"Jackal, you idiot, you exposed us."

Chen Chen said in a low voice.

"It wasn't me, it was the person who responded called the 756th Brigade - so what can we do? We have to confirm the situation!"

"You need to retreat immediately, the Lion Corps has already begun to take action!"

"It's too fucking late."

Chen Chen sighed.

He knew that Jackal couldn't be blamed for what happened, but the problem was that he couldn't help but scold him.

In the distance, the Lion Corps sentries who had let them off easily were already in action, and several cars with their headlights on were speeding in their direction.

Then, there was also action in Nayong Village.

Just as Chen Chen expected, more than 20 armed men poured out and dispersed quickly. What made Chen Chen most uneasy was that the opponent's goal was extremely clear.

After all, this place is no longer in a jungle. If the other party has thermal imaging equipment, just scan it around and your position will be exposed.

"No. 4, how to fight?"

Bao Qi asked.

Everyone was extremely nervous. They fully understood how bad the situation was. But what surprised Chen Chen was that what they were thinking about was not "how to run", but "how to fight".

This made Chen Chen feel relieved.

As long as you still want to fight, you have to fight!

After quickly observing the enemy's situation, Chen Chen said:

"It's too late to get back into the jungle. We only have five minutes at most."

"We are really surrounded this time, let's go head-to-head."

"Go to the left to seize the commanding heights! No. 3, give me the M82! You use the SVD to reload for me!"

"No. 1 No. 2, hold back the enemies in the direction of Nayong Village on the east side. I want to deal with the enemies at Wantongyin Pass first!"

"No. 5, keep an eye on the goods. She won't die even if you die. Do you understand?"


Everyone answered together, even Lin He, who was trembling all over, without any hesitation in his voice.

Yes, he was scared.

After all, he is just a teenager.

But his hand firmly grasped Jiya's shoulder. Chen Chen believed that if it came to the most extreme situation, he would take the bullet for Jiya.

In two minutes, all members of the Dongfeng Corps reached the commanding heights on the right side of the orchard.

In such an open landscape, with thermal imaging cameras on both sides, concealment no longer makes any sense.

Whoever is faster will live.

Whoever is fierce will win!

Chen Chen suddenly lay down, loaded the M82A1, took aim in one second, and fired instantly.

White smoke came out of the engine of a jeep about 600 meters away, and then, through the PSO-1 scope, a 7.62X54MM bullet penetrated the glass of the cab with less accuracy.

No one was hurt, but he didn't stop either.

When Chen Chen turned his gun and shot the driver of another pickup truck into powder, Shi Dakai's soaring adrenaline finally gave him extraordinary performance. SVD's 6 bullets sent the Jeep away. Two enemies on top.

The remaining members immediately began to hide. Chen Chen didn't care about them, but immediately destroyed the third pickup truck.


It's not difficult.

A lot of people don't know that the M82A1, the so-called Barrett cannon, is semi-automatic.

After 10 rounds of ammunition were fired, the vehicle was all smoking.

"Reload! Cover!"

Chen Chen shouted loudly, and Shi Dakai on the side immediately took the HK416 that Chen Chen had put aside and began to use the conch's magnifying glass to continuously suppress it.


Chen Chen lost the past two magazines. Under the current circumstances, it is indeed the best choice to let Shi Dakai use HK416 to assume the responsibility of the observer.

After a quick reload, the suppression continued.

=And it was during the gap between reloading that a bullet screamed and grazed Shi Dakai's left shoulder.

"Sniper! 4 o'clock!"

Chen Chen immediately turned his gun, and with Shi Dakai's suppression, he found the sniper's position.

Behind the engine of a pickup truck is the most typical location for a bunker.


However, all bunkers have limits.

A .50 BMG bullet directly shattered the entire engine compartment of the pickup truck. The bullet that continued forward was accompanied by fragments of the engine and hood, and exploded into the sniper's body like a fragmentation grenade.

"There's another one at 10 o'clock - oh my god!"

Shi Dakai suddenly stood up. This action stunned Chen Chen for a moment.

But soon, he knew what the other party was doing.

A bullet banged into the bulletproof insert on his chest. Shi Dakai immediately fell to the ground, and the position where he was shot was originally above the shoulder.

He did learn the unique skill of catching bullets by himself.

"No. 4, deal with him quickly!"

Shi Dakai shouted with difficulty. He struggled to climb back into the shooting position, put on the magazine and continued shooting.

Without him saying anything, Chen Chen's gun was already pointed at the sniper.

The two sides fired almost at the same time, and Chen Chen did not dodge. The other's bullet narrowly missed his helmet, while his own bullet cut the other's waist into two pieces.

Damn accurate! !

He was in a better position than Shi Dakai, and his exposure range was basically only one head, but the opponent was still able to hit him.

Fortunately, Shi Dakai reacted quickly, otherwise, he would have collapsed by now!

The two most threatening targets were eliminated, and Shi Dakai switched back to SVD.

With the support of two sniper rifles, the enemies from Wantongyin Pass were completely suppressed, but for a while, the Dongfeng Corps was unable to deal with everyone.

They all found bunkers and hid, waiting for support from the team members from Nayong Village.

"No. 3, support No. 1 and No. 2!"

Chen Chen ordered again.

At this time, gunshots from Bao Qi and the Li Gang had begun to sound intensively.

Without sniper rifles and relying on light machine guns, they could not suppress enemies that numbered more than 20 and were advancing in a scattered manner. The opponents got out of the car and dispersed within a range of 600 meters, and they had not even caused a single kill.

It won't be long before the two sides will enter the battle area with the greatest casualties and the fastest speed.

Once the opponent completes the encirclement, it is impossible for the gods to survive.

"Mortar! Behind the low wall of the farmhouse at two o'clock!"

Bao Qi shouted loudly.

Shi Dakai quickly adjusted the muzzle of his gun, but of course he was too late.

There was a flash of white smoke, and the shell took off.


But fortunately, this is just the first calibration.

SVD gunfire sounded continuously, and the first gunner was knocked down.

Nearly 30 seconds later, the artillery shell landed in the orchard on the east side behind the commanding heights. Branches and leaves flew everywhere, and a shallow crater was blasted out of the ground.

There are guns, cannons, night vision devices, and thermal imaging, and the number of people is ten times our own.

How to fight this?

And at this moment, an RPG flew from the direction of Nayong Village, almost grazing Chen Chen's scalp and flying towards the Wantongyin Mountain Pass.

Jiya was almost desperate.

She didn't know what chance she had of surviving while being surrounded like this.


But at this moment, she heard the man say:

"Everyone marches westward and kills the enemies in the direction of Wan Tongyin first!"

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