In Name Only

Chapter 49

"I bought some second-hand goods." Liang Yu was still talking to him about what he bought in detail. "There is an eighteenth-century style shawl coat, which I think is very suitable for you."

Xu Jingzhe was a little helpless: "I have enough clothes."

Liang Yu smiled and said, "Just look good, just dress and play."

Just like what Liang Yu said before the separation, he really likes to make calls. Fortunately, he has an itinerary, and there is no record of 56 missed calls like last time. Each phone call falls within the normal volume of the range.

Luo Yaoyi asked him what he had to say with so many calls in a day.

Xu Jingzhe recalled, the content of his chat with Liang Yu was actually quite nutritious, what did he eat, what did he do, and whether the filming was NG, and the rest was all Liang Yu took the initiative to watch on behalf of himself in Paris. , what he bought, who he met, and what he bought was the most important part. He had to clearly describe each color to Xu Jingzhe.

Of course, in the eyes of many people, these eight plates are also proof of their "love". Xu Jingzhe will not explain it deliberately. He is an adult in his thirties. Since the last time he said it as a joke With the phrase "nothing in name", Liang Yu half-truthed the next "fake show and real action", Xu Jingzhe had already realized that the relationship between the two of them, after all, was more invisible and touching. The missing "window paper".

It's just that this "window paper" belongs to Liang Yu alone, while Xu Jingzhe is facing an entire south wall.

For the first time, during his filming work, he took the initiative to find Dr. Chen.

Xu Jingzhe is not a person who easily reveals his emotions. He rarely seeks help. Even in the early days of his diagnosis of psychological ED, he never lost his temper in front of Dr. Chen.

"How was the morning?" Dr. Chen's tone on the phone was very gentle, and he slowly guided him, "Don't be nervous, relax, do you need me to come over for consultation in person?"

Xu Jingzhe hesitated for a while, but still refused: "There are so many people in Hengdian, it's not very convenient."

Dr. Chen expressed his understanding and comforted him: "Psychological emotion is a very good symptomatic response, you don't have to deliberately avoid or suppress it, love and desire are beautiful, treat them positively and share them, I miss each other. understandable."

Xu Jingzhe was silent for a while: "It's not about understanding or not understanding." He said, after a while, Xu Jingzhe said again, "I'm a man, and I want to spoil him too."

Dr. Chen was probably a little confused by the three words "pamper him", and he subconsciously asked, "How to pamper him?"

Xu Jingzhe thought for a while, he seemed a little embarrassed, and explained: "I just don't want him to worry about me... Although I have occasional reactions now, but if I really want something to happen, I definitely can't make the other party happy. This kind of thing, whether it is said that I have low self-esteem, or I am afraid that he will mind, after all, I don’t want to think of the critical moment, and it is still so embarrassing.”

"I still hope that I can be like a normal man." Xu Jingzhe's tone was calm, he whispered, "It's enough to make him happy and happy, just pamper him."

Dr. Chen probably didn't expect to do psychological counseling to the end, and he could become a lemon wholesaler. He couldn't just persuade Xu Jingzhe to share this and that, but only asked Hengdian to go to him for a specific consultation after the end.

"You guys are good things too." Dr. Chen said with a smile, as a psychiatrist, he is also clear about the original business relationship between Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu, "When it comes to dating, young couples should still be lively and sweet. "

Xu Jingzhe laughed: "We are not too young."

"It doesn't matter, it's just right," Dr. Chen muttered. "He has a hot water bottle, which is just right for your cooling cover. Let's see if it can be warmed up."

The crew had just arrived at Hengdian and needed to coordinate the whole arrangement. Xu Jingzhe had several new costumes that needed to be changed temporarily. The makeup crew had been busy in the past two days.

Luo Yaoyi first went to the single room to change clothes in the morning, and then went to the group to put on makeup. Xu Jingzhe was already sitting there, doing his new hairstyle.

Luo Yaoyi noticed the loose-leaf book in his hand and asked casually, "Are you adding new words?"

Xu Jingzhe raised his head from the book and greeted her, "No, I'm looking at something else."

"What is it?" Luo Yaoyi leaned over and found that it was a custom-made jewelry design book.

Except when he was filming, Xu Jingzhe wore the dove egg given by Liang Yu almost everywhere. In Luo Yaoyao's opinion, Liang Yu was a control freak. He actually asked Teacher Xu to take dozens of pictures of his hands and send them to him every day. , just to see each other wear the ring properly.

What's even more outrageous is that Xu Jingzhe actually agreed to such a strange and perverted request. He really took photos and went to check on Liang Yu.

Luo Yaoyi couldn't understand it anyway. She felt that if it was herself, she was basically able to call the police.

"Mr. Liang is going to buy you a ring again?" Luo Yaoyi's first reaction was this.

Xu Jingzhe shook his head: "No, I want to buy a pair of rings. Now this one is too big, and it is indeed inconvenient to wear it on my hand."

Luo Yaoyi breathed a sigh of relief, and was relieved to find that Xu Jingzhe was still a normal person, and they could continue to be good sisters.

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