I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 75 [Zhang Ye’s magical award! ...

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Nine o'clock in the morning.

The Grand Theater was packed, and almost everyone had arrived.

At this time, a window-like virtual text message popped up on the screen of the game ring on Zhang Ye's little finger - the countdown is over and the lucky bread is used up!

Five minutes have passed?

Finished? Is this the end?

Zhang Ye blinked his eyes in confusion, looked to the left and right, and then to the right. How come nothing happened? Increase my luck? Where is the increase? Didn't see it at all! This was the first time that Zhang Ye had used the special effects items provided by the game ring to no avail. He was also very depressed. He was still counting on the "lucky bread" to help him. This was all he had left. It's the last life-saving weapon. Who would have thought that there was no movement at all? At least you let your buddy pick up a wallet, which is effective!

Tough luck!

There is no chance at all now!

Zhang Ye couldn't laugh or cry, he slipped up at the critical moment!

Over there, the oldest editor of their literary and art group after Mr. Feng retired is back. I don’t know where he just went. I haven’t seen him yet.

"You just arrived?" someone asked.

The old editor said: "I came early and went to the backstage to find a friend."

Sister Zhou was excited, "Do you know anyone here? Have you heard about the awards?"

"It came out early." The old editor said: "It seems that something happened later. I told you not to tell others. I heard that one of the trophies seemed to be broken."

Aunt Sun shouted, "Isn't it too late?"

The old editor said: "The company that makes the trophies must have spare ones. Hurry up and engrave the names of the units and winners. You should be able to catch up soon."

No one paid much attention to this news.

Sister Zhou asked again, "Then who took the silver microphone of our station?"

The old editor said helplessly: "Do you still think that Xiao Zhang can create miracles? It's impossible. Nominations for extra quotas will not win. There has never been any precedent.

There certainly won’t be any in the future. "

Sister Zhou rolled her eyes and said: "I know, I just asked Zhang Ye if he got it. They said that our radio station has a golden microphone award and a silver microphone award every year, but five years ago there was not a golden microphone award. What's the surprise? Our station didn't give two nominations and gave it to an announcer from Beihe Province." Zhang Ye was bullied like this. She couldn't stand it anymore. She thought that Zhang Ye wouldn't get it anyway, so Zhang Ye simply decided It's better not to take it, it can also relieve the anger. Look at the domineering looks of Zhang Ye and Jia Yan just now, which is annoying!

Other colleagues also looked over.

The old editor smiled bitterly, "How can there be so many surprises? I heard from my friend that he accidentally saw the award certificate yesterday and our station is Zhang Ye's silver microphone."

"Already decided?" Sister Zhou is still determined.

"It was decided yesterday afternoon." The old editor said, "It's him. My friend saw it with his own eyes. Zhang Ye's name is also on the trophy. How can this be wrong?"

Sister Zhou hummed.

Zhang Ye felt very happy that so many colleagues were worrying about him. He didn't meet a good company or a good leader, but he met such a group of lovely colleagues. Zhang Ye felt that he was very lucky.

"Hey! That's Teacher Cheng! The 8th Golden Microphone Award!"

"Hey, Teacher Zhou is also a guest this time? Although he retired early, he used to be the number one brother in the hosting industry. Who can compare to him at that time?"

"That's Aunt Qu! My idol and goal! I've been watching her show since I was a kid!"

The main event is all at the back. Heavyweight guests entered one after another, including brothers and sisters who once hosted the broadcasting industry, stars who are still brilliantly hosting the broadcasting industry, leaders of radio and television, and members of the jury. The judges, they immediately caused quite a stir as soon as they entered. In addition to some celebrities from all walks of life and the audience invited through the lottery, most of the others here are broadcasters and hosts from various TV stations. Facing these sages and predecessors, As for the current idols, everyone is very excited, this is the direction they strive for!

But when the last character appeared, everyone's mood was no longer excited, but heated, and earth-shattering shouts came from the entire audience!

