In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 33 33. Christmas

After McGonagall came back from Dumbledore's office, he just warned all the students that if they met a stranger on the carriage, they should first ensure their own safety, and then try to notify the professor, and finally they will gather in the carriage. The students in the cafeteria were evacuated.

Not only the little wizards in the senior grades, but also the freshmen were a little baffled by this anticlimactic handling.

"I thought the professor would conduct a general search of the entire carriage." Neville said with a frown. "Wouldn't it be a little too relaxing to do so?"

From the very beginning when Jon came to the restaurant and learned that someone had opened a room that shouldn't be opened privately, he fell into deep thought for a while. After hearing Neville's words, he said in relief.

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall and they will definitely not make fun of our safety. There may be something we don't know."

Ron and the three of them were not so worried about this. They had absolute trust in every professor, and they had no objection to Professor McGonagall's decision in private.

In this way, another two days passed, and the carriage was always calm, without any accidents.

At this time, Christmas came.

Normally speaking, Christmas in British schools is a watershed between the first and second semesters of the school year. After the Christmas holiday, the second half of the school year will officially begin.

But for Hogwarts who is in exile, even in the summer vacation, students have no holidays, and Christmas will naturally not send students home.

Even those pure-blood students who have families, such as Ron and Neville, must spend Christmas at school, but after Christmas, the school will not be in class for two weeks, and they can go home and have fun at this time Family reunion for a few days.

Early in the morning on Christmas Day, when Jon woke up, he saw a gift box half the size of him lying in front of his bed.

He looked at Neville's bedside with some doubts. There was also such a gift box, and beside the gift box, there were a few more small boxes than him.

"Who gave this gift?"

While asking questions, Jon grabbed the colorful ribbon on the gift box, and saw a line of beautiful English cursive characters on it.

[Wish Jon Green a Merry Christmas and happy every day]

The inscription below the blessing is not a person's name, but only one "Hogwarts".

"I heard that every Christmas school will prepare a gift for every little wizard in the carriage. It's true!"

When Neville returned to Jon, he opened the big gift box with great interest.

Inside was a dark blue dress robe, large and small bags of magical candies and fruit sodas they had seen and never seen, as well as enough parchment, ink, and seventeen or eighteen quills for the next two or three years.

There was also a small gift box inside the big gift box. Neville let out an exclamation as he opened the small box.

"It's a hellebore!"

He looked at a flower planted in a flowerpot in the gift box with fascinated eyes.

Of course, Jon also knew the plant. It was called hellebore in the wizarding world, and it was one of the ingredients of the palliative. Its scientific name in Muggles was Christmas rose, and it was an ornamental plant for Christmas.

Neville already liked herbal medicine very much, and he was even obsessed with some magical plants. Ever since he saw this pot of hellebore in McGonagall's office, he had been talking about it with Jon in private. I don't know how long.

Now he finally received this potted flower as he wished.

Jon also opened his own gift box. Except that the candy, snacks and school utensils in the big gift box were the same as Neville's, he also received a dark green dress robe.

The body size should have been measured by Professor McGonagall in a transformation class a week ago. At that time, he was still wondering why he needed to measure this when he was learning transformation.

There was also a small gift box on top of these things. After Jon opened the gift box, he took out three thick books from it.

They are "Encyclopedia of Intermediate and Low Level Spells", "Transformers and Shapeshifters", "Hogwarts: A School History".

The three books belong to Spells, Transfiguration, and History of Magic respectively. These three categories of books are the books that Jon has borrowed the most from the library since the beginning of the school.

The professors who prepared Christmas presents for the students really put a lot of thought into it.

Looking at these things in his hands, Jon unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

Just as they were unwrapping the presents, the carriage that had been driving all of a sudden vibrated and then stopped.

Hagrid's deep voice sounded from the carriage.

"Children, you can get out of the car and prepare for today's festival!"

Jon and Neville packed up the presents together, and then walked out of the dormitory together.

The other students have long been cheering and ran along the corridor towards the hall. From the beginning of the school to the present, they have stayed in the carriage almost every day, and they have long been suffocated. Today is undoubtedly for them to relax one day.

"Hurry up! You're too slow!" Ron and Justin didn't get out of the carriage first, but waited for them to come out in front of Jon's bedroom door.

The four of them joined forces and then met Lavender, who was in the girls' dormitory, by the hall, and the five of them walked out of the carriage together.

Outside is a forest completely covered by snow, surrounded by spruce trees, some tens of meters high, and short ones as tall as an adult.

Hagrid chose the venue very cleverly. The carriage was parked in a clearing in the woods. The ground was covered with white snow. When the students got out of the car, he and Flitwick were waving their magic wands to clear the snow from the clearing. clean.

The first to rush out were the twins of the Weasley family. They cheered and jumped off the carriage, half of their calves were buried in the snow.

Then they winked at each other, waved their magic wands lightly at the snow on the ground in unison, two snowballs converged on the tips of their wands, they led the snowballs and waved their wands towards Getting off the carriage, the same red-haired boy with glasses slammed him violently!


Snowballs exploded in Percy's face, one after the other.

There was a burst of laughter from the little wizards around Percy, and Percy blushed and shouted the names of the twins.

"George! Fred! I'm going to write to mother!"

"When can you change the line?" Fred made a disdainful face at him, and then ran away in the woods with George.

Flitwick shouted towards the backs of the two of them.

"Remember! Don't go out of the range I drew for you!"

"Of course we are the most obedient, professor!" The two responded in harmony even if they didn't know how to do it.

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