I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 63 Unexpected Discovery

The GOC camp was attacked, all personnel disappeared, and equipment disappeared.

After Zhang Jue's preliminary "interrogation" of the fake Hunter, it was confirmed that the incident was done by the Serpent's Hand.

Unlike the GOC, the Serpent's Hand is better at using anomalous items to participate in combat. It is not unimaginable that the entire GOC camp was wiped out without any precautions.

As for where those GOC people are now, whether they are alive or dead, we still have to wait for further interrogation of this captive by a professional team.

But Zhang Jue couldn't wait any longer. He had more important things to do now - to find the dragon's lair.

Apparently, the reason why the Serpent's Hand man risked his stay here was to prevent the GOC support team or the SCP Foundation from continuing to investigate the dragon.

Do what the enemy doesn't want you to do, it's very simple - he's not going for the so-called dragon's treasure, really.

In fact, Zhang Jue had already noticed that the behavior of the giant dragon was a little strange.

When Zhang Jue saw it for the first time, it obviously wanted to attack the plane, but in the end it gave up.

Last night, it swooped down on Zhang Jue and the others, and changed its mind at the last moment, even taking the ground with its head.

Just looking at this inconsistent performance, this dragon seems to be suffering from Runge schizophrenia, just like scp-106 (scary old man).

The Serpent's Hand attached so much importance to this giant dragon, which made him feel that things were not so simple, and there must be some secret hidden in this giant dragon.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jue wanted to complain about the GOC again.

They were the first to discover this giant dragon. After fighting with it for so long, they didn't find any valuable clues. Instead, they were snatched by the Serpent's Hand. They must have been thinking about how to kill it, really. It's a sand sculpture.

But it's useless to say too much, the GOC has already paid the price for this, what we need to do now is to quickly find the dragon and see what's wrong with it.

Zhang Jue had a premonition that if he went late, he would lose everything.

Without further ado, Zhang Jue arranged Hayle and his assistants in the GOC camp, waiting to meet up with Harvey behind him, while he continued to move forward.

"How about, Consultant Zhang, I'll go with you." Hayer hesitated, "In this deep mountain, it's too dangerous to move alone."

"No." Zhang Jue waved his hand, pointing to the decadent Davis and the fake Hunter who was tied up, "None of these two is fuel-efficient. suppress them, if you leave with me, believe it or not, when you come back, your assistant won't even have a bone left."

Hayle looked at Zhang Jue, then at his assistant, and sighed: "But Consultant Zhang, if something happens to you, I'm afraid I will be the one who will be bitten."

"Bah bah bah, what nonsense are you talking about?" Zhang Jue kicked him on the buttocks, "I am a man of great wisdom and bravery. Is that someone who will cause accidents? You should worry about yourselves. That's fine, Stop talking nonsense, I'm leaving, you two be careful."

Zhang Jue carried the hiking bag on his back and continued to march deep into the mountains, without giving Hayer a chance to refuse.

He didn't notice at all that just now, in order to reassure Hayil, he did the last thing that should not be done—stand up.

This is really a fatal behavior.

In short, under various circumstances of chance and coincidence, student Zhang Jue embarked on the road to find the dragon's lair alone.

In order to facilitate the observation of the dragon, the GOC's camp is actually not far from its lair, and the straight-line distance is only a few kilometers - because any closer, it will be attacked.

But these few kilometers of mountain roads are actually quite far and dangerous for a person.

Anyone who has experience in field adventures knows that traveling alone or traveling with two people,

It's a world of difference.

Zhang Jue decided to take the risk, not to die on purpose, the reason is the same as he promised Hayer to see Shirley - in the dark, he always had a bad premonition that if he didn't go, there would be something wrong. More vicious things happen.

Fortunately, he has all kinds of abilities at his side now. Even if something unexpected happens, he can still protect himself. That's why he doesn't let Hayle go with him.

The GOC has already grasped the general direction of the dragon's lair, but it has not been approached because it is too dangerous.

Zhang Jue asked for a map and a compass, and walked forward step by step with difficulty.

And in his mind, he kept recalling all the information about the dragon provided by the GOC.

Influenced by his father, Zhang Jue has done special memory training since he was a child, and has mastered a memory method similar to the "book shelf".

Things that are not used will be put aside, and if he needs to get them, he only needs to open the corresponding "book" to recall the corresponding things.

Therefore, as long as he has read the SCP documents, he will be more or less impressed.

He felt so familiar with the dragon that he was sure he must have seen a description of it somewhere, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find an SCP object whose characteristics matched it.

The more advanced weapons are used to attack, the stronger it will become, the enhanced version of 682?

No, it's not, like Abel, one is enough for 682.

So what is it?

With this question in mind, Zhang Jue trekked forward.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky gradually became dark, and in the distance, black clouds loomed over.

Zhang Jue didn't know how to observe the weather on the snow-capped mountains, but he also knew that this was by no means a good thing.

He must find the dragon's lair quickly.

Otherwise, this place will become his resting crypt.

Half an hour later, the wind began to howl.

Zhang Jue struggled to open the map, pointed at his compass, and found that the distance to the marked position was only a few hundred meters away.

But when he looked around, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the so-called dragon's lair could not be seen at all.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, mixed with snow particles, hitting his face painfully.

Zhang Jue could barely open his eyes. He put on his goggles and looked around.

The blizzard is coming soon, and he must find a place to hide immediately.

Under the majesty of nature, even that giant dragon can only hide in the cave honestly, let alone him.

The snowstorm quickly became bigger.

Zhang Jue found a large rock with a gap in it, which seemed to be just enough for a person to hide in.

He turned his backpack to his chest and leaned against the rock, but the gap in the rock looked smaller than he thought, and he couldn't quite get in.

Zhang Jue took out the climbing pick and planed a few times vigorously.

He found that the rock was not as solid as it seemed.

Soon he was gouging a man-sized hole out.


Following his last few heavy blows, the rock shattered layer by layer, revealing a hole underneath.


Accidental discovery?

Is that all right?

Zhang Jue kept complaining in his heart. He took out his flashlight and took a picture down to see how deep it was.

The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, and he was hesitating whether to jump in, when suddenly a whirlwind hit him and slapped him heavily on the rock.

Zhang Jue was hit hard on the head by the protruding rock. He felt dizzy, his feet fluttered, and then he fell headlong into the entrance of the cave...

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