"Zhang Yuanqi!"

"Zhang Yuanqi!"

"Ah! I saw Aunt Yuanqi!"

"Sister Zhang! I love you forever!"

Many TV and radio staff were not too surprised. After all, they were all in the same circle and could not be so fanatical about chasing stars. Even if they were chasing stars, they would still be chasing top figures in the anchoring and hosting world. Although Zhang Yuanqi was once an excellent host People, but after all, they are not professionals in this matter, so everyone can be considered relatively calm. But other viewers couldn’t hold it any longer! Many people suddenly stood up! Raise the sign and light sticks and chant Zhang Yuanqi's name! They don't care about gold or silver microphones! They came here just for the sake of heaven!

Zhang Yuanqi came on stage from the side stage. She originally wanted to sit down directly, but when she saw the audience shouting like this, she had no choice but to wave to everyone with a smile!

"Ah! Sister Zhang smiled at me!"

"Is there any mistake? Sister Zhang is smiling at me!"

"Sister Zhang, you are so beautiful! I love you so much!"

"Sing a song, Sister Zhang! I want to listen to "I Don't Believe"!"

The scene got out of control at one point. Some fans even wanted to rush up to ask for autographs, and many reporters rushed up to take photos!

More than a dozen security guards who had been there to maintain order at the scene quickly stopped him and finally brought the situation under control. They were all exhausted!

Zhang Ye and his colleagues at the radio station secretly sighed!

This is the Queen! This is one of the top ladies in today’s entertainment industry! The difference is clearly seen with this appearance! The number of fans is not at the same level as other celebrity hosts! It is estimated that all the fans of the celebrity hosts at the scene are far less than Zhang Yuanqi!

Zhang Yuanqi sat in the first row, with his back to the back, so that no one could see him, and the shouting slowly stopped.

"The queen is so beautiful." The old editor praised.

Sister Zhou also said: "Yes, it looks better than in the movie."

Aunt Sun said: "I also like her acting and singing. Her voice is magnetic and experienced. Her mature and gentle charm is unmatched by anyone in the entertainment industry today!"

A young man with a literary and artistic bent sighed: "Yes, Sister Zhang is really a giant panda in the entertainment industry. All other kings and queens can be replaced. She just looks good and is good at acting. But Zhang Yuanqi is definitely better than anyone else." It’s irreplaceable and represents an era!”

Everyone rated it very highly.

Tian Bin and Zhang Ye in front also looked at Zhang Yuanqi frequently.

There may be people who don’t follow Zhang Yuanqi, and there may be people who have controversy over Zhang Yuanqi’s works, but no one can deny that wherever Zhang Yuanqi is around, she will always be the protagonist!

On stage.

A host came up. This person seemed to be from the news section of Beijing TV Station. He was not particularly famous, but everyone looked familiar to him upon meeting him.

"Hello everyone, welcome to this year's Golden Microphone Awards Ceremony, which will be broadcast live on Beijing TV." He did not introduce the guests and guest judges, because there is no live broadcast now, and those lines are only available during the live broadcast. "There is still one more time before the Golden Microphone Awards. Half an hour, as usual, it’s time for the Silver Microphone Awards. First, let me announce the nominees for this year’s Silver Microphone Awards.”

"Beijing TV Station—Chen Bin! Yan Qi!"

"Bei Ha Provincial TV Station - Lu Mei! Huo Dongyan!"

"Jinshi TV Station - Chen Tao! Zhang Yang!"

"Beijing Radio Station - Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye!"

"Shanghai Radio—Sun Leile! Li Bang!"

After reading out all the nominations one by one, the host began to read out the first award, "Now I announce that the person who won this year's Silver Microphone TV Host Award is-Beijing TV Station Yan Qi!"

Everyone applauded in unison.

A female host seemed surprised. She covered her mouth in surprise for a long time before she hurried up to the stage to receive the award.

The person who awarded him the award was Mr. Cheng, one of the five judges, who is a veteran in the anchor world.

