I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 47 [Parents are making a fuss! 】

(Baidu search LKK8) Recording room No. 4.

There was no call-in session anyway, so Zhang Ye recorded Sunday's program by himself without asking his assistant Xiaofang to help.

"Chapter 3: The Scarecrow is rescued."

"Dorothy leaned her head on her hand and stared blankly at the scarecrow. His head was a small bag stuffed with straw, with eyes, nose and mouth drawn on it to make a face. It was worn on On his head was a shabby blue pointed hat in the style of a munchkin, and on his body was a faded blue dress, and his body was stuffed with straw."

"Chapter 4: The way through the forest."

"Then the Scarecrow led her through the woods to the little hut. Dorothy went in, and found a bed of dry leaves in the corner. She lay down at once, with Toto beside her. , she fell asleep quickly. But the scarecrow will never get tired. He stood in another corner, patiently waiting for dawn. "

After telling today's story, Zhang Ye looked at the time and saw that he had reserved exactly two minutes, so he quickly made an ending that didn't look like a closing. There was no other way. There was no further notice from the station, and the leader didn't say anything. Zhang Ye could only The column was completed according to the previously determined results, "Children and audience friends, today's column ends here. "Storytelling for Old and Young" also comes to an end today. This column has been running for many years. I am doing it for Teacher Feng. Thank you all for your long-term support. Although I have only accepted five issues of this column, I still have very deep feelings for "Storytelling for Old and Young People". My current mood is complicated and complicated. Forget it, no. Enough to say, there will be a new column next Monday called "Flying Youth", please support me."


Zhang Ye is back.

"Is it over?" Teacher Feng said with emotion.

Zhang Ye hummed, "Take it."

Teacher Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Zhang." Sister Zhou, the editor next to him, gave him a thumbs up.

Xiaofang also looked at him and said, "Teacher Zhang, thank you for your hard work. Teacher Feng, thank you for your hard work."

This is a common practice. Every time a column ends, everyone will say this, which means a farewell and a respect for the teachers' long-term hard work.

Wang Xiaomei and others also said thank you to Teacher Feng and Zhang Ye.

Only Jia Yan didn't say anything. He couldn't care less and was busy working on his new column. Although the program had been recorded for two episodes, there was an opening and a closing sentence that he hadn't finished yet, so he was secretly drafting them. Why type the manuscript secretly so that no one can see it? Perhaps it's because Zhang Ye has never had a draft. This is no longer a secret in the entire Beijing Radio Station. Zhang Ye's "magic skill" is often talked about. Zhang Ye is a newcomer, and Jia Yan is even more so, so he Maybe it’s because I don’t want to lose to Zhang Ye mentally, he’s very competitive!


The last episode of "Storytelling for Old and Young" has been broadcast.

Many aunts in the office are listening to Zhang Ye's program. This seems to have become a routine since yesterday. They are all people with children. As a parent, you will always be interested in excellent children's literature that can coax and educate your children. Not too much.

"But the Scarecrow will never get tired. He stands in another corner, patiently waiting for dawn." This is the last paragraph of today's "The Wizard of Oz".

After everyone heard this, they all let out a sigh.

"No way? That's it?"

"The story is over? No! This is not the end!"

"Isn't it a serialization of four chapters over two days? Why is it like this at the end? This can't be the end. A new character has just been introduced, the Scarecrow has just been rescued, and the plot hasn't even started yet!"

"I'll go! Is there any serialization?"

"There must be a story behind it! More than four chapters!"

Everyone understood it and almost fainted for a while!

I don't know who told Jia Yan. He returned to the office while still eating in the cafeteria, and found Zhang Ye with an angry look, "Teacher Zhang! What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Ye pretended to be stupid and said, "What's going on?"

"What do you think?" Jia Yan said angrily, "Why is your show not over yet?"

Zhang Ye blinked and said, "It's over. I said it was over and I also introduced your program."

"That's not the question, I'm talking about why there is a serialized story later!" Jia Yan was really angry.

Zhang Ye said: "Then I can't control it. My story is so long. To be honest, let alone today, it won't be finished even next week. There are more than twenty chapters in total. How can I finish it today? Xiao Jia, I also want to write a story that can be completed in two days, but unfortunately I don’t have one. I have only compiled one "The Wizard of Oz" recently. There is nothing I can do about it. After all, I created it independently, and short fairy tales are not just easy to write. Come on, it’s not easy to create.”

not easy?

When you were composing a poem, when did you not improvise it on the spot?

When you told a ghost story, when did you not think about it while telling it on the spot?

Originality may be difficult for others, but it is definitely not a problem for you!

