I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 15 [Open the treasure box again! 】


Corner door, in rental room.

Zhang Ye rests today. "Late Night Ghost Story" is a non-stop show for a week, but he has recorded the six-day and two-day program in advance. With the female assistant Xiaofang to toss and broadcast, Zhang Ye can also seldom sleep in at home. , I slept until more than ten o'clock before I stretched out of bed and got up. The first thing I did was to open the game ring and check the results of the five days. The reputation value was 100,000. Except for the first episode, which rose by over 10,000, the second episode increased. In addition to being relatively few, the remaining episodes of the show are all about 220,000 reputation points. Watching the reputation points swishing into his account every day, Zhang Ye is extremely satisfied.

If you have enough points, you can draw a lottery again.

Zhang Ye didn't hesitate to spend 100,000 reputation to click on the lottery option, "This time, I won't ask for a special category, just give me an attribute category or a skill category. I've already drawn the lottery twice, and I haven't seen any other categories. What is it!"

Click to take!

The pointer is flying!

Attribute class...special class...skill class...

The pointer slowed down, and it kept passing in these areas. When it was about to stop in the skill class, it suddenly moved forward a little bit, but it didn't hold!

Just a little bit!

Yes, it is still consumption!

Zhang Ye recognized it. He took out the treasure chest (small) and opened the lid. A small transparent cork bottle appeared in the chest!

[Invisibility Potion]: After drinking it, it will achieve invisibility for 5 minutes.

After reading the introduction to the items in the game ring, Zhang Ye put away the potion bottle and stuffed it into the ring. The inventory was equivalent to a space storage bag. He was obviously not satisfied with the items that came out of the lottery. What was this for? Going to the women's restroom and peeking? Don't make fun of him, Zhang Ye has always been a gentleman, and he didn't even think about doing such filthy things. Besides, the time limit is only five minutes, enough to see what!

There was some noise outside the door.

After Zhang Ye took a shower, he opened the door and went out to see that a bunch of tenants were blocking the corridor.

"Auntie landlord, the house is already expensive enough, why are you still raising the price?" a university student said angrily.

"Yeah, this doesn't let us live, you are exploiting!" a white-collar woman shouted.

Standing in the middle, Rao Aimin had an inhumane expression on her face, squinting her eyes and confronting everyone: "Now the house is so expensive, everyone is raising prices, you think I'm running a charity, don't live if you can't afford it, some are people. Renting a house, hum, you still have the ability to call me? You, Xiao Zhao, when you owed money and was chased by someone to collect the debt, who lent you money to help you advance it? And you, Xiao Xue, your tuition last year Not enough, who paid for you?"

The college student lost his temper immediately, and whispered, "Didn't I pay you back?"

Rao Aimin glared at her beautiful eyes and said, "It's over if you pay it back? I forgot how good I was to you? Ah? All the white-eyed wolves! Get the hell out of here!"

Many people were silent and went back to the room silently.

Other tenants who had not been helped by the landlord's aunt still resisted the price increase, but they were all scolded by Rao Aimin one by one.

Everyone retreated, and Rao Aimin saw Zhang Ye at a glance, "Yo, Xiao Zhang, come here!"

Zhang Ye had no time to hide, so he had no choice but to follow Rao Aimin to her house.

When the door closed, Rao Aimin grabbed a small-circulation cultural newspaper on the coffee table in the living room with her slippers, and opened the page in the middle corner, "I saw it by accident when I was shopping for a newspaper in the morning, okay, you are still there. It's reported." She shook the newspaper and recited strangely: "Recently, Beijing Radio Station's literary frequency "Late Night Ghost Story" broadcast a story called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

It has attracted the attention of listeners within a certain range, and has also created a historical record of listening to late-night programs of this frequency. It has achieved great success, and even faintly broke the monopoly of physical publishing and online serialization on supernatural novels. According to a reporter from this newspaper Understand that this story is actually the original work of the show's DJ Zhang Ye, so the success of the show is also unrepeatable. "

It was also the first time Zhang Ye knew that he had reported it, so he stepped forward and said, "I'll take a look."

"Although the newspaper's circulation is not big and the layout is a bit biased, it's still not bad. You have achieved this result when you first entered the radio station?" Rao Aimin sat down with her legs crossed, and the topic changed quickly, "What's your rent? When to pay? If you can’t pay, then do housework for me to pay off the debt, and it’s time to tidy up the house again!”

Turning your face is faster than turning a book!

Zhang Ye smacked his lips and said, "Aunt Landlord, you see I'm in the newspaper now. I'm a person with status and fans. Can I..."

Rao Aimin didn't let him finish, "What kind of status do you have, you are now a debtor!"

Zhang Ye bargained and said, "I can do the housework for you, but I have to take care of my meals at noon and night." He could hardly afford instant noodles.

Rao Aimin squinted at him, "Are you still making a request?"

Zhang Ye complained bitterly, "I haven't had lunch yet. I can't work until I'm full."

Rao Aimin was obviously reluctant. She walked to the kitchen with her mouth pouted and looked for it. Finally, she threw out a bag of buns in a plastic bag, "That's it! I just bought it this morning!"

Zhang Ye was not polite, he just ate it when he was hungry, and didn't heat it up.

Rao Aimin said contemptuously, "I know how to eat, but I've never eaten in my last life? But let me tell you, eating buns can kill people!"

Zhang Ye ate two in a blink of an eye. Hearing this, he choked up and said, "Can you kill people by eating buns?"

"Why did I lie to you? A resident of our building died last year because of eating buns. Who doesn't know about this!" Rao Aimin recalled.

Someone really died last year. Although Zhang Ye wasn't there at the time, he had heard of it after moving in. He was immediately frightened. Back then, the world had Sudan red, waste oil, melamine, and food. Hygiene is a problem. Zhang Ye has long been shocked. Now that he heard that someone around him had eaten the buns and died, of course, his face was pale. He retched a few times and tried to spit it out, but he was unsuccessful , Zhang Ye felt that he was going to die, and hurriedly asked, "How did that person die? Is it miserable?"

Rao Aimin flicked a bit of dust on her beautiful leg and sighed, "It's so miserable, it's so miserable. He went out to buy steamed buns that day, and a big truck hit him to death on the road!"

"Killed to death?" Zhang Ye almost fainted. "Then what does this have to do with eating buns?"

"I didn't say it's related." Rao Aimin was amused, obviously trying to tease Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye: "..."

Rao Aimin was in a good mood. She smiled and patted the back of Zhang Ye's head, "It's alright, kid, hurry up and put it back in the house after eating, and put the bath water on for me too. Mother, take a bath."

Smile like a flower, a variety of styles!

What a young woman with a feminine look all over her body!

Although Rao Aimin often made fun of Zhang Ye, he was bad-tempered, old, moody, cold-hearted, loved money like his life, and had a poisonous mouth, but he couldn't restrain Zhang Ye's instinctive affection for Big Sister Rao.

Because she is so beautiful!

Zhang Ye dreams of marrying such a beautiful woman as his wife!

Alas, but it's useless to think about it, what about a beautiful wife? After watching it for a long time and getting used to it, it all looks the same, and there is no such thing as good or bad. how? Do not believe? Let's take an example, who doesn't see his wife as beautiful and loving before getting married? But look at it again after seven years of marriage. If you can look at your wife for more than one minute every day, it is considered that your conscience has found your feelings! Well, of course, if you are really indignant and shouting "Fuck, even in fifty or five hundred years, I still think that my wife is the best in the world", well, then you don't need to ask - you My wife must be reading a book with you next to me!

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