The award host smiled and said: "Congratulations to Yan Qi, she is also my colleague, Xiao Qi, this occasion is very spectacular, so many seniors are here, what do you want to say?"

Yan Qi took it, "Thank you, thank you only, thank you for your help! Thank you for your affirmation!"


And the next one.

The ten TV host awards were announced quickly. Except for a few people's speeches that took a long time, there was no time wasted. Then it was time to award the Silver Microphone Radio Broadcasting category, which was also awarded to ten people. But this time the host was changed, and he said: "The following is the silver microphone award for radio broadcasting. Please invite my colleague Zhang Huo from Beijing Radio Station to announce it." He walked off the stage and smiled at Zhang Huo who came up.

Zhang Huo, this person is familiar to Zhang Ye. He was one of the hosts of the Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival back then, and he was the winner of the Golden Microphone in front of them. This award was sponsored by Beijing TV Station. Although Zhang Huo is not well-known in the industry, he is Still have this qualification.

Zhang Huo came on stage, "Hello everyone, I am Zhang Huo." In such a big occasion, with so many seniors and leaders present, he seemed a little nervous. After all, he is just a radio news anchor, and his reputation is not as good as that of other TV stations. There is a big gap between hosts. "Thank you for your trust in me, the leader, for allowing me to host the Silver Microphone Awards in the Radio Broadcasting Category. Now I will announce the nomination of the first winner among the ten."

He opened the certificate and read: "China Central Radio Station - Gong Xu!"

Amid the applause, Gong Xu excitedly stepped onto the stage. Zhang Yuanqi over there also took the trophy from a staff member. It was her turn to present the award.

"Congratulations." Zhang Yuanqi's smile was warm.

Gong Xu accepted it flattered, "Thank you, Teacher Zhang, and thank you to the judging panel. I will continue to work hard and will not bring shame to this trophy!"

Zhang Yuanqi smiled and said, "You have done a good job."

Zhang Huo smiled and said: "Let us give the applause to Teacher Gong."

The director of Beijing Radio Station and Deputy Director Jia were also in the first row, applauding the winners.

Next, Zhang Huo read out another candidate for the award of China Central Radio Station. Zhang Yuanqi did not leave the stage at all. He took the trophy and presented it to him and congratulated him.

Off stage.

Sister Zhou was not in a good mood, "It's our radio station's turn."

Wang Xiaomei looked at Zhang Ye uncertainly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Ye pretended not to care. In fact, it would be surprising if nothing happened. This award is so important to him!

Aunt Sun patted Zhang Ye on the shoulder, "We don't have the same experience as them."

Suddenly, Zhang Huo's voice came again, "The following is the third Silver Microphone Award. The jury's selection result is..." At this point, Zhang Huo was suddenly stunned, his words were stuck in his throat and he was holding back, turning his hands. He opened the award certificate and didn't speak for a long time. He looked down uncertainly, his eyes full of questions.

Deputy Director Jia frowned, "Read it."

"What is this for?" The director of Beijing Radio also had a serious face. This is their sponsor, and Zhang Huo is also from their radio station. Even if there is no live broadcast, he cannot make such a low-level mistake. This is not for them. Is it embarrassing for the radio station to lose focus while hosting?


"Why don't you speak?"

"Who's next? Don't you want to read it anymore?"

Zhang Ye was already waiting to go on stage to receive the award. He knew he would be next.

Several people on the judging panel were also puzzled and thought to themselves, "What are you doing?" They gave Zhang Huo a stern look, meaning continue!

Zhang Huo took a breath. Seeing that the leaders and judges were like this, he could only read: "The next silver microphone is the Beijing People's Broadcasting Station... Zhang Ye!"

At first no one noticed it.

Zhang Ye, who was in the front row, stood up with a smile and wanted to go up.

Zhang Huo quickly waved his hand to him and did not let him go on stage. He said to his colleague on this news frequency: "It's not you, it's... Zhang Ye!"

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