In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 29 29. Mrs. Weasley's Gift Box

After Halloween, the temperature in the UK has dropped significantly.

Hogwarts has prepared winter clothes for the students. Although the carriages have been in exile, the living supplies are not scarce.

The fireplace in the common room was also burning warmly, and the five of Jon were writing their homework for the Charms class inside.

To be exact, it was Neville and the four who were writing, and Jon was helping to guide it alone.

Holding the quill pen, Ron couldn't pick out a word for a long time. Seeing that there was still five or six inches of blank space under the parchment from the request, he couldn't help pleading to Jon.

"Give me the homework you wrote for reference, Jon, I'll just take a look, not copy the original, just looking for ideas."

In this regard, Jon just refused firmly.

"Don't think about it, don't forget what Professor Flitwick told you and me in private last time. You were just borrowing from the last paper, but he was discovered by the professor. If you are caught again, you and I will both You must rewrite the copied homework ten times."

"Let's write it yourself, Ron, even if Jon can copy your homework for you now, can you still ask him to take the exam for you when you take the Charms exam?" Neville also said earnestly.

"Okay, okay, stop your preaching, I'll write it myself."

Ron sighed, and returned his attention to the parchment with a frowning face.

It's not that he can't write at all, there are no idiots in the Weasley family, it's just that he can't sit still and can't focus on writing papers at all.

As the freshmen got along longer, their relationship was much closer than when they first started school. After all, none of the five had a bad personality.

Although Jon didn't talk much at the beginning, because he could always provide reliable help to others, whether it was study or ordinary encounters, he was faintly in the center of this small circle, even Neville When encountering something that is not sure what to pay attention to, he is always asked to help make a decision.

Halloween is also a festival that is specially celebrated in the UK, but for some safety reasons, the carriage for the Halloween dinner this time did not stop at a fixed location, but festive decorations were made in the restaurant of the carriage, and everyone ate together Had a great meal.

After Halloween has passed, it means that Christmas, the most important holiday for the entire Westerners, is only one and a half months away.

The atmosphere in Hogwarts is getting more and more relaxed. Both the older and younger children are looking forward to where Hagrid will take them for Christmas dinner this Christmas.

The attack in September was rarely mentioned by students or professors, and it was obvious that most people in the carriage had gradually forgotten it, and only a handful of people still remembered it.

Jon followed Slughorn's Occlumency study and was steadily advancing.

His talent is very high, whether it is learning the basic spells and transfiguration in class, or the high-end magic of Occlumency, the progress is not slow. Even Slughorn inferred according to the schedule that before Christmas was over and before this year passed, he could officially start teaching him the spell-casting skills of that ring.

While Jon and the others were tutoring their homework, Filch, who was so embarrassed by everyone, came to the lounge at some point. He went straight to the square table where the five of Jon were sitting, and put a large kraft paper The box was placed in front of Ron.

"Here are some things from your home. Professor McGonagall asked me to send them to you. Remember what is not allowed in the school rules. If there are any in this box, hand them in to me immediately! Otherwise, I will Make you look good!"

After saying this threat, he left with a stinky face. When he left, he turned his head and looked at the box in front of Ron from time to time, as if he wanted to see him open it and make sure there were no prohibited items inside.

After Filch had completely left the lounge, Ron made a face at the door.

"'Otherwise I'll make you look good!'" He exaggeratedly imitated Filch's expression just now, "he's really annoying, isn't he?"

Justin nodded in agreement. He was punished a few days ago for accidentally tripping on the corridor and spilling ink all over the floor.

"Although he is indeed strict and vicious, he has always followed the rules." Neville comforted.

Lavender looked at the cardboard box in front of Ron with some expectation.

"Quickly open it and see what your family sent you!"

"Surely it's just some food that my mother made herself, and a letter telling me to study hard at school, not fool around with George Fred, and use Percy as a role model."

Ron muttered as he opened the carton, and there was indeed a large pack of homemade chocolates, a pack of brown candy, and a letter on top of the candy.

He took out the letter, and then opened the candy directly to distribute to Jon and the others.

"Come on, try them all. My mother's cooking skills have always been pretty good, although she never had the chance to cook luxurious meals."

These things are very ordinary, but Justin and Lavender have obvious expressions of envy on their faces.

Even the simplest things were made for him by Ron's mother herself. One of their parents fled to Iceland to avoid being chased by the Ministry of Magic, and the other's parents even had their memory of having a child like him erased. , This is a trivial matter for Ron, but it has become a luxury for them.

The delicate-minded Jon noticed the emotional changes between the two of them, so he took the initiative to take the chocolate and brown sugar.

"All look good, should taste great."

Neville also tacitly changed the topic to another place.

"I've been to Ron's house before. Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley are very easy to get along with."

"They're all just easy to get along with in front of other kids. Just ask George and Fred. They've been taught countless times by their mother." Ron said while reading the letter, "Sure enough, As I guessed, Mom said again that Percy and I should study hard."

When Jon was distributing sugar, he suddenly noticed that there was a thick layer of newspaper on the bottom of the carton Mrs. Weasley sent Ron.

The people on the front page of the newspaper could move like those in the video, a young man he knew very well, with a unique badge pinned to his chest, was smiling gently at him.

Jon narrowed his eyes slightly, reached out and took out the newspaper from the cardboard box, and right above the photo was the headline of the front page news.

[Professor of Charms at Hogwarts, special agent of the Ministry of Magic, outstanding young wizard at the end of the 20th century - Barty Crouch was awarded the Order of Merlin Second Class Medal]

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