jon then chatted with Slughorn for a while about another world, and then stood up to leave.

Before leaving, he sincerely persuaded Slughorn to go out for a while, because the real Voldemort had already left this world, and the one who was in the spotlight now was just one of his Horcruxes.

Slughorn did not agree or refuse, he just said to wait until this summer to see if there are any new vacancies in Hogwarts.

Finally, with the fat walrus watching, Jon waved and left the small Muggle village with the note.

After returning to Hogwarts, Jon did not immediately start studying the contents of the note. It was not that he lied to Slughorn. In his opinion, this note was indeed more important than getting a new set of rings and gems. Much more useful.

But before starting formal research, he still had one more thing to do.

In the castle, he said hello to Lily and Dumbledore, and then used the fireplace in Dumbledore's office to use the Floo network to reach Edinburgh, Scotland, and boarded a passenger ship to Norway through the harbor here.

He was going to Beihai, to find a high tower connecting the sky and the sea, and to meet an old friend who had always wanted to express his gratitude, but had no chance in the original world.

I was about to fall asleep, and then I suddenly woke up. It seemed that I still had a chapter of the promised update that I hadn’t written yet. I took a clean bath and woke up to finish coding.

Call it a day, good night

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