"There is no difference between wolf-shaped aconitum and boat-shaped aconitum in essence. They are just called differently, and they are all called aconitou."

"Many novices who learn potions easily confuse them, thinking that they are a variant of aconitum, and are deceived by some unscrupulous merchants."

There were no desks in the Potions classroom, and Jon and the others had a black lacquered cauldron in front of them. There were a row of wooden shelves on the walls around the classroom, and there were no disgusting animal tissues on them. , but some strange-looking herbs and some ordinary flowers and plants are displayed.

According to Lily, such things as refining potions can easily make the drug maker's heart dark, so a sunny and fresh environment is very necessary.

"That's the end of today's class. Next time in class, each of you will give me a one-foot homework, and write on it what you know about the potion ingredients I taught in this class. .”

The Potions professor's attitude towards the students was not gentle. She seemed to see everyone with a face, expressionless, and seemed a little lifeless.

Having been with Neville and the others for so many days, when chatting before going to bed at night, Neville would also whisper some secrets about this Professor Potter to Jon.

It is said that she had a happy family before.

Neville's words also confirmed Jon's guess at the beginning. The most likely point of the world's first change was the night when Voldemort found the Potter's house after hearing the prophecy.

After packing up the cauldron in the classroom, Jon and the five of them walked out of the Potions classroom together.

Wednesday was the day with the fewest classes in their week. After this Potions class, apart from the astronomy class taught by Professor Flitwick in the middle of the night today, they were free for most of the day.

"Want to play wizard chess in the common room?" Ron suggested.

He had just finished his one-week punishment of cleaning the toilet the day before yesterday, and he wished that each of them could be divided into three parts these two days, so as to make up for the time he hadn't been able to play before.

Justin and Lavender readily accepted, while Neville said that he would sleep in the dormitory to prepare for the astronomy class at night.

Jon also shook his head, he didn't have much interest in wizard chess.

"You guys go, I want to go to the library."

Others are not surprised by this, since he knew that there is a library full of magic books on the carriage, he basically spends there whenever he has free time.

Separated from Ron and the others, Jon walked towards the library alone.

After he stepped into this carriage, he always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

The temporary peaceful study life did not eliminate the sense of crisis in his heart. Jon knew very well that no matter what changes happened to Voldemort, these people led by Dumbledore would always be his thorn in the flesh.

Especially since he seems to have completely gathered the power of the wizarding world, and has basically reached the pinnacle of wizard power, then Hogwarts on this carriage is the last place that is not under his control.

He will definitely try his best to completely destroy this most conspicuous "stain" in the wizarding world. Jon can't guess what kind of arrangement he has for this. The only thing he can do now is to keep replenishing himself.

Only when he fills in knowledge can he feel such a moment of security in his heart.

Professor Flitwick estimated that he would have to wait until next week's Charms class to officially start teaching them real spells, but Jon had already experienced the magic of magic in the first Transfiguration class.

His talent was unexpectedly good, at least when Professor McGonagall taught them how to turn a match into a needle, Jon was the first among the five freshmen to succeed, and none of the previous attempts failed. Record. Professor McGonagall was very happy about this and exempted him from the homework of the Transfiguration class.

This made him a little relieved, and at the same time, he ran to the library more diligently every day.

Talent only means that he has the possibility to become a powerful wizard, and diligence can help him get closer to this possibility.

Jon was not the only one in the library, there were also several senior students who had no courses looking through the materials and completing the homework assigned by the professor.

The surroundings are very quiet, only the "rustling" sound of the quill pen rubbing against the parchment.

After understanding the incantations and the effect of the wand gesture on the spells, Jon has no plans to practice the spells in private without even mastering a spell systematically.

The consequences of wrong spells or wrong gestures of wand waving are immeasurable. The problems can be big or small. For Jon, who is cautious everywhere now, he would rather wait for Professor Flitwick to actually teach them the spells, and then do it to other people. Seemingly simple spells to try.

But before that, he was still very interested in these spell books that recorded various conventional spells. In fact, before operating them, theoretical knowledge was also indispensable.

Time passed, and before the start of lunch, Jon was the only one left in the library.

Just as he was pondering the pronunciation of the restoration spell in the "Standard Spells: Level Three", a small black shadow suddenly passed from the corner of his eyes.

Jon was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked at the row of bookshelves again, he found nothing.

He put the book on the desk and stretched his waist, thinking that his eyes were dazzled from reading the book for too long.

Glancing at the time on the pendulum clock and feeling that it was almost time, he stood up from the chair and put the spell book back to its original position on the shelf, just as he was leaving towards the outside of the library.

Suddenly, Jon felt that the hem of his robe sank, as if something was climbing up his clothes!

The speed of that thing was very fast, just when Jon noticed it, it had already crawled into the right pocket of the robe, and when it crawled in and immediately wanted to get out of it, Jon had already reacted .

He stretched out his hand to directly cover the exit of the pocket, no matter how hard the creature inside struggled, there was no way to get out of his pocket.

With one hand, Jon grabbed the small, soft-feeling thing that darted into his pocket, and with the other hand, he let go of the opening of the pocket so that he could see the daring " thief".

This is a creature covered with black fluff all over its body, with a long snout. At first glance, its mouth looks like a duck, and there is a long pouch on its belly in front of its body.

When Jon looked at it, it was frantically trying to stuff a crystal ball model about the size of a pigeon egg into its front pocket. It was Neville who helped guide the Transfiguration class a few days ago to thank him. Papers, a small present for him.

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