In Name Only

Chapter 62

Jian Zhongling probably thought of something, and his expression was a little pity, he said, "I remember Mr. Liang's first movie with a shave scene. Director Qiao shot it very beautifully, and later it became one of the classic pictures. I didn't see it today. Pity."

Nianbao immediately stood up to play tricks, and pretended to rush into the camera: "Don't stop me! I'm going to take off the towel! Where's the pd?! What is the pd doing! Do you want money?! Bring my wallet! Give them money!!"

The pd at the back should have heard the call, and when the scene changed, he finally took the towel down.

Xu Jingzhe could clearly see that he was not used to his first reality show. He sat nervously on the sofa. Later, he added special effects to him mischievously, and made a shaky dotted line, which read "Nice". two words.

After Liang Yu hit the board, Xu Jingzhe's kick was also preserved.

Seeing this, Zhao Han finally couldn't help it. His expression was very fierce, but his whole person showed a sense of ignorance outside the situation. He asked Luo Yaoyi seriously: "Are you actors so good? This is true. Isn't it acting?"

Luo Yaoyao thought he was a gangster, but just as he was about to go back, he heard him say very enviously, "The two of them look really affectionate."

Luo Yaoyi: "..."

A strong bald man with tattoos full of ghost heads, in front of her, spoke in a cadence and carried the word "oh".

Luo Yaoyi decided that from this moment, Zhao Han would be her good sister!

Nian Bao and Cui Shuo have no time for the process of cueing off-site guests. After all, they don't need to be cued. Several mature guests have already learned the ability to show off their emojis in a colorful way.

The content of Liang Yu's original family, Poultry Channel, was obediently deleted, but the phrase "he fell to me, I am here" is still intact.

Zhao Han saw that he was completely confused, with an expression of "Who am I, where am I, and am I?", he couldn't help but talk to Luo Yaoyi: "Mr. Liang wrote the lyrics? Can I? Ask him? Isn't this really what the teleprompter said?"

Luo Yaoyi gave him Amway: "You can go and find the poem Mr. Liang read before, which was written by Mr. Xu for him." Luo Yaoyi comforted him, "You are too late to enter the pit." , I have to make up for it."

Zhao Han looked guilty and taught. He even took out a notebook to write down, and the pen he used was a pink quill that was very girly at the scene.

The interview part of Xu Liang's two people was also very interesting. The "husband" and "husband" battle between the two made everyone laugh.

Nian Bao even shouted: "Stop arguing! You are all my men!"

The latter part of this part was almost uncut, including the two of them looking for the camera together. At the end, when Liang Yu bowed his head and kissed Xu Jingzhe's eyebrows in front of the camera, the atmosphere of the entire outfield studio directly reached Gao cháo.

Jane Zhongling hugged her head and shouted, "I'm a straight man! How can I be moved by this picture!"

Zhao Han held the pink quill pen, and he deformed the hair on it, and asked Luo Yaoyi in disbelief: "Can we really watch this? Don't the audience need to pay?"

Cai Xinrui felt that she had knocked out a Versailles Palace, Luo Yaoyi was still calm, she analyzed: "The first episode is free, and later I heard that there is a paid pre-order."

Zhao Han asked sincerely: "Then it's free, what's the scale of the fee?"

Luo Yaoyao has already been born with one Buddha and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. Her eyes are blank, and her expression is like a blue light accompanying the Bodhisattva: "It's a big deal, what else can I do?"

Zhao Han: "..."

Chapter 36 Double Seal

On the day that Zhu Xiaoxiao accompanied Xu Jingzhe to film x Sha's double cover, the first issue of "Did you sleep together today" was finally released on the poultry platform.

Although it will not be broadcast on time until 12 noon, the topic of x-shaking and big eyes has been brushed up early in the morning. Although the poultry station has a lot of money, the marketing of "Sleep Tonight" has not done much. It is so popular because of the guests. With a high degree of nationality, it has its own traffic and topics.

Zhu Xiaoxiao is actually very calm after so long. She considers herself to be a clear stream in the CP fandom. Unlike others, she has really experienced countless times of self-construction and self-demolition. What is the wind and rain, her Demon Immortal Castle has 180 ruins, and the new ones are still built by her diligently? ! Nothing can stop the hard-working and brave Chinese people! She is always steadfast and unyielding!

The duo Feng on x Sha's side is the joint work of the two, so Xiaoluo also came. The little sisters have not seen each other for a long time. Of course, they should have a good chat. Zhu Xiaoxiao's positioning of Xiaoluo is a bit complicated. , Xiaoluo doesn't look like a traditional CP fan, she is Liang Yu's sister, different from Zhu Xiaoxiao, who still wears a fan filter, she is like a rock, inexplicably there is a kind of park corner aunt helping her son on a blind date The posture of going, identified Xu Jingzhe as her "sister-in-law".

Bosses shoot magazines, and assistants can't be idle either.

Zhang Man and Yang Jerry's team have to stare at the hot search for a few hours. The marketing account is specially to say hello to money, but it is not ruled out that some people who like to eat "black blood" want to find something to misinterpret the attention of the blog , Yang Jerry hates to step on it the most. His nickname in the early circle was called "pit dòng rat". He likes to make statements to sue all kinds of sunspots, and he will indeed send the lawyer's letter to the other party, and people will have to die. Skinned by him.

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