"Hahahahaha!" The classroom immediately burst into laughter.

"Fuck you, how could I like this skinny little matchstick, and if I like you, I won't like your brother!" Ying Jiao Jiao Jiao glared at the back.

"I said, why are you talking about permission all the time, haven't you been bullied enough?" Another girl in the class with glasses looked up from the book, "The transfer student has been sitting there for so long. , why don't you react at all?"

"Shh, if you are too proactive, what will you do if you are considered frivolous?" Ying Jiaojiao glanced at Su Qingxing a little embarrassedly, "I plan to establish a good image in front of classmate Su."

The other girls around also nodded secretly. They were not indifferent to the good-looking appearance of the transfer student, but they were afraid that they would crowd around excitedly at the beginning and end up being the pào ashes of others.

"What about you guys? Why don't you have a welcome ceremony or something?"

"Transfer students or something, it's not exciting at all!" The slightly narcissistic boy just said with emotion, "Since we have experienced social practice, it is difficult to find things that interest us more. We I don't even want to bully Xiaoke anymore."

The other boys also sighed deeply.

Perhaps it was because he heard his name being mentioned again and again, and he pushed the chair back with a "pop", and then stood up directly from his seat, bowed his head, his body and voice trembled and said: "I, I'm not feeling well, I'll go to the health room!"

"Classmate Xu, please wait a moment." Su Qingxing immediately stood up from his seat, "I'm also a little uncomfortable. Can I go to the health room with you? I just came here, and I don't know the way yet."

"Huh? Of course!" When Xu Xu turned around, his face was still as pale and weak as Su Qingxing saw, as if he had just fallen seriously ill. However, when Xu Xu heard what Su Qingxing said, he nodded immediately.

So, Su Qingxing and Xu Xu walked out of the classroom as everyone watched and walked along the corridor.

As soon as he walked into the corridor, it was as if he was finally able to breathe again, leaning on the window sill next to him and taking deep breaths, the whole person had a feeling of being freed from hell.

"Permit." Naturally, Su Qingxing didn't feel uncomfortable in any way, but just wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with the strange young man in front of him, "Why did you keep talking to me just now with your mouth shape and tell me to 'run away' Woolen cloth?"

Permit didn't look back, but still leaned on the window sill and said something very strange—

"Except for me, our whole class is a ghost."

The whole class?

Su Qingxing frowned and continued to ask, "What's going on?"

"A few days ago for the college entrance examination, we had a group holiday for a few days. Teacher Xie suggested that everyone go out to play together before the holiday, as it was the last social practice in high school." Still a little scared.

"I didn't go there for some reason and stayed at home for a day. But..." There was panic in the eyes of the license, "something terrible happened to the tourist bus... It is said that there was a loud explosion at that time, and then the whole The bus was on fire."

"But aren't everyone fine?" Su Qingxing pointed to the classroom next to him, "It seems that no one is absent."

"Because there was a miracle at that time." There was no joy in Xu Xu's eyes, only fear, "All the people in the car, including the 33 students in Class 2 and 4, Teacher Xie and the bus driver were not in the car, but all Collapsed on the grass several meters away from the accident site, all survived."

"Maybe it's a lucky coincidence." Although Su Qingxing said that, he had already heard what he wanted to know from the permission.

"No, it's not a coincidence." License shivered, "Just before the accident, my sister promised to video chat with me, and I saw it! I saw everyone on the bus! I even heard screaming voice! But no one believed me, no one believed me..."

"I still think it's a very lucky coincidence." Su Qingxing finally patted the license on the shoulder, "Let's go to the infirmary first."

Su Qingxing actually believed what Xu Xu said. Although what he said was too unbelievable, it was exactly the same as the situation after the dead soul was forced to die. Just because he didn't want ordinary people to be too involved in this matter, Su Qingxing did not show his trust in permission.

Thirty-three classmates in Class Two and Four of Guizhu Senior High School, including the head teacher Xie Meng, all died in the unfortunate car accident.

But in the end, they were brought back to life without their knowledge, forced to return to this world, and continue to work and study as usual with the halo of luck.

Unfortunately, this state is only temporary.

Su Qingxing believed that in the near future, all the dead souls who came back to life will bào reveal their original appearance. This state is slow and painful enough to plunge those dead souls who thought they had escaped into hell-like despair.

"Didn't you smell it?" Permit seemed to be full of desire to talk, but he never found the person who believed in him, "That burnt smell is in Teacher Xie's office, in my sister's room. Yes, there are also classrooms in the second and fourth classes of high school!"

"My sister, my classmates, and my teacher are all dead! Although I don't know what happened, they must all be dead, why are they still going to school like nothing happened?

and go home? ! Permit seemed to be unable to accept this. He squatted on the ground without control, hugging his head and sobbing in a painful low voice, "I want to get out of here!" "

"Permit, what's the matter with you?" The head teacher, Xie Meng, happened to come over, and then saw Xu Xing and Su Qingxing standing in the corridor, "Isn't the get out of class over yet?"

"I'm sorry, teacher." Su Qingxing apologized beside him, "because I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so I asked Xue Xue to take me to the infirmary. But halfway through, Xue Xue suddenly had a stomachache, so we stopped for a rest."

"It turns out that it is." Teacher Xie nodded, "Then, Su Qingxing, you should help him to the health room, which is the first room around the corner."

"Okay." Su Qingxing obediently helped the squatting license up and led him towards the health room.

"No one believes me." Xu Xu lowered his voice, "Su Qingxing, this class is really abnormal!"

"Leave the truth of the matter aside, the students in Class 4 don't look like ghosts." Su Qingxing said as he walked, "What I've read before said in the book that ghosts are the same as monsters, if they think they are People, they will retain their humanity and will not harm people like other ghosts and monsters."

"Even if what you say is true, the students in Class 4 don't seem to know that they are ghosts, and they will not harm others like ghosts."

Su Qingxing's voice was very gentle, and even had the power to calm people down, making the originally excited license gradually calm down and quiet down, and along the way, he arrived at the health room with Su Qingxing in silence.

There was no doctor in the health room, but Xu Xu was familiar with finding two disposable cups. After pouring a glass of water for both himself and Su Qingxing, the two sat on the sofa in the infirmary to rest.

"Do you often come to the health room?" Su Qingxing was a little curious about this.

"Well, my classmates sometimes play pranks, and then I will hide here." Xu took a sip of hot water, and his face looked better than before.


"It's nothing." Xu Xie shook his head immediately, "It's just a joke among classmates."

"That's right." Xu Xu turned his head and smiled at Su Qingxing, "Thank you for not treating me as a lunatic just now. There are many things that can easily break out if you hold on for too long. I mentioned this to my parents before, but they They all thought I was crazy, crying and begging me not to talk nonsense everywhere."

"Promise is your sister?" Su Qingxing remembered that Xu had mentioned about his sister. When he was in the classroom before, someone asked the tall boy sitting in the last row to take care of his younger brother.

"Yeah." Licensing nodded, "We're twins, but we're not alike at all. Promise is as tall as Dad, but I'm as tall as Mom, much shorter than her since I was a child."

The two had been resting in the health room until the end of get out of class. When the class bell rang again, Su Qingxing and Xu Xu returned to the classroom that made the teenager feel a little suffocated.

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