Everyone knows that Zhang Ye did it on purpose, how wicked! It’s so wicked! Such a good long fairy tale got stuck at the beginning. How do you ask Jia Yan to pick up the story? Even if he could be picked up, he wouldn't be scolded to death by the loyal listeners of "Old and Young Storytelling Club"! Originally, the audience might have had objections to the ending of the storytelling session. Many people were clamoring to complain, and some threatened to smash the glass. Well, maybe they were just saying that if Zhang Ye really finished telling the story, it would be over. The story will be over, and it will be over when it is over. There is nothing that can't be overcome, and time will solve everything. But now, Zhang Ye didn't even finish telling the story and left it to the eunuch. Isn't this going to stifle people to death? Doesn’t this arouse the audience’s emotions even more? There is nothing more immoral than this!

Zhang Ye's pile of rhetoric pushed Jia Yan back.

Jia Yan turned around and left, "I won't tell you anymore, I'll go find the leader!"

As soon as he left, Teacher Feng was angry and funny. He pointed at Zhang Ye and said in a low voice: "You kid, you are so serious." He was happy at the end.

Zhang Ye didn't care about this or that. He just told the story. Are you going to bite me?

After a while, Jia Yan came back. He must have failed to find the leader. He returned to his seat with a gloomy look on his face.

The current situation is becoming more and more complicated. The leader is absent and has not expressed his position, which makes things a bit confusing. Moreover, listeners of "Old and Young Story Club" have already left messages and curses on the official website of the radio station. As soon as today's program is broadcast , caused quite a stir!

"Damn it! This is too damaging!"

"A eunuch? That's all?"

"Don't let it end! It's going to cost someone's life!"

"My child has just listened to four chapters! If I don't continue to teach him tomorrow! The child will still have to behave and roll around! Teacher Zhang Ye, please continue! Don't stop broadcasting!"

"What are you doing on the radio?"

"Teacher Zhang Ye, you are so bad! Leave us a bad story?"

"What's "Flying Youth"? We won't listen! Give us back "Old and Young Storytelling"!"

"Yes, give us back the "Old and Young Storytelling Club"! We just want to listen to this!"

"Let that "Flying Up Youth" die! Fly up your sister! "The Wizard of Oz" got stuck in the middle and didn't finish! And it's flying!"

"If you can fly, just jump off the building and fly!"

"Yes, I really want to jump off the building! I'm not telling it to my children. I'm not married yet. I love this story so much!"

There are even children leaving messages. Nowadays, the younger generation of high-tech is getting more and more serious. I think Zhang Ye only knew how to use computers when he was in high school, but now the children are already familiar with it when they are in elementary school. "Zhang Ye Uncle, don't go, please don't finish, I want to hear the story behind "The Wizard of Oz", this fairy tale is so nice, our school even has an assignment to listen to your story!"

The crowd shouted loudly.

Not to mention others, several older ladies in the office also refused to agree. The three elder sisters gathered around Zhang Ye's desk after discussing it, "Xiao Zhang, you are so unreasonable. It's okay if your program is over." , but you have to write the rest of the story for us, there are still twenty chapters, right? Write it quickly, we are all waiting!"

Zhang Ye smiled bitterly and said, "I'll do my best, ladies."

Sister Zhou said: "You can't do your best, you must write it well, otherwise you will be too impatient!"

Suddenly, I don’t know which parent of the student published a call in the message area of ​​the radio station website, called "Don’t let the story club end, everyone come in to support". The content is: Comrades, parents, the story club is coming to an end, everyone. Maybe you all know that the power of the masses is the greatest. Let’s make our voices heard together, let the radio station see it, and let the "Storytelling Club for Old and Young" continue to be broadcast!

There was a huge response from below!


"Support +1000!"

"Boycott "Flying Youth"!"

"Give the children a piece of their mind!"

"There are not many children's stories left now. The only surviving radio children's program is the "Old and Young Storytelling Club" of Beijing Literature and Art Station. Don't let the program end. Children need this column! Children need Teacher Zhang Ye's stories !Top up!"

There are countless messages and many supporters.

It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and in just one hour, there were almost more than 1,500 messages!

Old media like radio have now been largely replaced by new media. They have lost the elegance of their original glory days and have a small audience. However, the turmoil caused by this incident gave people who saw the radio website an illusion. , as if radio has returned to the period of absolute dominance in the 1980s and 1990s, and Big Brother's status seems to have returned. And because the technology and equipment were not prepared at all, a large number of people poured into the Beijing Radio website to express support and abuse, causing the website to almost be paralyzed for a time!

It's a big deal now!

Zhang Ye and many colleagues did not expect this formation, and they were all shocked!

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