I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 18 If you catch me, I'll let you hehehe!

Item #: SCP-049 (Plague Doctor)

Object Class: Euclid


SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, 1.9 meters tall, resembling a medieval doctor with a beak.

SCP-049 wears a black robe and a bird's beak mask. In fact, the mask and costume are part of SCP-049's body.

SCP-049 is capable of speaking multiple languages, but tends to speak English or medieval French.

Normally, SCP-049 is friendly and willing to cooperate with Foundation personnel, but if it senses the presence of "plague", it will become irritable and even aggressive.

SCP-049 is capable of inactivating all physiological functions of an organism through direct skin-to-skin contact. The reason why this occurs is unknown, and autopsies of SCP-049 victims have been inconclusive.

SCP-049 typically performs crude surgery on cadavers, which often results in the manifestation of SCP-049-2, though not always "successfully".

Instances of SCP-049-2 are cadavers resurrected through SCP-049's surgery.

These entities do not appear to retain their original memory or mental functions, possessing only rudimentary motor abilities and response mechanisms, but may also become extremely aggressive if provoked or directed by SCP-049.

SCP-049 always refers to these entities as being "cured".

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-049 is to be contained in a standard secure humanoid containment unit, and any attempt to transport SCP-049 must be sedated and monitored by at least two armed guards.

While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, its emotional outbursts or sudden changes in behavior must be dealt with with increased force.

Under no circumstances are any personnel to come into direct contact with SCP-049 during an outbreak.

If SCP-049 appears aggressive, the sedative effect of lavender can be used to control it.

Once sedated, SCP-049 will generally become docile, and will return to containment with little resistance.


"I said, how come your site accommodates all star players."

Seeing the iconic beak mask, Zhang Jue recognized SCP-049 at a glance.

In his world, although Epidemic Doctor is not as popular as Uncle 682, he still has a lot of fans.

The epidemic doctor in a berserk state is not easy to deal with. If he touches him, he will die. Although he can be immune to his ability, Yang Xue can't.

So Zhang Jue immediately changed direction and escaped from the fork between the two, but in this way, he was far away from the direction of the elevator.

"The plague must be expelled!"

The epidemic doctor waved his hand, and the dead security team members behind him - they should be called SCP-049-2 now, raised their hands like zombies, and chased after Zhang Jue in a crooked manner.

"049 is usually docile, how could he become like this today?"

Yang Xue leaned on Zhang Jue's shoulder, puzzled.

Chased alternately by those zombies and 939, Zhang Jue had been running for nearly 10 minutes, but still didn't feel tired at all, so he didn't put Yang Xue down.

"Perhaps, we can learn the truth of the matter through him." Zhang Jue said while running.

Yang Xue asked: "What should I do?"

"Is there any lavender around here?"

"Lavender? What do you want that for?"

"Of course it's for 049 to regain his composure. Could it be used to eat?"

"Using lavender can make 049 calm down?"

"Forget it, when I didn't say--is there any?"

Yang Xue knows,

This was again caused by the incomplete information of the SCP Foundation. Every time she encountered such a situation, she was very glad that Zhang Jue was able to join the Foundation.

With him around, everything seems to be much easier.

"I have a bottle of perfume in my pocket, it's lavender, is this okay?" Yang Xue asked.

"Okay, of course - it turns out that Dr. Yang likes this tune."

With Zhang Jue's expression [DATA EXPUNGED], Yang Xue frowned and said, "What tone?"

"Dr. Yang, you heard it wrong." Zhang Jue said, "I mean the sun is so round tonight—"


SCP-049 walks the dark corridors, looking for everything he thinks is plague, and curing them.

In the period just now, he has successfully "cured" thirty-two patients, thanks to the help of that gentleman.

The two people just now had a lot of "plague" on their bodies, especially the man, whose aura was very special. 049 had never seen such a strange disease.

He has to find them, heal them, or the world will be in crisis.

He was thinking like this, and then, he heard a strange cry.

"Hey! You bird man, come and chase me - if you chase me, if you catch me, I will let you hehehe!"

The plague-stricken man appeared in front of him, dancing, saying something that 049 didn't understand, and finally slapped his butt.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the patient can be cured, 049 never cares what others say.

He immediately stepped forward to give chase.

Go to the fork in the road.

There was a strange cry.


A beautiful roundhouse kick, but for him, the speed is a bit slow.

049 calmly stretched out his right hand, grabbed the opponent's ankle, and then activated his own ability.

In his cognition, as long as he activates his ability, any infected person can be "sedated", and then he can treat it.

Sure enough, the man lay on the ground almost instantly.

049 squatted on the ground, took out the tools from the dimension pocket, and was ready to start the dissection.

However, a scene that surprised him happened, that person didn't seem to be affected by him, and he was still able to move!

Holding a small bottle in his hand, he spilled the liquid on his face and shouted: "Superise!"

SCP049 only felt dizzy for a while, the world was spinning, and his body seemed to be hollowed out.

A few minutes later, 049 woke up from a coma, and there were two people in front of him, a man and a woman.

The woman said: "Hello 049, I'm doctor Yang, do you remember me?"

049 rubbed his eyes and said, "I remember you, we once discussed the issue of the plague."

"It's good that you're back to normal." Doctor Yang said, "Then can you tell me, what happened here? Why did you become like that?"

049 tried to recall: "At that time, I was sorting out my experiment report, a gentleman in a gray trench coat suddenly appeared in my room, yes, he was polite, like a gentleman, and then he told me that the plague outside Raging, need me to 'cure'..."

Doctor Yang said to the man next to him: "You are right, this time it is not a simple containment breach."

049 doesn't know that man, he should not be an employee of the foundation, or he just joined the foundation.

But it can be seen that the doctor trusts him very much.

I saw the man holding his chin with his thumb and index finger, thought for a while, and said, "At present, it is basically certain that there is an enemy invasion, but the most important thing is, what is the enemy's purpose? He released all the abnormalities in the site. , what exactly do you want to do?"

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