I’m Really Scared

Chapter 18 Kneeling

The ability of the newly promoted C-rank power user Tauro is not the "metal control" of the element system.

In other words, he only has this ability temporarily.

His real ability is the "ability acquisition" of the trait system.

As the name suggests, Tauro can draw on the abilities of others through physical contact, but there are also great limitations.

First of all, the energy level of the opponent must be lower than his, secondly, the physical contact must exceed three seconds, and finally, he can only have one ability at a time.

If you want to get a new ability, you must refresh the previous ability.

And because his own energy level is still very low, even if all the above conditions are met, there is a chance of failure when absorbing the opponent's ability, and the effect of the ability absorbed from him can only retain about 60%...

Although it sounds a bit tasteless, in theory, this is an ability that can be called heaven defying.

As long as Tauro can absorb the ability of a person with a powerful ability before he has grown up, then he is equivalent to having the ability of the other party.

It doesn't matter if it's only 60\u0026, because the ability itself is powerful enough.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, right?

There is no doubt that Tauro did just that.

He was really lucky.

When Tauro first awakened, he knew how to hide his abilities.

As we all know, the energy levels of power users are divided into seven levels of F-S, while F and E-level power users have almost no superficial features. Except for their energy level reactions, they are almost no different from ordinary people.

Dominant abilities such as special induction of weather and magnetic fields, the ability to move tiny objects in small increments, etc.

It might just be better luck than the average person, animal affinity, etc.

And the most identities of F and E-level power users are those fortune-tellers, psychics, and superpowers who pretend to be ghosts, and there will be some small circles with each other.

The official government will not deliberately govern these small circles, because it is too difficult for the ability users below the D level to conduct a census, and there is no need for that.

Only the people from the first six brigades of the special security detachment can regularly conduct investigations, visits and registrations.

So Tauro, who was still a businessman at that time, got on a meeting of a low-level ability user through various means, and was very lucky to meet a child who mistook his metal manipulation ability for his mind power...

That's not a child anymore, probably in junior high school, right?

Tauro can still recall the scene at the party at that time. The low-level ability users lit candles, the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious, and they took turns talking about their abilities like telling a ghost story, laughing together from time to time.

Very warm.

And then there's the kid, half-sized, triumphantly showing off his abilities.

All the metal objects in the room were suspended, and everyone was silent for an instant. The shock and subtle fear can still be felt when I think about it.

Someone noticed something strange and asked the kid, "Why only metal?"

He remembered the kid saying, "I don't know either... I seem to be able to control things made of metal."

Everyone chatted and discussed.

Finally, the leader made up his mind and said to the child: "Your ability may not be a weak ability that can only move objects, but the 'metal control' of the element system, I will report your situation to the above, yes It will take about three days for your ability and energy level to be re-tested, and you should stay at home for a few days..."

After the party, Tauro did not leave.

He hid behind the wall, smoked a cigarette, listened to the leader congratulate the child's parents, and flattered the arrogant junior high school kid who didn't understand farts.

Tauro is in business,

A businessman, as long as he has a 50% interest, is enough to take risks... and what is in front of him at this moment is an opportunity with a 1000% interest.

What if no one knew about this? Why do they have to be nosy? Why report? Why can't he quietly... secretly extract that ability?

During those three days, Tauro often went for walks near the child's house, and these thoughts kept lingering in his mind.

On the third day, the child sneaked out of the house and went to the Internet cafe with his classmates.

Toro laughed inwardly.

After all, he is still a child... How can he stay at home and be bored?

"Why can't you be more obedient? Huh?"

"If you can listen to the leader, listen to your parents, stay at home, or listen to me, don't move..."

"It won't die."

Tauro held the child's face, squeezed the latter's fat face, looked at the twisted face, and smiled proudly: "From now on, the face that others give you will be mine. "

He waved his hand, and a broken blade from the garbage heap next to him flew over.

With this rusty blade, Tauro cut off the first face he collected.

Afterwards, he walked out of the alley, took out a hundred-yuan bill with his blood-stained hand, and handed it to the shivering classmate of the child.

"Thank you for your help."

That's how Tauro's life changed.

As for what happened to this good classmate later, he no longer paid attention to it.

Looking back now, Tauro still thinks he was so lucky.

It was only later that he learned that there are three major systems: flesh system, trait system, element system, and supernatural power. The element system is undoubtedly the strongest among them, and almost all the element systems are directly B-level when they are awakened.

I don't know what happened, but I picked up an F-class leak for him.

Therefore, Tauro has always carefully preserved this good fortune. From then until now, he has never changed his abilities.

"But now... a more suitable person has come! Powerful ability, but no energy level!"

Tauro's eyes were fierce, and at the same time mixed with deep greed.

This greed, he has suppressed for so many years, he has killed so many people, stripped so many people's faces, every time he encounters a powerful ability, he will ask himself, as long as he changes it, he will lose his original ability, it is worth it. ?

Every time the answer is not worth it.

But this time is different.

Tao Luo thought of Guan Shan's space-like ability to retrieve objects at any time, of his weird crowbar, and of the needle that was equivalent to his resurrection from the dead...

Without a doubt, it's worth it! ! !

"Give me your ability hahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Tauro didn't even care about the boning knife that was getting deeper and deeper into his neck, grabbed Guan Shan's arm fiercely, and activated his true power.

After a few years, the feeling of wanton plundering others came again.

Tauro squinted his eyes intoxicated, feeling as high above as a god, ready to meet even greater power.

Things were as he expected.

Tauro felt that his limbs and bones were quickly filled with power. This power was so strong that he instantly repaired all his injuries.

At the same time, make him feel twice as strong.


Tao Luo sneered smugly and smugly, flung the blade around his neck with a wave of his hand, and at the same time took the surprised Guan Shan to fly and rolled several times on the ground.

Tao Luo was overjoyed, looked at his hands, and smiled up to the sky: "I'm invincible! Hahahaha...Gah?"

His laughter lasted for less than a second and then stopped abruptly.

Tauro was horrified to find that he was like a punctured balloon.

The power that came in a hurry, hurried away again...

"Ah—no! No! No!"

Not only that, a sharp pain that penetrated into the soul began to come from the whole body, as if his body was disintegrating from the inside, every muscle fiber cracked after being extremely tightened, and blood was overflowing from the pores of his body.

Under this extreme pain, Tauro couldn't help kneeling down, trembling all over.


Guan Shan got up from the ground nervously, and was completely stunned when he was about to fight again.

How did the effects of [Butcher's Heart] and [Adrenaline Injection] disappear on him?

Why is this boss kneeling down and not moving?

Also... how did its HP become 1?

Guan Shan's face was dazed, completely unaware of what was going on.

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