In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 39 39. Five Stones

The mood at Hogwarts was a bit down after Christmas.

Even if no one died in this night attack, the frequency of less than two consecutive attacks in half a school year still makes every student feel uneasy, because no one knows whether there will be a third time.

There were also students from the family who were sent home by Lily one by one after Christmas. Among the new students, Neville and Ron also left the carriage. They would reunite with their families for a week during this holiday without classes.

Jon is now the only one left in the original double dormitory, but he doesn't feel lonely either. He spends most of his time alone in the dormitory reading, and only occasionally goes to the lounge at the invitation of Lavender and Justin. Spend some time relaxing with them.

After Christmas night, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall did not reward or praise him openly, which was another kind of protection for him.

After all, although the creature lurking on the carriage has not done any harm so far, no one can guarantee what he will do after learning that it was because of Jon that his traces and identity were discovered. act of revenge.

However, in private, McGonagall allowed Jon to make a small request that was not too excessive as a reward. Jon asked without much thought that he wanted the right to borrow books from the restricted section of the library.

The library on the carriage also has several rows of restricted book areas. There are some magic books that are dangerous to students. Unless there is an approval note from the professor, no one can borrow them out casually.

After much hesitation, Mag agreed to this condition, but she also added a precondition: no matter what book Jon borrowed from the restricted book area, he had to register it with her again.

Jon was naturally happy to accept this. He didn't want to secretly study the black magic in forbidden books. He just wanted to have channels to obtain more magical knowledge. He had nothing to do with Mag's request purely to protect his safety. Rejected.

On the third day after Christmas, Jon knocked on Slughorn's office door early in the morning.

After these three days of training, the burns on Slughorn's back have almost healed. For a potion master like him, as long as it is not the kind of injury that causes instant death, he can still have the means to save himself. life. The injuries caused by the explosion curse may seem serious, but in fact they are just skin injuries. After the magic potion takes effect, there will basically be no scars left.

"You remember the time very accurately."

Slughorn, who was lying on the armchair and eating pineapple preserves early in the morning, saw Jon walking in, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Teacher, are you feeling better?"

Jon said as he put down a box of Bibby's Strange Flavor Beans he received at Christmas. Of course, visiting patients requires gifts, although the main purpose of his visit is not just to visit.

A box of strange-flavored beans was certainly nothing to Slughorn, but the smile on his face grew noticeably wider.

"I'm not that delicate. Filius can still teach spells even if he has one arm missing. Moody can still wave his wand and walk onto the battlefield without one leg and one eye. My injuries are nothing."

Slughorn didn't say much about these superfluous words, but went directly to the topic.

"According to the time we set before, today is the day when I will officially start teaching you how to cast spells on this ring, but you can't relax in your study of Occlumency after that. For the time being, you have only built it in your mind. It's just a wall. If someone really wants to invade your memory, they will easily find a problem, and your situation may become more dangerous."

Jon nodded solemnly. Even without Slughorn's reminder, he would not have ended his study of Occlumency. This magic was the foundation of his career in the magical world.

"Let's stop talking about the rest. Give me that ring."

Jon took off a pendant from his neck, and he tied the sapphire ring to the pendant. Otherwise, he, a child who had no contact with the outside world since arriving at Hogwarts at the age of 11, would have nothing to do with it. If a gemstone ring appears for no reason, it will attract too much attention.

Slughorn took the ring from his hand and pointed the diamond-shaped sapphire set on the surface of the ring at the sun.

"I told you before that you can use this ring as another form of wand. Do you see this blue stone? It represents the core of the wand."

"Just like the legendary magic stone in Nick Flamel's hand, this sapphire is also an artificial alchemy stone. Only my dead friend knows its specific production method, but I can be sure. Yes, unlike a wand, a ring has more than one core."

While he was telling Jon, he also pointed to two diamond-shaped gaps on both sides of the sapphire that were the same size as the middle gemstone.

"When I got this ring in his hand, this was the only stone on it. In the last remaining time of his life, he did not tell me the whereabouts of the remaining four stones, but I found it in his From the magic notebook, I learned that one of the stones was hidden by him in Hogwarts."

Jon blinked.


"Yes, but it's not the carriage we are in now, but the Hogwarts Castle that has been occupied by the doves. Before the Dark Lord completely controlled the wizarding world, Adrian once served as He taught Defense Against the Dark Arts for one year, but he had an accident at the end of the semester, and he stopped teaching, but some of his research results were left in the castle."

Slughorn took a deep look at Jon.

"If there is a chance in the future, you must try your best to find that stone. The same goes for the remaining three missing pieces. They are all very important to you."

Jon asked hesitantly as he stared at the blue gemstone on the ring.

"Then what are the uses of these gems on the ring?"

"You can treat each stone as a casting slot."

Slughorn said seriously: "Wizards have very high demands on their will to cast spells. Even if you meet the conditions for learning this spell-casting method, it does not mean that you can cast any magic without any scruples. Because magic is in you If it takes effect on your body, the will required will also have an impact on yourself all the time. It will interfere with the release of your other spells and even interfere with your thoughts. The gems on the ring are used to help you share this pressure. , store the will to cast spells on yourself on it, so that you can cast spells without being restrained by any magic used on yourself."

"To put it simply, each stone means that you can learn a magic that changes your inner magic. In theory, the number of these magics you can control is five."

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