In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 12 12. Welcome Dinner on the Coast

This beach is very large, and on the periphery of the beach is a rocky beach. There is also a dilapidated path that splits the rocky beach into two halves. It looks like an inaccessible place.

Hagrid had already stepped out of the carriage in advance. He found a suitable open space near the sea, set up firewood and iron frames, and lit a bonfire.

In such midsummer, the sea breeze blowing on people at night is very comfortable. The senior students who ran out early in the morning are gathering together in small groups, looking for fun on the beach.

"Hogwarts will find a place with a great view to host its dinner on Orientation and Christmas evenings."

Ron, who knew more about the school in the carriage than anyone else, explained to Jon and the others.

“My three older brothers, who all went to school here, told me that Hagrid always surprises people when it comes to choosing where to sit for dinner. They used to be on top of Ben Nevis [the highest mountain in the British Isles] We held a welcome party once and spent Christmas Eve together on the Isle of Man. Our welcome dinner this year was also good, and it was actually by the sea.”

His voice was very excited, and everyone else's faces were full of curiosity and excitement. Even Justin, who had always been sullen, had a relaxed expression on his face.

Ron, Justin, and Lavender couldn't bear it anymore and already walked towards the beach, but Jon noticed that the curtain of the carriage had been lifted from the inside again, and a short, child-like figure stepped out of the carriage. Same old man.

He was wearing a well-fitting wizard robe and his hair was meticulously arranged. When he got off the carriage, he shouted to two boys who were catching crabs in the distance.

"Don't run too far, Lee Jordan, and be careful when you use the petrification spell on crabs! You keep getting your pronunciation wrong, so don't burn yourself to shame again!"

The dark-skinned boy in the distance agreed loudly, and then continued to poke the crab with the magic wand in his hand.

The short old man turned his attention to the barefoot students who were chasing the waves on the beach. He told them to be careful not to fall and get swept into the sea, while walking towards Hagrid who was setting up other bonfires go.

"This is Professor Flitwick." Neville, who noticed Jon's gaze, introduced him, "He is our part-time professor of Charms and Astronomy. Before the fall of Hogwarts Castle, he was Last Head of Ravenclaw House."

Neville was thinking that Jon was a Muggle who had never been exposed to magic, and was about to enthusiastically introduce him to the four previous houses of Hogwarts in detail, when he suddenly noticed that his attention had actually been distracted all the time. On Professor Flitwick's empty right sleeve.

"How did Professor Flitwick lose his right hand?" Jon asked softly.

The relaxed expression on Neville's face subsided, he said in a low voice.

"It was severed with a spell by the Dark Lord's subordinates. When the professor was young, he used to wield his wand with his right hand to win the duel tournament."

"Can't magic connect his broken arm?"

"I heard from my father that he was delayed for too long because of the battle, and the arm he had cut off was never recovered. Magic can help him put back the short-term amputated limb, but there is no way. Help him grow a new one."

Jon was silent.

He looked at the short old man who was helping Hagrid to set up the bonfire, and felt a pang of sadness in his heart for some reason.

This sadness is not only because of the one-armed old man in front of him, but also the dean Sprout who has died, Neville's mother Alice who died under the death curse, and the Hogwarts school that has already died. sacrificed people.

Neville seemed to have noticed Jon's emotional changes, patted him on the shoulder in relief, and said with a smile.

"But in fact, Professor Flitwick himself felt nothing. After learning that his right arm was completely lost, my father told me that he smiled and said to Dumbledore, 'Fortunately, I still have my left hand'. It turns out that he That's right, he can still cast spells with his left arm, making him our best Charms teacher."

Jon let out a long breath, he turned to look at Neville, and smiled at this really mature boy.

"It's okay, I'm just sighing. So what can we do now?"

Neville looked at Jon and laughed too.

In fact, when he saw Jon for the first time, he already felt that he was different from others. He was much more mature than Ron and Justin, which gave Neville a premonition that they could be friends.

It's not that he and Ron can't be friends anymore, it's just that Neville, who lost his mother since childhood and has always been much precocious and sensible than his peers, always subconsciously has a kind of help when facing Ron and the others. The mentality of adults with children.

But when communicating with Jon, he obviously didn't feel this way.

"We can go and help the senior sisters pack up the food for tonight. The daily meals at Hogwarts are prepared by the students themselves. After we officially start class, there will also be senior students who will teach us how to cook. Meals. In this carriage, the professors have already worked very hard, and we should try our best to take care of ourselves and relieve their pressure."

While talking briskly, Neville led Jon to the place where a group of senior girls gathered.

There they were dealing with the crabs and fish the boys had just caught, as well as some ingredients prepared in advance on the carriage.

Jon communicated so much with Neville, but there were actually some deliberate ones in it.

This round-faced, blond boy obviously knew a lot about the current Hogwarts, and Jon wanted to get more information from him after getting to know him better.

For example, about whether Potions professor Lily Potter has a son.

Although the purpose is not pure enough, Jon is also willing to give his sincerity when getting along with him.

Jon is destined to be bound together with Hogwarts, which is carried on a carriage. Here gathers the last group of people in the British wizarding world who stick to justice and light in their hearts. When getting along with these people, he It is impossible and not desirable to maintain a hypocritical appearance all the time.

While he and Neville were helping the seniors handle fish, shrimp and seafood, Jon suddenly saw Lily, who hadn't seen anyone since sending him to the carriage, leading a chubby, An older wizard with a walrus beard came toward them from the path along the rocky beach.

Not only Jon discovered this scene, but also other students saw the fat old man.

"It's Professor Slughorn!"

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