I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 2 Betting

Three days later, Zhang Jue was taken to a testing ground.

In the test site, a huge lizard several stories high raised its head to the sky and let out an angry roar—it was SCP-682.

Its whole body was bound by countless iron chains, and it constantly exuded a dark atmosphere, as if it had just crawled out of hell.

Item #: SCP-682

Object Class: Keter

Description: SCP-682 is a large reptilian creature of unknown origin.

It displays extremely high levels of intelligence, and during its limited contact time with SCP-079 (an artificially intelligent computer), very complex communication between them has been observed.

SCP-682 displays an aversion to all life, as evidenced by several interactions with it during containment.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Currently, SCP teams are unable to destroy SCP-682, other than to inflict substantial physical damage on it.

SCP-682 is to be contained in a 5mx5mx5m container, which is to be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is completely submerged and unable to resist.

If SCP-682 attempts to move, speak, or breach containment procedures, it must react quickly and with all its strength, as appropriate.

To avoid provoking SCP-682, employees are prohibited from speaking with it, and any unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-682 are to be forcibly removed.


"I remember you said that you came here because of SCP-682." Dr. Li said, "In that case, let's start with it——Zhang Jue, the Foundation has always wanted to kill SCP-682, but it has always If it didn't work, I don't know what you can do."

Ever since he said Dr. Li was gay that day, he hasn't given Zhang Jue a good look, probably because he is holding a grudge.

SCP-682 is known as an undead lizard. The SCP Foundation adopted many methods, including missile bombing, poisoning, laser cutting, and even taking it to a different space, but failed to kill it. It is truly immortal.

Looking at the angry SCP-682 in the test site, Zhang Jue spread his hands: "Dr. Li, whether you admit it or not, 682 cannot be killed—your uncle will always be your uncle."

"Oh? Really, this is the answer you gave?" Dr. Li sneered, "Stupid outsider, I thought you would have some new ideas, but I didn't expect that, to tell you the truth, I thought of it A good way to deal with it, would you like to see it?"

Dr. Li took out a box of special texture from his arms, opened it carefully, and inside was a crystal-like thing, he proudly said: "Do you know what this is?"

Zhang Jue took a look and recognized what was in the box, it should be a fragment of SCP-409.

Item #: SCP-409

Object Class: Keter

Description: SCP-409 appears to be a large quartz crystal, approximately 1.5 meters high and 0.6 meters wide.

Any object that comes into contact with SCP-409 will crystallize within the next three hours, an effect that occurs in any material except granite.

The crystallization effect will spread at a speed of 2.5 centimeters per minute, and both the interior and the surface will be crystallized.

When crystallization is complete, the object cracks and creaks for the next 20 minutes, before suddenly shattering into countless fragments.

Special Containment Procedures: Under no circumstances are to have physical contact with SCP-409.

Anything that has come into physical contact with SCP-409 is to be quarantined immediately, including transfer materials.

SCP-409 must be kept in the granite box at all times, and any transfer of SCP-409 must be done in the granite container,

All remnants of SCP-409 and the means used to transfer the remnants must be sealed in granite containers.


Seeing this, Zhang Jue knew what Dr. Li was going to do.

It seemed that the world was moving slower than the SCP Foundation he knew, and many experiments hadn't been done yet, which was a great advantage to him.

Zhang Jue smiled and said, "You want to use SCP-409 to kill 682? I advise you not to do that."

"What? You don't believe it?" Dr. Li asked.

Zhang Jue shrugged: "Dr. Li, you can die yourself, don't drag me, I still have a lot of time in my life that I haven't enjoyed."

Dr. Li was so angry that he gritted his teeth: "Zhang Jue, don't make sarcastic remarks here. After a few days, deputy station chief Huang will know that you are a waste. Everything you know is hearsay. Then, let's see how I clean it up." you!"

So it turned out that Dr. Li wanted to use the experiment of killing 682 to prove that he is a useless person.

Zhang Jue was too lazy to argue with him, and shouted: "What, is there anyone, I want to pee—"

"do not make noise!"

A stern female voice sounded from behind them.

When Zhang Jue turned his head, a young woman in her twenties came towards them. She was holding a notebook in her hand and seemed to be taking notes on experiments.

Seeing the person coming, Dr. Li's distorted face instantly changed into a flattering smile: "Dr. Yang Xue, are you here?"

Zhang Jue glanced at her, it was not easy for this girl to become a doctor of the SCP Foundation at such a young age.

The woman called Doctor frowned slightly, and said to Dr. Li, "Why are you here?"

Dr. Li laughed: "Isn't this 682's execution experiment approved? As for him, the deputy station master said that he should be brought along for the experiment these few days, just for a visit."

Yang Xue remembered what happened a few days ago, and looked at Zhang Jue: "Is he the one from the parallel time and space?"

"Exactly." Dr. Li nodded, "We're going to execute 682, take him to see, he actually said that 682 can't be killed, it's so rare——Dr. Yang Xue, you have to talk to Station Master Yang. "

It turned out that this chick was the station master's niece. No wonder Dr. Li was like a pug.

Zhang Jue sneered: "682 can't be killed, anything that doesn't kill it can only make it stronger——Dr. Don’t blame me for what happened to him because of his will—if it’s convenient, please find me a safe room, preferably where I can see the video of your execution, and prepare a popcorn for me.”

"Popcorn?" Yang Xue frowned, "What do you want popcorn for?"

Zhang Jue spread his hands: "After you fail, 682 will definitely go berserk. MTF (Mobile Task Force) fights the undead lizard. Doesn't it sound like a good science fiction movie?"

Dr. Yang rested her forehead with her hand, and for a while, she couldn't keep up with Zhang Jue's jumping thinking.

Dr. Li was trembling with anger, pointing at Zhang Jue, speechless.

"Dr. Li, it hurts the liver." Zhang Jue shook his head, "Look at you, you will have advanced liver cancer sooner or later. How about this? Let's make a bet."

Dr. Li wished he could tear Zhang Jue into pieces right now, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! What are you betting on?!"

Zhang Jue pointed to the box in his hand: "If you can kill 682 with SCP-409, I will swallow this thing."

"If the experiment fails, I don't want you to swallow dung and kill yourself to thank the world." Zhang Jue smiled, "—kneeling on the ground and calling a hundred times 'Grandpa, I was wrong', it is not too much."

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